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** ''[[Justice League International|Justice League: Generation Lost]]'': Max Lord has returned, and has made the entire world forget he existed. His job is to stop [[Anti-Hero]] Magog from [[Kingdom Come|sparking a worldwide war]], but he's obviously not going to stop there. Only four surviving members of Justice League International ([[Booster Gold]], Fire and Ice, and [[Captain Atom]]) remember the threat he poses, and they team up with [[Legacy Character|legacies]] of other members [[Blue Beetle]] and Rocket Red while tracking him down. Has its own tie-ins with the ''[[Booster Gold]]'' and ''[[Power Girl]]'' series.
** ''[[Birds of Prey]]'': The team is re-forming, with Hawk (one of the Twelve) and Dove (somehow connected to the White Light) as members. Like Flash, is a [[Red Skies Crossover]], as Hawk and Dove's participation in the event occurs in the main ''Brightest Day'' book (where they assist Deadman) instead of in ''Birds''. Hawk has been told to stop Captain Boomerang's attack on Dove.
** ''[[Teen Titans (Comic Book)|Titans]]'': Deathstroke has formed his own mercenary version of the Titans, having murdered the current [[The Atom|Atom]] as their first assignment. One of his recruits is the resurrected [[Shazam|Osiris]], who has been tasked with the job of restoring Isis to normal (something Deathstroke claims to be able to help with, though in the end it turns out to be lies). As such, Osiris quits the team and goes about his own quest to "free" his sister via mass destruction against evil doers.
** ''Brightest Day Aftermath: The Search for {{spoiler|[[Swamp Thing]]}}'': {{spoiler|[[Hellblazer|John Constantine]] has finally returned to reinteract with the wider DCU to inform them of the consequences of an actively protective Swamp Thing who punishes anyone who might "hurt the earth". But can anyone do anything about it?}}
Other books feature other new beginnings and/or fallout from ''Blackest Night'':
* The ''[[Green Lantern]]'' books are dealing with the new status quo involving multiple Lantern Corps, as well as a mysterious villain (eventually revealed as {{spoiler|Krona}}) manipulating their enemies against them; these would lead into the [[Bat Family Crossover]] "War of the Green Lanterns", which will end the Brightest Day storylines in the Green Lantern books.
** The main book features most of "The New Guardians" (Hal Jordan, Carol Ferris, Sinestro, Atrocitus, Larfleeze, Saint Walker, and Indigo-1) looking for their corps' emotional entities before the mystery villain can capture them all.
** In ''Green Lantern Corps'', John Stewart and Ganthet have joined Kyle Rayner as part of the Honor Guard. Their first mission involves dealing with the Cyborg-Superman, who has taken control of the Corps' Alpha Lanterns; followed by a Weaponer of Qward who has found a way to harness the power of the White Lantern.
** New book ''Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors'' features Guy Gardner, as part of a deal with Ganthet and Red Lantern Corps leader Atrocitus, going out to explore the unknown regions of space in order to locate someone that's quietly manipulating the Corps.
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* [[Affirmative Action Legacy]]: Jackson Hyde, the new Aqualad.
* [[Anachronic Order]]: (Or possibly just a mistake.) In issue 6, Oracle says it's been "a few months" since the Blackest Night. In issue 7, Deadman has his first food since he was brought back from the dead at the end of the Blackest Night, and it seems to have been no more than a couple days for him.
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: "The Twelve" are a major focus.
* [[Batman Gambit]]: Pretty much everything Max Lord has done is part of some massive scheme to discredit the JLI, gain control over Checkmate, and {{spoiler|prevent Magog from creating a similar future to that of [[Kingdom Come]]}}.
