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A setting where our comfy material world is just the tip of an iceberg, the very top layer of many; [[Muggles|our puny human senses]] are simply not trained to perceive the rest of them. With certain magical rituals, you can move down into deeper layers... but there are ''[[Eldritch Abomination|things]]'' down there you might not wanna meet.
In a '''[[Layered World''']], several [[Another Dimension|dimensions]] coexist in space and time. When you move onto deeper layers, you are usually capable of limited perception and interaction with the normal world but never vice versa, though [[Evil Eye|magical sight]] may allow you to look down a layer or two. Also, each new layer often features slightly different laws of physics: you can gain the ability to walk through material walls, a [[Super Speed|speed boost]], and even new powers, though these usually come [[Cast from Hit Points|at a price]]. Also, events in one world have an effect on attuned events in the other a la [[Synchronization]] or [[Fisher Kingdom]].
Possible layers include:
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* Sufficiently large [[Mental World]]s
The rule of thumb to recognize a '''[[Layered World''']] is to look for characters saying things like "This place corresponds to some other place on another layer".
See also [[Recursive Reality]]. Not to be confused with a world ''physically built'' in the form of stacked floors or layers, such as Alofmethbin in [[Philip José Farmer]]'s ''[[World of Tiers]]'' series, or the gameworld of Aincrad from ''[[Sword Art Online]]''.
See also [[Recursive Reality]].
== Anime and Manga ==
* It doesn't get touched upon much at all in the anime, but the world and general cosmology of ''[[Berserk]]'' is [http://skullknight.net/encyclopedia/universe/ something like this]. Recent events of the manga have resulted in {{spoiler|the supernatural worlds being fused with the normal world, which is seriously bad news for everyone in an already [[Crapsack World]]...}}
* In ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]'', the Magic World is like this. {{spoiler|The Magic World is in [[Another Dimension]] that is layered on top of Mars}}.
* One interpretation of the ''[[Black★Rock Shooter (anime)||Black Rock Shooter]]'' OAV is that both "normal" story and the Otherworld plot are the same event at the same time. Two friends dealing with loneliness and jealousy in one world are a [[Magical Girl]] fighting a possessed [[Dark Magical Girl]] in the Other at the same time.
** Far, far more apparent in the ''[[Black★Rock Shooter (anime)||Black Rock Shooter]]'' TV series.
* The universe of ''[[Slayers]]'' has an astral plane, in which the spiritual projections of mortals exist. Contrariwise, the (already very powerful) physical manifestations of supernatural creatures like demons can best be described as a mere projection of their ''astral'' body. Bundled together, said universe is but one of four parallel “worlds” separated by the golden sea of chaos, A.K.A. {{spoiler|The Lord of Nightmares}}.
* The world of ''[[Bobobo-Bo Bo-bobo]]'' is like this, with the material world, along with multiple dark worlds (including one that acts as a [[Tailor-Made Prison]] for the emperor's brother, and a [[Bizarro Universe]] with an evil Bo-bobo and Beauty) and lots of [[Cloudcuckooland|bizarre]], [[Widget Series|nonsensical]] mental worlds.
== Comic Books ==
* ''[[Dreadstar]]'' has 15 known power layers.
: 1: "Palpable" material things, including celestial objects and various animate and inanimate nature encountered on the surfaces of those.
: 2: Easily tapped forces, mostly nuclear and electrical.
: 3-9: Mystical planes, can be used by relatively few first-level creatures (such as wizards and priests).
: 10-12: Habitat of demons, spirits, elementals, angels and dread veil sorcerers. Few first-levelers visit, and even then very rarely.
: 13-14: Habitat of gods.
: 15: Reality of infinity, inhabited by an entity of omnipotent force.
** A human wizard exposed to a window between 10th and 11th level was infused with celestial power, quickly caught more than he could handle, [[Superpower Meltdown|got burned and without help would be killed]].
