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Soul Chess/Characters/The Espada: Difference between revisions

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* {{spoiler|[[Half the Man He Used To Be]]: It doesn't have much effect, [[Made of Iron|not that that's a surprise]], but Talbumosuke does cut the guy clean in half while he's in Resurreccion}}
* [[Kick the Son of a Bitch]]: He REALLY had the {{spoiler|asskicking he received from Talbumosuke and AIZEN in Hell}} coming.
* [[NoWon't SellWork On Me]]: His [[Breath Weapon|Respira]] doesn't work on {{spoiler|Talbumosuke}} because {{spoiler|Talbumosuke coats himself in an anti-temporal field nullifying all temporal effects on his body}}.
* [[Villain Decay]]: Aizen put it best
{{quote|'''Aizen''': How funny, {{spoiler|in the days of Hueco Mundo you were a king}}, but according to the data systems, you are only a third-rate {{spoiler|Togabito}} by my standards as I stand close to the top}}
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=== Tia Hallibel ===
The Tercera Espada
* [[Blade on a Stick]]: Her [[Weapon of Choice]] in {{spoiler|Segunda Etapa}}.
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=== Mia {{spoiler|Arruruerie}} ===
The Septima Espada {{spoiler|Aaroniero and Mia are one in the same being, but at the same time are two entirely different creatures. Kaien's victory over Metastacia left Miyako as the hollow's final victim so when Aaroniero went to absorb Metastacia he absorbed Miyako's consciousness as well. Unlike Kaien, who died with no regrets, Miyako was killed in battle and therefore her adrenaline and willpower still persisted and she fought to take control of the hollow possessing her. She succeeded, but the other hollows within Aaroniero corrupted her mind and Miyako forgot her identity and [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|turned feral]]. Aizen found her and asked her for her name. All she could give him was "Mia". Rather than dispose of her, Aizen fixed her mind with the Hogyoku, creating the blue haired wicked, lustful being that is now Mia}}. {{spoiler|After Kaien kills her, Talbumosuke preserves her body and she is [[Back Fromfrom the Dead|resurrected]] by [[Fusion Dance|combining]] with the powerless Cirucci. This has seemingly made Mia more powerful than before}}.
* [[Absolute Cleavage]]: So much so that ''it doesn't even cover the essentials when she releases.''
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* [[All Women Are Lustful]]: The literal ''embodiment'' of this trope.
* [[Ax Crazy]]
* {{spoiler|[[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: Kaien kills her in their third battle, but Talbumosuke revives her by [[Fusion Dance|fusing her with Cirucci]]}}.
* [[Barbie Doll Anatomy]]: Averted hard. See [[Absolute Cleavage]] above.
* [[Boobs of Steel]]: When Mia unleashes her release form's [[Super Mode]] her bust gets bigger. {{spoiler|Mia's bust also gre in accordance with her [[Fusion Dance]] with Cirucci, which also made her stronger}}.
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