** Whatever the White Light's masterplan is seems to be one as well. After all, it wants Captain Boomerang to attempt to kill Dove ''and'' Hawk to attempt to stop him. Which of them it wants to ''succeed'', much less ''why'', was an open question until the finale. {{spoiler|Hawk was to stop Boomerang's attack and die in the process, freeing him from the forces controlling him and allowing Alec Holland to live again through his sacrifice. Unfortunately, he failed and Deadman died instead.}}
*** It's only until the last five issues of the series that we ''finally'' get its main plan explained to us: {{spoiler|Star Forest is really the Parliment of Trees, the elemental forest from Alan Moore's legendary ''[[Swamp Thing]]'' run. Swamp Thing himself, who once thought it was Alec Holland, now thinks it's Nekron and wants the forest destroyed. Deadman, besides his main mission, empowers the White Lantern by embracing his life. Six others were revived to stop disasters and therefore buy time for the others, and five (the Hawks, Aquaman, Firestorm, and Martian Manhunter) were to purge Nekron's corruption by overcoming what held them back in life - and then giving that cleansed life back. In true Chessmaster fashion, it even freed Mera's people to get Aquaman to face them.}}
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* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: ''Brightest Day'': {{spoiler|The original Swamp Thing is dead and Alec Holland (the ''real'' Holland, not the plant who ''thought'' he was Holland) has become the new Swamp Thing. Shiera has disappeared following the final battle, leaving Hawkman completely alone. Ronnie & Jason learn that the Firestorm matrix was damaged by the Anti-Monitor and will detonate in 90 days. Deadman is dead once again and cannot pass on, leaving a tearful goodbye to Dove. Hawk's life has ''technically'' been returned to him, but his rage & warlike nature has prevented him from truly reclaiming his life as his own. Not to mention that Swamp Thing has become an active [[Gaia's Vengeance]], with John Constantine realizing what the consequences of this being. But life and Earth have been saved, J'onn has found solace with his life, and Aquaman (complete with healed hand) has reconciled with Mera}}.
** Much less so with ''Generation Lost'': {{spoiler|OMAC-Prime has been destroyed and Wonder Woman is still alive. Max undid his mind control over the world, but managed to escape and announce that he's rededicating Checkmate to policing the metahuman/superhero community. Captain Atom is presumably alive, but has been thrown out of current time & space to the unknown. Finally, the JLI has been cleared of their "crimes" and now been reinstated as an active superhero team}}.
* [[Bloodier and Gorier]]: Cause of the [[Hype Backlash]] for the series, as the violence of the series has turned off many who felt the title meant that DC would be toning down the gore and violence following the gore and violence of ''Blackest Night''.
* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: During the "Dark Things" JLA/JSA crossover arc, ANYONE on Earth possessing magical/elemental powers - hero, villain, or neutral, and no matter how minutely latent their powers may be - is in danger of being possessed by the Starheart's chaos. This naturally generates massive [[Paranoia Fuel]] among the two teams working together to stop the madness.
* [[Blunt Metaphors Trauma]]: Rocket Red has serious trouble with English idioms. At least once per sentence.
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** And then Ice suddenly manifests "repressed memories" of belonging to a [[Roma]] tribe (of the stereotyped "mostly thieves and conmen" type) and killing her father and grandfather trying to escape. Her previously revealed family of magical ice people <s>were supposedly her imagination, despite the fact that other people in the Justice League have met them</s> existed, but were not her birth family. After about two issues of angst, Ice puts these developments on the back-burner, however, as [[It Got Worse|she has other things to worry about]].
* [[Calling the Hero Out]]: After Deadman tries to get the White Ring to go to Batman, it does so... for the purpose of having White Lantern Batman chew Deadman out for half-assing the job trying to get it over with.
* [[Came Back Wrong]]: Deadman being alive again in the first place. Subverted with Hawkgirl (resurrected in her 1940s body and not the body of her dead niece), as she and Hawkman don't care one way or another.
** Several of the Twelve were brought back in a slightly altered state, often until their Entity-given missions were completed:
*** Aquaman's ability to communicate with and control sea creatures was altered, allowing him to control ''dead'' sea creatures instead.
*** Early on in ''Generation Lost'', Maxwell Lord's mind control occasionally had the side-effect of turning his victims into Black Lantern corpses.
*** The Firestorm Matrix was recreated with Deathstorm's consciousness along for the ride.
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* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris call out Atrocitus on violently murdering a bunch of thieves on a subway. [[Knight Templar|Sinestro]] doesn't mind much.
