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=== Driving Game ===
* In ''[[F-Zero]] Maximum Velocity'', there is an Infinity Plus One ''car'' that also functioned as an Infinity Minus One as well. To get the Jet Vermillion, you had to A: beat every league(4) on Master difficulty. With the first 9 cars you unlock. You could also do B: race on the Championship Circuit 255 times. That is, all 5 laps, 255 times. You could also take a 3rd option: cheat. Either gameshark it or use the ingame password system. What makes this an infinity + -1 object is that the car itself is horrible on paper but awesome in practice, because of the one stat not listed in-game: The time it takes to decelerate after a boost runs out. Case in point: it's the car that holds the world records on every course but one, due to it's inability to make one jump for a shortcut.
* [[Gran Turismo|Gran Turismo 5]] features the [http://www.topspeed.com/cars/2012-red-bull-x2010-ar102912.html Red Bull X2010], created as a joint project between Polyphony Digital and Red Bull Racing. The idea behind the car was essentially "let's go build a race car that isn't bound by any stupid league restrictions!" The car features over 1400 horsepower and weighs only 550 kilograms, and can achieve lateral acceleration levels of 8.75 G's (in comparison, real-life F1 cars get anywhere from 2-4 depending on speed) and has a top speed of over 500 km/h. It is so fast that there is zero competition for it from any AI racers in-game and it is disallowed in all 'serious' online racing rooms. Acquiring the X2010 requires you to score at least Bronze on three time trials that feature the X2010 - the time is actually easy for anyone with simulation racing experience and a wheel, but scoring Gold is the hardest challenge in the entire game. Only a handful of people have gotten Gold for all three trials with a standard [[PlayStationPlay Station 3]] controller.
* T.T. from [[Diddy Kong Racing]]. He has the highest acceleration and top speed of any character, and middling handling, which makes almost every race in the game an utter joke - but to get him, you have to have beaten the entire game already, then beat very challenging times on ''every track in the game''. It's a refreshing challenge in an otherwise fairly easy game, which upon victory then makes the [[Shaped Like Itself|easy game even easier]].
* In [[Choro Q|Road Trip Adventure]], acquiring all the stamps gives you access to the Devil Parts. The parts comprise mainly of the Devil Tyres and Engines. Their stats are given as "unimaginable" and can take you from 0–349 km/h in a matter of seconds and can stop to a standstill from the maximum speed instantaneously. They are also able to reverse to speeds of 700 km/h, making the act of driving backwards faster than driving normally. They can be considered as a [[Game Breaker]] although all races, challenges and mini-games have to be completed before being able to unlock the demonic Devil Parts.
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* In ''[[Dissidia Final Fantasy]]'', each character has exclusive weapons, equippable only at Level 100, that are tailor-made to improve their unique aspects, and are usually the best weapons those characters can use (though there are some non-exclusive Level 100 weapons that are more useful). However, none can compare to Exdeath's ultimate weapon: Enuo's Scourge. Aside from its stats (which are good, but just as good as the other ultimate weapons), it has, like the other Exclusives, added effects based around the character. For Enuo's Scourge, those bonuses are Brave Point boost on block, and an effect called Riposte, which makes every attack a critical hit if done to a staggering character. Exdeath's abilities are based around blocks and counterattacks, meaning virtually EVERY hit he does will be done to a staggering opponent, reeling from their attacks being blocked. Boosting his Attack rating will make his critical hits do absurd damage, ensuring you'll be doing ''several thousand'' points of damage with each of his counters. And this is with a character designed to counter ''everything.''
* The driving forces behind the events of the ''[[Soul Series]]'' of fighting games are the twin swords Soul Calibur and Soul Edge. The Soul Edge was a legendary sword sought after by countless warriors. Unfortunately, said sword is actually an [[Artifact of Doom]], whose hobbies include devouring souls, slaughtering innocents, and becoming its wielder's [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]. The Soul Calibur was a sword created to destroy Soul Edge. The swords are often the ultimate weapons of the characters. Ironically, the motives of many characters revolve around destroying one or both of the swords, rather than claiming them as their own.
** Talking matters of actual gameplay, the Calibur is generally treated as the "Plus One" sword and the Edge the "[[Infinity-1 Sword|Minus One]]" sword. Soul Calibur generally bestows a [[Healing Factor]] on your character because it's a holy weapon and it's no slouch in combat either. Soul Edge is typically a monstrously powerful weapon that can cleave anyone asunder in seconds but will [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points|exchange your own vitality to accomplish that]] (so while you're intentionally making your own character more susceptible to damage and voluntarily handicapping your health, Soul Edge is strong enough to make up for that and thus be more practical as the Calibur is typically locked away as the "ultimate" weapon for a character). This does not apply if the character is canonically wielding said weapon (such as Cervantes using the Soul Edge swords in ''Soul Blade'' or Siegfried wielding the Soul Calibur in ''SoulCalibur IV'').
