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** Yeah, but it's kinda obvious that you also need basic survival skills along with the monster bodyguards. The main characters would have starved to death ages ago if not for Brock.
** Parodied in [[Manly Guys Doing Manly Things]] Jared Kowalski's parents were shocked and upset that he wouldn't take off to [[Walk the Earth]] with his pet pokémon.
* ''[[Super GalsGALS!]]!'': Sayo, about 11, is allowed to trail her big sister around the streets of Shibuya.
* ''[[Digimon Adventure]]'': The Chosen are 8 to 12-year-old kids who run around Tokyo with no supervision (their Digimon aside), unquestioned, as would be the case with many high-schoolers.
** This was likely part of the reason the ten year olds in ''[[Digimon Tamers|Tamers]]'' got an age up in the dub.
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* Nine-year-old Pearl is incredibly sheltered in ''[[Ace Attorney]]'' and barely knows anything about the outside world, probably because of her mother. However, after {{spoiler|Morgan's arrest}} it can be assumed that the other women in the village are taking care of her. So why do these women let Pearl ''walk'' to Los Angeles by herself (a two hour train ride from the village) and constantly hang out with Maya and Nick? Is anyone paying attention to this kid?
** Because that's a Japanese game, and portrays mainly Japanese society with ''some'' [[Eagleland Osmosis]]. It's pretty normal in Japan for nine year old kids to commute around all by themselves. Even sheltered ones.
* The first two ''[[MOTHER]]/[[EarthboundEarthBound]]'' games are somewhat [[Egregious]] examples, but ''Mother 3'' justifies it by having the island be a {{spoiler|former}} utopia.
** In ''Earthbound'', Ness got ''thrown out'' of his home town, Paula's parents know their daughter has a destiny to fulfill (and know how strong she and Ness are), Jeff's dad doesn't give a crap about his son, and Prince Poo is on a mission from his ancestors, something his people take very seriously.
* In ''[[The Sims|Sims 3]]'', any Sim older than toddler can go anywhere in town the player or their own free will sends them, subject to curfew restrictions on children and teens.
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== Webcomics ==
* ''[[Project 0]]'' [http://www.centralcitytower.com/2010/03/new-installment-project-0-phase-i-part.html this scene] only starts to feel out of place when you realize that they're 13
* ''[[Cyanide and& Happiness]]'' demonstrates that [http://www.explosm.net/comics/1315/ leashes aren't so bad] in comparison.
* ''[[Bad Machinery]]''.
* ''[[Manly Guys Doing Manly Things]]'' parodies the ''[[Pokémon]]'' tradition with Jared Kowalski, a teenager who balked at the idea of leaving home on a Pokemon journey (because it would [[This Loser Is You|separate him from his Xbox games]]), until his parents got fed up and kicked him out of the house.
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** Subverted in [[The Movie]], where the plot revolved around the kids feeling annoyed about the restrictions their parents keep placing on them. But really, the only thing they kept him from doing was going to a theme park on a school night, which really isn't that bad.
* ''[[Kim Possible]]'' is only a teenager, but her parents have no problem with her traveling the world and defeating evil masterminds, just as long as she doesn't go out with any boys. Still, she's somehow managed to build a global network of contacts that she's done favors for and can get a ride to anywhere on Earth.
* ''[[A Pup Named Scooby -Doo]]'': Their parents are mentioned and even shown a few times, yet they hardly ever give the kids any restrictions, allowing them to run freely around Coolsville, running from creeps and unmasking them.
* ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'': Does this frequently and [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshades]] it with jokes about Homer's neglectfulness as a parent.
** It is also (coincidentally?) the [[Trope Namer]], as this phrase is seen in the Halloween episode, Treehouse of Horror V, although it was used [[Made From Real Girl Scouts|rather more literally]] in that context.
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** Also it looks like the kids are more around a certain area of Ocean shores. Most of the action takes place around their cul-de-sac and the pier which is ''right'' where Ray works. (He's also pretty laid back anyways) There are a couple occasions where they appear to go outside the zone and have to use a GPS, or get in trouble when they're caught doing something unsafe like surfing in a channel.
* ''[[Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy|Ed, Edd n Eddy]]'' is usually an aversion, as the action is typically restricted to the cul-de-sac and adjacent areas, [[Fridge Brilliance|like in plenty other suburban areas]]. For the [[Big Damn Movie]], however, the characters travel across country without supervision (justified with the Eds, who are essentially on the lam, not so much for the others), crossing sweltering deserts, festering swamps, and abandoned factories. The Eds are even "driving" a car at one point (meaning that Ed is running through the bottom of the car, Flintstones style).
* On ''[[The Fairly Odd ParentsOddParents]]'', Timmy and the other kids will be seen wandering the town on their own when the plot calls for it. One episode had Timmy biking through the desert and at a fast food restaurant ''at night'' without his parents. He also tends to spend extended amounts of time in Fairy World without his parents noticing.
** As in ''[[South Park]]'', 99% of the adults in the show aren't exactly the brightest bulbs on the tree.
* ''[[Dora the Explorer]]'' and her cousin [[Go, Diego, Go!|Diego]].
** [[The Wild Thornberries|Is it that one about the little girl who wanders around the jungle with no parental supervision, avoiding crises and conversing with the local wildlife with the aid of her foreign language-speaking monkey?]]
* None of the parents seem to pay any attention to their kids, but [[Invader Zim|Dib and Gaz]] have extra free range on account of their dad being a [[Cloudcuckoolander]] [[Mad Scientist]]. One episode seems to lampshade the trope when [[Invader Zim|Zim]] himself gets lost by trying to go to a different part of town on his own.
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