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Excalibur (Comic Book)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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'''Captain Britain/Brian Braddock'''
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: Again and again.
* [[Cain and Abel]]: Brian's older brother Jamie is an [[Ax Crazy|utterly insane]] [[Reality Warper]].
* [[The Chosen Many]]: The multiversal Captain Britain Corps.
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* [[Arch Enemy]]: [[God of Evil|Dormammu]]
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Sweet as they come, but mess with her friends and you'll live to regret it. {{spoiler|As the rulers of Hell have found out.}}
* [[Character Development]]: She started out as a frightened young girl and gradually learned to take control of her powers and her life, [[Took a Level Inin Badass]] and gradually became a strong, confident woman. And then they [[Dropped a Bridge on Him|killed her off]]. {{spoiler|And then she became a rebel leader in Hell, took ''another'' level in badass, and is now [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]].}}
* [[Does Not Like Shoes]]
* [[Empathic Shapeshifter]]: The [[Trope Namer]].
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* [[Green-Eyed Monster]]: Very possessive of Brian, and most definitely does not like either Saturnine or Sat-Yr-9.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]
* [[His Story Repeats Itself|Her Story Repeats Itself]]: For most of her childhood she was locked up in a caravan and then was kidnapped by an evil [[Government Conspiracy]] and put in a concentration camp. Later on she stumbled upon a van full of mutant kids who had been kidnapped by a morally-ambiguous [[Government Conspiracy]] and, seeing the obvious parallels, she tried to free them. This led to her [[Took a Level Inin Badass|gaining control of her powers]] and all her subsequent [[Character Development]].
* {{spoiler|[[Like a Badass Out of Hell]]}}
* [[Magical Girlfriend]]
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* [[Only One Name]]: Until very recently
* [[Pillars of Moral Character]]: Probably the genuinely kindest and most idealistic of all Marvel's superheroines, and also easily one of the most powerful, being a rare case of when the technical "sidekick" girlfriend is actually far more dangerous.
* [[Power Perversion Potential]]: Meggan is far too pure to ever use her power in an outright disgusting or degenerate fashion, although she isn't above experimenting with and modifying her appearance into one that Brian will find attractive, or to use it for undercover disguises together with Brian if the police needs help. However, she has stated that she finds outright impersonations morally offensive, but will go along if others ask her to in a situation that sufficiently demands it.
* [[Roma]]
* [[She's All Grown Up]] (Justified): She started off as a weird bat-like creature. As a result of gaining control of her shapeshifting powers she transformed into a beautiful woman.
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* [[Omnidisciplinary Scientist]]: Physics, mechanical engineering, genetic engineering...
* [[Unfortunate Implications]]: That time in the Crusades? Didn't go down too well with Faiza's father...
* [[Unstoppable Rage]]: The effect Dane's cursed swords usually have on him.
'''Faiza Hussein'''
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* [[Stiff Upper Lip]]: {{spoiler|(Lying in a pool of her own blood, having broken nearly every bone in her body) "Can't move. Probably bought it. How terribly dull."}}
* [[Sixth Ranger]]
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* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Perhaps because British people seem to find his character concept inherently humorous.
* [[Expy]]: He's a spoof version of Captain America.
** Except that he's an Expy of the Captains Britain.
* [[Shotgun Wedding]]: He implies that he was forced to marry a girl after he "got her knocked up".
* [[Funetik Aksent]]
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'''The Fury'''
* [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot]] (Subverted): The Fury does exactly what it was programmed to do: [[Kill All Humans|Kill all Superhumans]].
* [[Badass Decay]]: The Fury has gone from a terrifying, world-destroying abomination to being slapped down by a single team of [[C-List Fodder|X-men wannabes]] who didn't even take any casualties in the process.
* [[Crush! Kill! Destroy!]]: This is exactly what it was meant to do.
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: the Fury's first battle with Captain Britain.
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