** This is getting to be Atrocitus' schtick: he later murders a bickering couple in order to work his blood magic.
* [[The Dragon]]: Zardor to {{spoiler|Krona}}'s [[Big Bad]]. {{spoiler|Both already seem to be plotting betrayal upon each other.}}
** Zardor may have been eclipsed by {{spoiler|Parallax}} in the immediate lead-up to ''War of the Green Lanterns''.
** Deathstorm to {{spoiler|the Anti-Monitor}}.
** Hath-Set to the Queen of Hawkworld.
* [[Earthshattering Kaboom]]: Deathstorm is trying to goad Ronnie and Jason into triggering one of these.
* [[Elemental Embodiment]]: The concluding chapters have {{spoiler|the five heroes Deadman thought he killed emerge as personifications of the elements: Martian Manhunter is Earth, the Hawks are Air, Firestorm and Aquaman should be obvious.}}
* [[Empathic Weapon]]: Deadman's White Lantern Ring. Also The Weaponer's shield laced with the white lantern energy net which, interestingly, was generated by Deadman's ring earlier.
* [[Enemy Without]]: Deathstorm to Firestorm.
** Having somehow managed to sever the bond between them, {{spoiler|[[Etrigan]] was one to Jason Blood.}}
* [[Everything's Deader with Zombies]]: Eleven members of the Twelve weren't completely cured of their "undead" status; not until they each complete some mission for the White Light. (Zoom was exempt because he already completed his mission: {{spoiler|bringing back Barry Allen}}.) As a side effect from this, Aquaman's "talk to fish" power was altered to command ''dead'' sea creatures.
** About midway through, Deathstorm also created Black Lantern copies of the rest of the Twelve. They mostly serve to fill the background of scenes he's in, and only Deathstorm really does much in terms of plot-related stuff.
* [[Exiled From Continuity]]: Inverted, as some exiled [[Vertigo Comics]] characters were reintroduced. First the exile was relaxed so that Lex Luthor could meet [[The Sandman|Death of the Endless]] for an issue, then the finale reintroduced {{spoiler|[[Swamp Thing]] and [[Hellblazer|John Constantine]]}} as permanent fixtures. The latter even closes out the series with a traditional mutter of "Bollocks".
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* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: After Hawkman and Hawkgirl finally throw off their millenia-old curse, and settle into the idea that they might get to grow old and die together in this incarnation, {{spoiler|the Entity kills them. It then explains to Deadman that in order to preserve life as a whole it has to take some of the returned lives back. Thankfully, it eventually re-returns those lives as elementals.}}
** {{spoiler|And then, when all the elementals are returned to normal, Hawkgirl seems to have been excluded. As far as we know, at least.}}
* [[It Got Worse]]: Deadman's sojourn leading him to... {{spoiler|the Anti-Monitor}}.
** [[Green Lantern|Alan Scott's]] possession by the Starheart and subsequent forced [[Fusion Dance]] of Jade and Obsidian upon their reunion.
** ''Generation Lost'' seems to be one "It Got Worse" after another for the team.
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** Hal Jordan uses his ring to literally give [[Right-Hand-Cat|Dex-Starr]] the boot, but that one's [[Kick the Son of a Bitch]].
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: {{spoiler|[[The Atom]] Ryan Choi}}, via a hired hit from Deathstroke's Titans team. The one who gave the order? {{spoiler|Dwarfstar, who was Choi's former student}}.
** {{spoiler|Magog}}, as of ''Generation Lost'' #13, thanks to Maxwell Lord.
** This also happens to {{spoiler|Deadman, but this is really just a return to the status quo for him.}}
* [[Kill It with Fire]]: Martian Manhunter {{spoiler|ends up doing this to D'Kay rather than to the Martian forest as the White Lantern vision had shown.}}
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* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: Deathstorm, D'kay D'razz
* [[Nineties Anti-Hero]]: The writers have confirmed that Deathstorm was designed in this vein, complete with [[Totally Radical]] speech.
