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* The poor title character of the dark and edgy ''[[Kamen Rider]]'' [[Deconstruction]] film ''[[Shin Kamen Rider Prologue]]'' suffers from this. Rather than simply having the 'armor' appear over his body, Shin's body actually changes, distorts and morphs into the Shin Kamen Rider. This is only done twice in the film, and is extremely painful for the guy (also leaving him naked for some reason); specific super-creepy examples include his forehead splitting open four ways at once, and his jaw ''splitting in half''. They had to tone the costume down a bit for his appearance in ''[[Kamen Rider Decade]]'', and even then he was pretty scary-looking.
* In ''[[Troll]]'', when Torok injects Peter Dickinson ([[Sonny Bono]]) with his ring to turn him into one of his minions, he turns bright green with slime oozing from cuts on his body while screaming in agony the whole time, he morphs into a cocoon which cracks open and out pops a little monster with his facial features and spider legs.
* Using the shape-shift drug [[Warhammer 4000040,000|polymorphine]] doesn't look like much fun if agent Lechias' face in ''[[Damnatus]]'' is anything to go by; not to mention that just to ''start'' the process you have to stab yourself in the stomach with a big friggin' needle.
* In ''[[Hocus Pocus]]'', we don't actually see Thackeray Binks' transformation into a cat, but we can HEAR his body changing shape...and it doesn't sound comfortable ''at all''.
** You can also hear the poor guy screaming as it happens.
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* Infernal [[Exalted]] have the Charm Inner Devils Unchained, which turns the target into a demon. Painfully.
** Then there's the process of becoming akuma, which throws in plenty of [[Mind Rape]] in addition to everything else.
* ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'' v.3 has a sourcebook which expands on the rules and abilites of wizards and sorcerors called 'Tome and Blood'. It gives the Prestige Class of 'The Acolyte of the Skin', which is gained by summoning the essence of a fiend and binding it to your flesh. The [http://stat8.blog.ru/lr/0810eba6e00aefdca4ca43fe1e1215dd illustration] is [[Squick|not pretty]].
{{quote|The Ritual of Bonding is painful and not to be undertaken lightly. The ritual requires 10 rounds from initiation to completion, and once begun, nothing can halt its progress. The fiendish essence subsumes the caster's own skin, an agonizing process that deals 1d4 points of damage each round of the ritual--wise candidates keep some ''cure'' potions handy.}}
* [[Crapsack World|Naturally]], ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]'' and ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' have their own form of this trope with [[The Corruption|Chaos mutations]], all of which are disgusting, irreversible, and excruciatingly painful.
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