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* In ''[[Quake]]'', the lightning gun comes close to such a true weapon, especially when Quadded, and approaches a GM-level, Not Meant For Mortals level of weapon. If you include the 2x Rune from the quasi-official Capture The Flag mod, and yes, it did make it 8x, then no player could survive the briefest of swats from it. In fact, not much short of Superman or the magically, AKA mathematically, invulnerable could survive 8 lightning bolts at once, or, in game terms, approximately 800 dps, continuous. And that's in Quake terms, where a fighter with max armor (armor = hp there) and double health had about 450 hp equivalent. 900 hp, if you count the damage-halving rune from CTF. 1000 hp if he had that and chugged two of the max-health power ups, thus they'd last a little over 1 second under the strain. Scale that to the top end tank in the game of your choice.
** Of course, attempting to fire the gun while even ''touching'' water [[Hoist by His Own Petard|instantly electrocutes you]] even at base damage.
* The FarSight from ''[[Perfect Dark]]'': an [[Imported Alien Phlebotinum]] sniper rifle that's [[One-Hit Kill|massively overpowered]] and features insane penetration to the point of being able to shoot through almost any wall and barrier, coupled with an [[Infrared X -Ray Camera]] scope that ''tracks other players for you''. Yes, that's right: it can see through walls. The only disadvantages to it were a slight [[Sniper Scope Sway]] and a slow firing rate, but the rest of its attributes more than made up for it.
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**** And that is why the developers were kind enough to give us [[New Game+]]. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the Omega RYNO 4-Ever. Upgradeable for increased damage, of course.
*** The trend is continued with the[[Ratchet and Clank Future A Crack In Time|RYNO V]]. Good news, there's less schematic pieces to collect, and one can locate them all with the updated Treasure Mapper Gadget (Though the last piece is found right before the final fight with Nefarious). More good news, it's also a major [[Game Breaker]].
*** The [[Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One|RYNO VI]] can only be unlocked if one completes all of the secret lab challanges. Fortunately, it can be used during the final boss fight (But it'll still take tons of shots).
** In a similar vein, ''Ratchet: Deadlocked'' gives us the Harbinger/Supernova, created by Dreadzone after one of its top gladiators stated that the ''R.Y.N.O.'' was a "Weak sissy from the sissiest place in Sissyland." To top it, not only is the Harbinger/Supernova absurdly powerful, it has a special Omega version that can be upgraded a grand total of 99 times, and have a damage rating of '''10,000.''' The thing is (possibly because it's a major [[Game Breaker]]), you can't pick up any ammo from ammo crates; you have to buy it at the vendors.
* ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog 2]]'' first gave players access to Super Sonic after gathering all seven Chaos Emeralds in the bonus stages. Completely invincible, superfast, and with ludicrous jumping ability. Hell, even touching him makes quick work of bosses. The ''[[Sonic Adventure]]'' games made him into an [[Eleventh-Hour Superpower]], due to him being too broken to use during regular gameplay.
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** ''[[Tales of the Abyss]]'' had the Catalyst Weapons, which worked roughly the same way: weak as hell when first acquired, attack-power-based-on-kills after beating the most powerful boss in the game. Additionally, said boss also holds the best Capacity Core in the game; you can only acquired this by stealing it from her, and you can only steal from her when she's staggered, which, as you might guess, does not happen often.
** The Fell Arms in ''[[Tales of Vesperia]]'' work the same way. After you defeat the [[True Final Boss]], the Fell Arms' strength increases by the number of kills that the character has acquired. Combine this with the {{spoiler|cape you receive from defeating Dhaos in the 200 man melee that transforms Destruction Field into a massive attack known as Dhaos Blast}} and Yuri becomes an absolute monster in battle. The difference here is you can keep the activated weapons on a [[New Game+]] and they ''remain activated''. Fortunately the ability to save the kill-count was removed or they'd be the mother of all [[Game Breaker]]s. As it is, it still takes a good while to grind enough kills to make them the best weapons again in a new game.
