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Casper's Scare School: Difference between revisions

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** [[The Chick]] (Team Fleshie): Jimmy
* [[A Fool and His New Money Are Soon Parted]]: Ra in "Rich Kid Ra", however he was already rich to begin with until an archaeologist raided his family's tomb.
* [[PowerFreudian Trio]]:
** Casper (Superego)
** Mantha (Ego)
** Ra (Id)
* [[Hair of Gold]]: Jimmy and skater Norman's sister Bethica
* [[Humanity Ensues]]: In one episode, Wolfie was turned into a "fleshie", or human.
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* [[One Steve Limit]]: In a possibly accidental aversion, Jimmy has had two completely different bullies in different episodes, both named Norman.
* [[Only Six Faces]]: A lot of humans look basically the same, based on the same generic model. The monsters are mostly a [[Cast of Snowflakes]].
* [[Our Monsters Are Different]]: Many of the creatures that would normally be former fleshies were never fleshies. Mantha was always a zombie, Ra was always a mummy, ''etc''. The only characters that were confirmed to be formerly human were Fly Boy and his father.
** However, in the episode "Scare Day", after Mantha wins a scaring competition, she mentions this is the best day of her ''afterlife''. This suggests she too was once a human, died, and then became a zombie.
* [[Our Vampires Are Different]]: Thatch isn't harmed by sunlight and doesn't have to drink blood to survive.
* [[Our Werewolves Are Different]]: Wolfie is perpetually a werewolf. When there's a full moon he turns into a bigger werewolf and loses all control.
* [[Our Monsters Are Different]]: Many of the creatures that would normally be former fleshies were never fleshies. Mantha was always a zombie, Ra was always a mummy, ''etc''. The only characters that were confirmed to be formerly human were Fly Boy and his father.
** However, in the episode "Scare Day", after Mantha wins a scaring competition, she mentions this is the best day of her ''afterlife''. This suggests she too was once a human, died, and then became a zombie.
* [[Our Zombies Are Different]]: Mantha is smart and agile. The walking slowly while chanting "Braaains..." routine is just a scare tactic zombies use. And though she does eat brains, it's not all she eats.
* [[Power Trio]]:
** Casper (Superego)
** Mantha (Ego)
** Ra (Id)
* [[Secret Keeper]]: Jimmy
* [[She's Not My Girlfriend]]: In "Possessed", one of the Normans called Mantha Casper's girlfriend.
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