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Lysistrata: Difference between revisions

(tropenamer, tropelist)
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* [[Greek Chorus]]: Composed primarily of the aforementioned Dirty Old People.
** In the Germaine Greer adaptation, the Cleaning Women and the Senators are essentially this.
* [[High School AU]]: The Broadway musical comedy ''Lysistrata Jones'' which places the action at "Athens High School" and the conflict surrounding a basketball team.
* [[Lysistrata Gambit]]: [[Trope Namer]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Lysistrata (Λυσιστράτη) means "army-disbander".
* [[Mood Whiplash]]: Take into consideration why this was considered a comedy in Aristophanes' time: Women weren't considered citizens, coming in after poor citizens and before slaves. Hellenic comedies were meant to display ideas that were ridiculous, and this play's was the idea of a a group of women could take over Greece's government. Women were also basically the property of men--first their fathers, then their husbands.
** Uber-feminist Germaine Greer's adaptation creates even more mood whiplash by contrasting the silly, child-like Society Women (the group to which Lysistrata belongs) with the poor, working-class Cleaning Women. In particular, the character of Katina has had her husband, father-in-law, and brother (all the men in her life that she relies on and who would normally support her) all taken off to fight in the war, and are probably dead (it's implied that the wealthy men who are serving don't see any fighting--only the working-class men). Then, her mother-in-law dies, leaving Katina by herself on the farm. Unable to run the farm on her own, Katina escapes with a group fleeing the fighting, and along the way, prematurely gives birth, and the baby dies. This is all before the play. During the play, she's nearly raped (with implications that she may have been raped before, prior to leaving the farm). Looking at things realistically, Katina's only option, having no men to support her, is probably to become a prostitute.
* [[Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?]]: Perhaps the [[Ur Example]], as said by the Magistrate: "But look, you are hiding a lance under your clothes, surely."
* [[Raging Stiffie]]: All the guys end up with these.
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[[Category:Theatrical Productions]]
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