*** The [[PlayStationPlay Station 3]] version to save kill-count was added to the grade shop, and isn't particularly expensive either. To compensate (though barely), if you power up all the Fell Arms, the final boss gets a new third form. Also, even with the extreme attack power they can rack up, it'll barely be enough to fight the Spiral Draco.
** Though not a weapon, the "Star Breaker" Gauntlets and the "Healer's Ribbon" errr...Ribbon, give you the Technical 3 skill, which means ALL ARTES cost just 1 TP. Couple that with Marta's broken speed casting late game and you've got an infinite photon/prism sword/divine saber combo, which can trap the final boss, making sure he never TOUCHES YOU.
* In ''[[Romancing SaGa]]'', there is a Special quest reserved for the [[Ineffectual Loner]] (He is the only one who can hear the spirit of the sword) that involves you actually forging the Infinity+1 Sword known as the Demonbrand. Also it starts off as a rusty katana perhaps better suited to cutting food. [http://youtube.com/watch?v=Tu6tWlIz8zk Video].
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* In ''[[Star Ocean the Second Story]]'', the final weapon of the main hero is the "Eternal Sphere", which can only be made through a certain path of upgrades from a unique sword gained from the [[Inevitable Tournament]]. If you sell off that sword after acquiring a better one, unaware of the inherent and entirely unmentioned potential, you can say bye-bye to the Infinity+1 Sword.
** The upside? With a bit of luck and a little more [[Save Scumming]], you can aquire the Infinity+1 Sword as soon as you can leave town.
* The four Infinity +1 Weapons of ''[[EarthboundEarthBound]]'' can be earned as random drops from defeating a certain type of enemy (different for each). It's a grind, however: the weapon only has [[Randomly Drops|a 1 in 128 chance of dropping]].
** And Ness' is actually found after the [[Point of No Return]], and you can't even save with it without backtracking to the beginning of the last area, and can't use it for anything but ''that'' area and the final boss. (He at least has an [[Infinity-1 Sword]], but that's beside the point.)
* Each ''[[Shadow Hearts]]'' game has sidequests for each character to obtain their best weapons and most powerful skills. These often require actions being taken throughout the entire game, in addition to the main storyline.
* ''[[Persona 3]]'' has the Monad Block, a [[Bonus Dungeon]] only accessible the first time in January. The best weapons of each type are found in rare (yellow) chests on specific floors. They usually have 400 attack power and 99% accuracy, as well as an additional effect. Persona 3: FES, however, has even ''better'' weapons, which are created via the game's new [[Item Crafting]] feature.
** ''[[Persona 4]]'', unfortunately, is a little more annoying about it. The true best weapons for each character cannot even be found except in a [[New Game+]], and even then can only be collected by beating down a randomly appearing [[Bonus Boss]]. It's not a terribly ''hard'' bonus boss, if you prepare properly, but each time you beat him he'll only drop ''one'' item. This means that to get ''everyone's'' weapons you'll have to beat the exact same boss ''seven times''. Then seven times again if you want to get everyone the best armor in the game.
* Technically not a weapon, but still increases your characters' powers to ridiculous levels, the Sheriff Star is an accessory in most ''[[Wild ArmsARMs]]'' games that you obtain after fighting Ragu O Ragula, the most difficult [[Bonus Boss]] in the largest [[Bonus Dungeon]] in the games.
** In ''[[Wild ArmsARMs 4]]'', ''[[Wild ARMs 5|5]]'', and ''[[Wild ArmsARMs XF|XF]]'' you could make your own Sheriff Star. It was usually very pricy and often required use of the Black Market, which you shopped with character levels instead of money. This [http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/918840/43941 graph] shows how hard it was to make a Sheriff Star in the fourth game from scratch, without relying on stealing or random drops. Yes, you read that right, 8080 levels and near 1.5 million gella.
* ''[[Tales of Phantasia]]'' has "Excalibur", a sword markably better than the game's purported Infinity+1 Sword, the Eternal Sword. To get it, you need to visit the secret dungeon below the Morlia Mineshaft (which has the most powerful enemies in the game, [[The Very Definitely Final Dungeon]] notwithstanding). Conveniently, you also get the spear version of this, a weapon you've had once before but had it confiscated, and the most powerful summon in the game—three Infinity Plus One Swords for the price of one dungeon.
** In later ''Tales'' games (except for ''[[Tales of Symphonia]]'', {{spoiler|the prequel of ''Phantasia''}}), the Eternal Sword itself was the Infinity+1 Sword, generally won by defeating Cless, the protagonist of ''Phantasia'', in some kind of arena. He's generally [[Good Is Dumb|a lot stronger and faster than he was back then.]] For extra fun, turning the difficulty up adds in either ''Phantasia'''s [[White Mage]] or witch. (Keep in mind, the [[White Mage]] can ''stop time''.)