* [[Non-Indicative Name]]: A number of fans took "Brightest Day" to mean "[[Lighter and Softer]]", leading to a massive [[Hype Backlash]] when it turned out to be more the same.
* [[Oh Crap]]: When Captain Atom takes the blast of the nuclear device Max left behind as a trap, his energies take him through the timestream until he falls in a simpler moment in time, where two kids find him. Their father, a settler, mistakes him for a member of a freak show and takes him in until he can move on. Then, night comes, and he peers out of the window... {{spoiler|to see the moon completely shattered in the night sky. When asked what year it is, he learns it is the 24th century}}, and upon invoking the names of the superheroes he thought would have staved disaster off, everybody gets scared. Taken to a "Karrie" living on an atomic wasteland who might have some answers for him, he opens her tent to find she recognizes him, {{spoiler|being Kara, the former Power Girl}}. Horribly irradiated, she points Max Lord as the inception of a horrific catastrophe, begging him to stop his plans as he returns to his time before it all goes to Hell.
** When Boston Brand finally understands what The Entity wants from him, it proceeds to assigning "The Twelve" with assignments to truly reclaim their lives. Martian Manhunter's assignment is to burn down the forest <s>in Star City</s> on Mars.
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* [[Ruthless Modern Pirates]]: Aquaman and Mera fight Somali pirates in the first issue.
* [[Screw Destiny]]: Not as clearly intentional as normal, but J'onn ends up killing D'kay without burning down the Martian forest. Interestingly, this means the visions from the white light must not necessarily be ''correct''.
* [[Ship Sinking]]: Ice and Guy Gardner. {{spoiler|The effect of Max Lord's mind-control being undone has yet to be seen, in regards to Ice and Guy.}}
* [[Ship Tease]]: Fire and the new Rocket Red
* [[Shoot the Dog]]: The White Ring {{spoiler|kills the Hawks, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, and Firestorm - in order to turn them into elementals, as it turns out. It works, and all of them get better. Except for Hawkgirl.}}
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* [[Wham! Episode]]: In ''Green Lantern'' #60, it is revealed that {{spoiler|Krona}} is the mysterious enemy who has been trying to steal the Entities. Yes, the same {{spoiler|rogue Immortal who was inadvertantly responsible for the creation of the Multiverse, the birth of the Anti-Monitor, and the guy who tried to help Nekron out in its first attempt to force its way into existence by killing the Guardians of the GLC. And by the look of it, he's forced himself to evolve into the same type of being as the Guardians, with presumably the same type of powers they possess}}. Screwed doesn't even begin to describe how much everyone is right now.
** [[It Got Worse]]: The entities (loyal to {{spoiler|Krona}} from his years of taking care of them) possess the bodies of all of the remaining Guardians of the Universe, save for Parallax, who re-enters the Main Green Lantern Power Battery and takes control over 99% of the Green Lantern Corps.
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?]]: What are the mysterious, sage words of wisdom that the Entity gives to Hank Hall, Dawn Granger and Boston Brand after Hank demands answers from the White Ring? ''"Eat a cheeseburger."'' Evidently the Entity is not without a sense of humor.
* [[Windmill Crusader]]: Galahad of the Star City Forest. It's been revealed that {{spoiler|the death of his daughter}} tipped him and his obsession with [[King Arthur|Arthurian lore]] over the edge.
* [[Women in Refrigerators]]: Averted with Miss Martian, who was teased as this but revealed to be only wounded. That didn't stop people from crying out after that cliffhanger.
* [[Xanatos Gambit]]: [[Lobo]] attacks Atrocitus, trying to get the bounty on his head. The White Lantern Battery orders Hal Jordan, Carol Ferris, and [[Sinestro]] to help Atrocitus, so they do. After Lobo is driven off, the four of them vow to work together to find the missing emotional entities. {{spoiler|Atrocitus hired Lobo to attack him in the first place and take a dive, in order to get the others to trust him. As payment, Lobo is [[Oh Crap|given a Red Lantern Ring]].}}
* [[Villainous Valor]]: Captain Boomerang.
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