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* A female groin attack occurs in ''[[Polk Out]]''. [http://www.polkout.com/PraguePolk8.png\]
** ''"And it'll go and it'll find her and it'll bite her in the cunt."''
* [http://somethingpositive.net/sp12042002.shtml This] ''[[Something *Positive]]'' strip from 2002.
* ''[[The Green Avenger]]'' has a character named Lady Groincrush. Guess what her usual attack is.
* This is the only thing the [http://kris-wilson.deviantart.com/art/Vest-125563309 bulletproof Speedo] can protect cops against in ''[[Cyanide and& Happiness]]''.
* In one ''[[Penny Arcade]]'' strip, Gabe ends up downloading a patch for ''[[Video Game/Starsiege Tribes|Tribes 2]]'' that ends with an OK button and the message "Click OK to be kicked in the beanbag". After debating between his love for the game and his genitals, he presses the button and [http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2001/6/18/ his computer sprouts a leg and kicks him], elicting the memorable response "Right in the [[Sonic the Hedgehog|Mean Bean Machine!]]"
** Two Words: [http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2007/8/13/ Soft Targets].
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* [[Asperchu]] receives one of these in his titular webcomic.
* ''[[Casey and Andy]]''. Casey picks on a short alien with a single eye on a stalk. The alien retaliates. Casey spends the rest of the day watching ''[[Independence Day]]''. On the other hand, when Quantum Cop catches the aliens and they give him the Groin Attack, he's wearing a cup. And he writes them a citation, since he happens to know ''their'' legal system too.
* ''[[Pokémon-X]]'' had this [http://pokemonx.comicgenesis.com/d/20040611.html as one of the most popular comics]. [[Lampshading]] ''Zelda'''s "[[Item Get]]" sequence in the process probably helped.
* For Lucy from ''[[Bittersweet Candy Bowl]]'' this practically counts as a signature move. One particularly good (bad?) example [http://www.bittersweetcandybowl.com/c12/p15.html here].
* Utilized mercilessly in chapter 10 of ''[[Red vs. Blue]]: Revelation'' by {{spoiler|Tex}}. For extra laughs, all <s> six</s> seven groin blows in the episode were focused on Grif alone.
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