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** The X-02 Wyvern can be unlocked in ''Ace Combat Zero'' simply by having an ''Ace Combat 04'' save on the same memory card. The price is prohibitive but is still possible to purchase on the first playthrough [[Disc One Nuke|provided you managed your money and scored enough kills to afford it]].
** If you have the ([[Revenue Enhancing Devices|real]]) cash, you can get the Prototype (fixes the stability problems of the stock) or Razgriz (hardens the armor, fixes stability, looks cool in black) CFA-44 Nosferatu as DLC in Ace Combat 6. Normally, you would have had to slog through the campaign on Hard mode, but you can get it at the beginning of the game (complete with [[Macross Missile Massacre|ADMMs]] and [[Wave Motion Gun|railguns]]). Oh, and while you have to buy the stock planes with your in-game cash, any DLC planes you purchased are free.
** [[Ace Combat: Assault Horizon]] offers the Nosferatu as DLC, but it's weapons have been nerfed and brought more in line with the rest of the game. After completing the story mode though, you gain access to the PAK-FA for free missions and online play. The [[Fantastic Nuke|Trinity]] weapon is one of it's special weapons. While you only get three of them, they'll destroy anything (including you if you don't fly away). Unfortunately, it's an unguided bomb (good for ground targets), and the majority of the game is fighting against other planes in the sky.
* ''[[Airforce Delta]] Strike'' features over-powered aircraft from various other Konami games such as the [[Gradius|Vic Viper]] and [[Game Breaker|Jerry Mouse]] as bonus planes.
* The Mineral Town and DS flavors of the ''[[Harvest Moon]]'' series gives you Infinity Plus One ''Tools'' in the form of the Mythic tools. It takes effort to get all six: you have to level up your regular tools to full, then find the cursed tools via mining, ''then'' lift the curse on each one, turning them into Blessed Tools, ''AND THEN'' you have to pair them with [[Unobtanium|Mythic Stones]] and a boatload of gold to the local blacksmith (Saibara or Gray, depending on the game) to gain the Mythic Hammer/Axe/Watering Can/Sickle/Hoe/Fishing Pole. Made harder in DS by the fact that you can't [[Save Scumming|save scum]] the mines until you have six Mythic Stones - you can only posess one of them at a time. Although a few are more powerful than they're worth: A fully charged Hammer will destroy every poundable object on screen... including your fencing. Ditto the Axe (in DS) and your fruit trees.
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=== Stealth-Based Game ===
* The later ''[[Syphon Filter]]'' games has a funny example in the E.P.D.D, which is a long-range, sure kill, stealth weapon with infinite ammo that you can only unlock by getting the best rating in certain tasks, such as performing non-lethal KOs or stealth kills. Why is it funny? Because in the first game, it was called the Air Taser and served as your ''default [[Emergency Weapon]]''. Unsurprisingly, less broken weaponry like combat knives and short-ranged tasers were used in its stead in later games, but they still kept it as a hidden weapon, making this one of the rare instances that an item found itself on both sides of the power spectrum.
* ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater]]'''s Patriot is simple -- just clear the game. ''[[Metal Gear]] Solid 4'''s on the other hand ''requires'' a no Alert, no Continues, [[Technical Pacifist|No Kills]] (of humans; tranquilizing an enemy who falls to his or her death counts, but GEKKOs and Scarabs don't), no recovery item (normal and {{spoiler|iPod}}-assisted natural regeneration is fine), no special item (Stealth Camo or Bandanna), [[Speed Run]] on [[Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels|The Boss Extreme]]... where ''everything'' that's not a "Now Loading" screen (but the "Press Start" prompt ''does'' count!), between-Acts install time (including the "Press Start" prompt), and a post-Act results screen counts towards the 5 hour time limit. Yes, ''even the Start menu and the [[PlayStationPlay Station 3]] home screen''.
