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=== Films -- Live-Action ===
* In ''[[2001: A Space Odyssey]]'', the [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot|HAL 9000 computer]], faced with an [[Logic Bomb|irreconcilable programming conflict]], decides that the only way to ensure the mission's success is to kill the crew of the ''Discovery'' and complete the mission by himself.
** This one makes [[Justified Trope|slightly more sense]], in that the programming conflict is from two equal and opposite commands to "tell crew vital information" and "keep vital information secret until reaching orbit". If there is no crew, the problem goes away...
* ''[[Goodfellas]]'' has this trope in the whole movie.
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=== Tabletop Games ===
* In most printed adventures for ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'', the player characters are expected to solve their problems by killing the guy causing them, or at least defeating him in combat. In practice this will obviously depend on your DM.
* The only way to cure the fourth, most deleterious stage of [[Torches and Pitchforks|Disquiet]] in ''[[Promethean: The Created]]'' is to kill the Promethean that caused it.
** Likewise, it's a part of every Promethean's [[To Become Human|Pilgrimage]] that they must create at least one new Promethean, and the only way a [[So Beautiful It's a Curse|Galateid]] can do so is to use the body of a beautiful youth unmarred by injury. It's noted in text that there are only so many beautiful youths who die of accidental drownings or barbituate overdoses or gas leaks, and sometimes a Galateid has to take an active hand...
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* Pretty much any ''[[Final Fantasy]]'' game eventually.
** Seymour in ''[[Final Fantasy X]]'' wants to kill everyone in the world to [[Put Them All Out of My Misery|end global suffering]] (or maybe just because he's a psychopath).
* Jin Kisaragi of ''[[Blaz BlueBlazBlue]]'' honestly thought that if he killed his brother, Ragna would pay attention to him instead of his sister. It's unknown as of yet whether Jin had planned to kill Saya as well.
* In ''[[Mitadake High]]'', players often come to this conclusion. The killer obviously has reached this conclusion long before the game started. Sometimes this is played straight, other times it's played for laughs.
* Subverted in ''[[Fire Emblem]]: Path of Radiance''. Though in most of the game [[Violence Is the Only Option]], there are several chapters where not fighting certain enemies will earn you a reward. In one chapter in particular, the force comes upon a building of priests that is under the grip of the enemy, which forces them to fight you. You can kill the priests, but if you get through the chapter without killing a single one, you get one of the best staves in the game. =
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'''John:''' Because you just can't, OK? Trust me on this. }}
* ''[[Hudson Hawk]]''. Two of Darwin and Minerva Mayflower's minions failed to keep track of Hudson Hawk.
{{quote|'''Darwin:''' You two! There's nothing I hate more than failure! All you had to do was follow the Hawk. [[You Have Failed Me...|I suppose we'll just have to kill them]].
'''Minerva:''' ''(shoots them)''
'''Darwin:''' God, Minerva, [[I Was Just Joking]]!
''(they dance together)'' }}
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* In ''[[Nanashi no Game]]'', this plays a key role in ''why'' the [[The Most Dangerous Video Game|cursed RPG]] is cursed.
* In ''[[Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice]]'', Princess Sapphire is usually the first person to offer up a solution to the current dilemma—the solution being to murder the obstacle, of course. Even the ''demons'' are a bit unsettled by this tendency.
* The ''[[Portal (series)|Portal]]'' universe's backstory reveals that this was the conclusion that [[Master Computer]] GLaDOS came to literally [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot|picoseconds after being switched on]]. Prior to the events of the first game, she had already killed all the scientists in the Aperture Science Enrichment Center with a [[Deadly Gas|deadly neurotoxin]], and now amuses herelf by parading an endless stream of [[Human Popsicle]] test subjects through a [[Death Course]] of test chambers. Those who succeed... she murders anyway. [[For Science!]].
** And in the second game {{spoiler|she subverts it. Killing Chell is actually [[Determinator|pretty hard,]] so she ends up letting her go.}}
* In the game [[Sacrifice]], this is played for laughs by the God of Death, Charnel.
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