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''[[Advance Wars: Eternal War]]'' is an [[Advance Wars]] [[Play By Post]] game where 4 nations, [[Britain Is Only London|Cobalt Ice]], [[Shifting Sand Land|Brown Desert]], [[Ancient Greece|Jade Sun]] and [[Lethal Joke Character|Pink]] [[Eagle Land|Cos]][[Hollywood California|mos]] are ...usually at war.
When they are not at war, the four countries fight various other organisations, from an evil foreigner to [[Killer Robot|Killer Robots]].
Has a character sheet [[Advance Wars: Eternal War/Characters|here.]]
This game can be found [http://aweternalwar.proboards.com/index.cgi here.]
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* [[Beyond the Impossible]]: Flash HAS A PLANE MADE '''ENTIRELY OUT OF GUNS''', a Cyborg bear, and an EMP cannon.
* [[Britain Is Mostly London]]: Cobalt Ice is very guilty of this.
* [[Big Eater]]: Robyn
** Most of Pink Cosmos is this, since their food contains very little fat. Drinking an industrial-sized bottle of ketchup in one sitting is normal for them.
* [[Comedic Sociopathy]]: Pink Queen and Knight Owl. Hell the entire setting is made of soldiers dying in fun ways. [[War Has Never Been So Much Fun]] has never been more fun!
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** Pink Cosmos is [[Eagle Land|the USA]], specifically [[Hollywood California|California]]. Pink grass notwithstanding.
** Jade Sun is ancient Greece.
** Brown desert seems to be a [[Culture Chop Suey]] of Ancient Egypt, Babylon, [[Arabian Nights Days|Arabia ]]and India
* [[Five-Man Band]]/[[Five-Bad Band]]: Every nation.
** Pink Cosmos
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*** Jonathan [[The Hero]]/[[The Big Bad]]
*** Flash [[The Smart Guy]]/[[The Evil Genius]], doubles as [[The Lancer]]/[[The Dragon]]
*** Knight Owl [[The Big Guy]]/[[The Brute]]
** Jade Sun
*** Shadow Soul [[The Hero]]
*** Robyn [[The Lancer]]/[[The Chick]]
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*** Leo Howler [[The Lancer]]
*** Keitaro [[The Big Guy]]/[[The Smart Guy]] (He was the only one to point out thay needed a tank).
* [[God Save Us From the Queen]]: It's hinted that Cobalt Ice might have a queen, being based on London.
** Special mention goes to the Pink Queen.
* [[Improbable Age]]: Keitaro has been promoted to CO at the [[Sarcasm Mode|completely believable]] age of 13. His case may be [[Justified]] however since he’s been fighting since he was [[Child Soldiers|six]] and Brown Desert seems to have a critical shortage of COs.
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* [[War Has Never Been So Much Fun]]: [[Complete Monster|Some]] [[Psychopathic Manchild|COs]] view war as this. [[The Comically Serious|Others]] [[Only Sane Man|Don't]].
* [[Wicked Cultured]]: Jonathan and Pink Queen.
* [[Xanatos Gambit]]: The game has barely started and already Jonathan has shown mastery of these. Observe.
** ''"This, Flash, is a marvelous opportunity to test out the latest in my line of anti-blogger machinery. I designed it to irreparably damage the computers of fools on the internet. You know, the kind that spend all day posting "Feerst pohst!" and "eet suhks eppeecley." If i turn it up, it should do some considerable damage to the posters of this propaganda as well. if they are truly from pink cosmos, then we will make a formal apology, call it a training exercise gone wrong, and win their trust back by sending them tea and crumpets. Since we are the only country who makes crumpets, and we have the best tea, far better than that brown desert slop that tastes of sand and camel urine, it should give us some brilliant PR. Alternatively, if it is not Pink Cosmos we are dealing with, we can simply follow the trail of corpses to the fools that dare cast my brilliant research in a negative light." Jonathan pressed a button on the USB device, and a loud explosion was heard. then another one, and another one, and visible clouds of dust could be seen over pink cosmos, forming words, and spelling out "You should have seen this coming" right above the capital''.
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