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* ''[[Seven Samurai]]''—Contained a lot of film firsts, such as recruiting a group of quirky heroes to achieve a goal and introducing the main protagonist in a way unrelated to the plot. Sometimes is considered to be the first modern action movie or first modern epic movie.
* ''[[Since You Went Away]]''—First use of the [[Train Station Goodbye]].
* ''[[Toy Story (franchise)|Toy Story]]'' (and by extension, [[Pixar]] themselves) -- Bringing the [[All CGI Cartoon]] to the big screen.
* ''[[Scanners]]''—Created the [[Psychic Nosebleed]] and [[Your Head Asplode]] as part of its [[Body Horror]] take on [[Psychic Powers]].
* ''[[Cat People (film)|Cat People]]'' -- [[Cat Scare]]. But despite the name, they used a bus.
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* [[Yellow Magic Orchestra]] was the first [[Synth Pop]] band. While [[Kraftwerk]] was the first to do live performances of electronic music, YMO was the first to do it without playing up the instruments' novelty.
* Lïkë [[Heavy Metal Umlaut|Ümläüts]]? Thänk [[Blue Öyster Cult|Blue Oyster Cult]].
* [[Dream Theater]] and [[QueensrycheQueensrÿche]] are generally considered the first two [[Progressive Metal]] bands.
* [[My Bloody Valentine (band)|My Bloody Valentine]]. [[Shoegazing]]. Nuff said.
* Skream popularized dubstep with what is believed to be the first proper dubstep song called midnight request [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6pTSGvp7T8 line ]
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== Tabletop Games ==
* ''[[Kriegspiel]]'' was the first war game, created by a German nobleman to train his generals in military strategy. The name means "wargame."
* ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]''—In fact, many video game ideas ultimately came from here, as ''Ultima'' and ''Rogue'' drew heavily from D&D and went on to influence every computer/video RPG that came later.
* ''[[Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game)]]'' was the first major horror RPG, and is the acknowledged Trope Maker of the [[Sanity Meter]], a variation of which can be found in almost all horror RPGs that followed it (e.g. Humanity in ''[[Vampire: The Masquerade]]'', the Madness Meters of ''[[Unknown Armies]]'', etc, etc). As with ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'', this aspect is often copied in video games as well as tabletops.
* It's a rare [[Card Games|collectible card game]] that owes nothing at all to ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]''. It could be argued that there's no such thing, since Richard Garfield essentially invented the ''idea'' of a game with collectible pieces.
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* ''[[Pong]]''—The first successful [[Arcade Game]], and the first home [[Videogame Systems|Video Game System]], laying out many of the basics.
* ''[[Rogue (video game)|Rogue]]''—Y'see, there's this type of game called a [[Roguelike]]... Also called "dungeon-crawlers".
* ''[[Kunio -Kun|Nekketsu Kouha Kunio Kun/Renegade]]'' - established the foundations of the [[Beat'Em Up]] genre as we know it, or the "belt-scrolling" beat-em-ups at the very least, which was built upon by [[Double Dragon]] and [[River City Ransom|its own sequel]].
* ''[[R-Type]]''—Introduced the idea of a formal system of powerups each of which did a specific thing (as opposed to the ''Gradius'' system of using powerups as currency). Introduced the idea of a controllable [[Attack Drone]], and the [[Reflecting Laser]], [[Charged Attack]] and [[Battleship Raid]] tropes.
* ''[[Scorched Earth]]''—Turn-based Artillery.
* ''[[Shin Megami Tensei]]''—Created the [[Mons]] RPG sub-genre. Its source material, ''[[Digital Devil Story]]'', is a brutal [[Deconstruction]] of the genre, making it [[Unbuilt Trope|unbuilt]].
** ''[[Shin Megami Tensei I]]'' was also revolutionary in its handling of apocalyptic disasters, angels, gods, demons, balance of power and morality in the face of [[The End of the World as We Know It]].
* ''[[Sim CitySimCity]]''—Created the [[Simulation Game]] genre (or at least popularized it).
* ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]''—Pioneered the [[Mascot with Attitude]].
* ''[[Space Invaders]]''—Created the [[Shoot'Em Up]] genre.
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* ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series|Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series]]''—the [[Ur Example|Ur-]][[Abridged Series]].
* [[Red vs. Blue]], the first modern Machinima.
* [[Wikipedia]] is an encyclopedia, and so influential that [[The Wiki Rule|few wikis exist that aren't, functionally, specialized encyclopedias]] rather than, say, community projects or collections of cross-referenced essays. The most obvious counterexample, [[Everything 2Everything2]], predates Wikipedia.
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