** Or you could use a cheat code.
* Both ''[[Assassin's Creed II]]'' and ''[[Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood|Assassin's Creed Brotherhood]]'' have the Sword of Altaïr, the games' only "primary" weapon with maxed-out stats. (''AC2'''s Papal Staff requires [[Game Breaking Bug|poisoning]] {{spoiler|the Pope}}, [[Unwinnable|preventing you from clearing the story]]). In ''II'' it is automatically unlocked when you clear Sequence 8 (about two-thirds through the story, or four-sevenths with the DLC), but can only be bought at the Monteriggioni blacksmith and is the game's most expensive weapon at 50,000 florins. In ''Brotherhood'' it's [[A Taste of Power|only usable during the first Core Memory]] (story mission), but if you complete all of the Assassins Guild challenges it's unlocked at the Tiber Island Hideout and does not need to be bought. Story-wise it can be unlocked about halfway through the game after recruiting one's first two Assassins, but completing the challenges may require grinding (mainly for Arrow Storms and signaling Apprentices ''during'' combat).
** The Armor of Altaïr was ''II'''s Infinity Plus One Armor, granting as much Health as a complete Missaglias armor set but unbreakable, and only unlocked by clearing the six Assassin Tombs, which were mainly platforming missions.
** ''Brotherhood'' also has the Dagger of Brutus, a Short Blade with maxed-out stats, unique kill animations and a hidden effect making enemies more likely to flee an encounter. It's acquired along with the Armor of Brutus (equivalent to the Armor of Altaïr) when the player clears all six of the Lairs of Romulus (equivalent to the ''AC2'' Assassin Tombs) and then goes to the underground cell where the Armor and Dagger are stored.
** ''[[Assassin's Creed: Revelations]]'' has both the Master Assassin Armor and Ishak Pasha's Armor, though the former can be obtained as soon as you can recruit and level assassins, the latter requires a certain story mission to be beaten that unlocks an area where one of the collectibles for the armor is contained. In the case of weapons there's Yusuf's Turkish Kijil, the Almogavar Axe and Altair's Sword.
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* Not a weapon, but the [[Mobile Suit Gundam|Haro]] equipable part from ''[[Super Robot Wars]]'' can turn any mech into a game breaker or HPHGCP in Alpha Gaiden, which is capable of doing the same. Same for the W-Up unit in the few games it appears in, because it grants a buff dependent on how many parts slots a mecha has. Mount one of these things on a four part slot mech and watch the carnage. It's even worse in Impact, where you can get TWO and mount them on the same unit.
** Some of the unlockable mecha pass into this, like Great [[Game Breaker|Zeyormer]] in J, [[Getter Robo|Shin Getter]] and [[Badass|San]][[Large Ham|ger]] [[Everything's Better with Samurai|Zonvolt]] and his [[This Is a Drill|Thrud]][[Big Fancy Sword|gelmir]] in Alpha Gaiden, the [[Mecha Expansion Pack|HM]] [[Martian Successor Nadesico|Black Selena]] in [[Super Robot Wars Reversal|R]], and the [[Chest Blaster|Gespenst]] [[Dynamic Entry|Type]] [[Super Prototype|S]] and [[Katanas Are Just Better|Visaga]] in [[Super Robot Wars Original Generation|Original Generation.]]
** You get most with out doing anything! Usually these either are obtained later on or they're [[Magikarp Power]], like the ''[[Turn A Gundam (Anime)|Turn a Gundam]]'' after it unlocks all its abilities in Z, (It was meh to average in Alpha Gaiden), Zeyormer in J and MX, where you get it VERY early on and it's near unstoppable (though useing it on J unnecessarily will cause you not to get Great Zeyormer, but the regular version is [[Game Breaker]] incarnate as it is), Ideon in Alpha 3, the Nirvash Spec 2, Spec3, and Aquarion in Z, usually Mazinkaiser and Shin Getter are the strongest things you'll get, and you don't have to do anything for them. (Except in @ Gaiden for Getter but it's VERY easy. Which makes its [[Glass Cannon|Dissapointing]] [{[[Awesome but Impractical]] Stats]] even more annoying considering you get something like [[Game Breaker|Mazinkaiser]] alongside it) You pretty much start the game with tons of infinity plus one swords in hand. Of course they need upgrades as you go along.
* In the ''[[Disgaea]]'' series nearly any weapon in the game can become extremely powerful by fighting in its Item World. However, the true Infinity Plus One Sword of the games can only be found within the deepest levels of the best items.
** ''Disgaea'' also has the Hyperdrive, which allows any character that equips it to teleport anywhere on the battlefield save for the Dimensional Gate in Item World maps. In the original, it was awarded for going through all 100 levels of an ultimate item and defeating the Item God 2 (which is level 6,933) on the 100th floor, while in the PSP and DS remakes, it is only awarded if all 100 levels are done in a row without exiting out in between. Note that the only way to revive a fallen party member is to exit out.
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