** 15th level was actually sort-of tapped from 1-st… very briefly, using an artifact {{spoiler|intended as a self-destruct switch for the entire Galaxy}}, built by one of the greatest wizards of the oldest race in said Galaxy, who got augmented a lot more just for this task and planned details of activation 100 millennia ahead.
== Fan Works ==
* In the ''[[RWBY]]/[[The Gamer]]'' fic ''[[The Games We Play (RWBY fanfic)|The Games We Play]]'', the world seems to be something like this, paralleling elements of the Kabbalah; within the setting it was at one time called "Malkuth Theory". In short, there is a realm above of potential and energy, which manifests in the physical world, and "grounds out" in the lower realm (from which it cycles back to the higher realm).
== Film ==
* In ''[[Inception]]'', the protagonists use the concept of layers to plant an idea into someone's head. They kidnap him in a dream, rescue him in a [[Dream Within a Dream]], team up with him in a [[Mind Screw|dream within that dream...]]
** Which is necessary as for the inception to truly work it needs to be planted very deeply in the target's subconscious so that they will believe that it's their own idea.
== Literature ==
* ''[[Night Watch]]'' features the Twilight, a {{spoiler|seven-}}layered reality accessible to sorcerers. Each level makes you incorporeal at higher levels (though you can still see and interact with objects and people in them) and gives you a speed boost, but also continuously absorbs your life energy until you either leave or are dead.
* The ''[[Deverry Cycle]]'' has an ethereal plane (or astral plane, can't recall the terminology) that works like the D&D one.
* In ''[[The Bartimaeus Trilogy]]'', there are several layers of reality, each of them more "real" than the one before. If something is invisible on the first layer, it will become visible eventually once enough layers are peeled off: on the very final layer, everything is shown as it really is. Demons can see all layers by default, while humans are naturally able to only see the first one, although wizards have several magical tools available to see more.
* The Nevernever in ''[[The Dresden Files]]'' is a reality layer underlying our common reality. Although the laws of common physics don't apply to it, the geography of Faerie (the closest part of Nevernever to real world) is such that you can, for instance, enter it in one place, then exit it in another, [[Dungeon Bypass|bypassing any defenses or traps set in real world]]. You can also directly affect the real world from the Nevernever (though not the other way around), as an angry ghost in the beginning of ''Grave Peril'' demonstrates.
** It's not that people in the real world can't affect the Nevernever, rather that most denizens of reality lack the juice. It takes Faerie Queens, über-ghosts, or a seriously pissed-off wizard to send something through.
* ''From Beyond'' by [[H.P. Lovecraft]]. The main character's acquaintance invents a machine that makes it possible to see the creatures that lives in the different layers, but unfortunately, it works both ways.
* ''[[Ambergris|Shriek: An Afterword]]'' features [[Organic Technology|fungoid spectacles]] that at low settings let the wearer see the marks of the Grey Caps' influence, but at higher settings are [[Mind Screw|implied to peel back everything insufficiently real]]. Wearing them on such a high setting can make you catatonic for notable periods of time.
* ''[[Labyrinths of Echo]]'' has the Dark Side, or "backing of the World". Which looks suitably weird - colored winds, glowing cobblestones, transparent trees and so on. It doesn't accept everyone, is subjective enough that visitors may see the sky in diferent colors at the same time and unstable, especially where [[Narnia Time|time intervals in it and "real" world]] are concerned, but provides nice perks to those who can get there. For one, personalities created in interaction with other people fade out and one's [[Beneath the Mask|true nature comes to surface]], which usually feels good and performs better. More practically, enchantments become obvious: a magicked up area will ''somehow'' visibly manifest, and if someone e.g. under a spell forcing to keep a secret is pulled there, it will look like an ugly bug sticking to the victim's neck, which can be simply squashed; in the "mundane" world removing such things usually requires a tricky gamble with countering magic out of sight of the victim, who can messily explode or something at any moment. Conversely, the most efficient way to enchant a large area with effects more interactive than a blanket curse involves creation of a huge web on the Dark Side. Invisible or non-corporeal monsters become more noticeable, palpable and sometimes less deadly. What's even better, instinctive understanding is everything, so whether any phenomenon is benign, malicious, and so on can be rather reliably determined simply by paying attention to how one feels about looking at it.
* In ''[[A Certain Magical Index]]'', Heaven and Hell (and other comparable places) are believed to be in the same physical location as Earth, but on different "wavelengths". An analogy is that Heaven is ultraviolet rays, Earth is visible light, and Hell is infrared light. Normally, the different worlds are unable to interact.
== Role Playing Games ==
* ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'' cosmology has this with Border Ethereal Planes. A Border Ethereal Plane is an extra plane attached to Prime Material one, from which you can see and interact (''via'' magic, not physically) with the contents of the Prime Material Plane. An object or person in the BEP is not visible or tangible in the PMP, so ''ethereal'' traveler can just walk through the normal prime walls. On the downside, ethereal can be seen by some people... including [[Taken for Granite|medusae and basilisks]]—and prime walls don't block this either.
** In the magical theory of the [[Forgotten Realms]], the Demiplane of Shadows has Shadow Fringe and Deep much like the Ethereal Plane has Border and Deep Ethereal. I.e. the Fringe is linked to every shadow in the given world, but being made of shadows, it's severely distorted. It's used almost exclusively for shadow-walking.
** ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'' [https://web.archive.org/web/20100815062753/http://dnd.wikia.com/wiki/Birthright Birthright setting] had the Shadow World. Halflings originally came from there and could return if necessary.
** The [[Ravenloft]] setting's Border Ethereal is more tangible than most, as a phenomenon called "ethereal resonance" allows ambient emotion in the Material plane to impose mood-appropriate motifs upon the Ether. Places where the Ethereal has been permeated by darker emotions can become sinkholes of evil, where malign forces fester and grow even nastier than is usual for the Land of Mists.
* The ''[[Old World of Darkness]]'' has the Shadowlands and the Umbra, each of which is [[Another Dimension]] that overlaps with the "real world." The Shadowlands is where Wraiths typically reside; it looks like the real world, only aging, decayed, and destroyed. Later, after a cataclysmic soul storm, the Shadowlands look more like the real world [[After the End]] (and is correspondingly now called "The Wasteland").
** Of the various dimensions that converge on the ''[[New World of Darkness]]'', the Shadow, the [[Spirit World]], is the one that best fits this trope, being the spiritual reflection of the material world.
** And now, we have the Underworld, which works a hell of a lot like this. When you first enter, you're in the Autochthonous Depths, the area of the Underworld closest to the surface. After that lie the various Rivers, which take either power or sacrifice to cross, and after each one lie several Dead Dominions which go deeper and deeper into the Underworld.
* ''[[GURPS]] Cabal'' features a world divided into four layers, based on kabbalistic cosmology: Assiah is the material world, Yetzirah the world of spirits, Briah the world of deities and archetypal entities, and Atziluth is the home of capital-G God.
* The ''[[JAGS Wonderland]]'' setting uses this. Our reality is just the top level of a set of 8 "chessboards", which get weirder and more dangerous the deeper you go. While "down the rabbit hole," you could meet the Red Queen, the Mad Hatter, and other beings from the [[Lewis Carroll]] story.
* ''[[Ars Magica]]'' has Regio, which are localized versions of this—alternative layered realities that only exist in one limited area.
== Video Games ==
* The ''[[Mega Man Star Force]]'' series has the EM world, which consists of the [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|EM waves]] of the normal universe. Geo Stelar can see it from the normal world with his [[See-Thru Specs|special goggles]]. To get in, he has to find a portal and become Mega Man.
* ''[[Silent Hill]]'' is a many-layered world, which [[The Movie]] is most explicit in showing.
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