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SCP Foundation/Nightmare Fuel: Difference between revisions

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* The real crowning piece of terror inherent to nearly every single SCP object page: before you even get to the description, you get one or more paragraphs describing the special containment procedures needed for each object, forcing you to imagine just what requires this kind of containment process. These procedures often include battalions of elite commandos with assault weapons and body armor, 3-meter-thick titanium cubes, on-site nuclear self-destruct systems, deep underground or undersea locations, overwatch from AC-130s, unimaginably extensive monitoring equipment, people with unusual skills or attributes (such as fluency in Ancient Sumerian or a "marked sexual deviancy"), vats of hydrochloric acid, bulletproof glass, and ''other SCP objects''. In other words, stuff that no government in their right mind would ever authorize. It's around then that you know what you're dealing with.
* [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-579 SCP-579] combines the above with the tendency to censor the documents [[Nothing Is Scarier|to truly scary effect]]. Its classification is Keter (objects of the worst sort), and considering the extremes to be gone to in the case that ''anything'' happens in its containment cell, it can cause ... ''something'' very bad. But everything ''but'' the containment procedures were removed by High Command. so nobody but the seven survivors of... whatever know anything about it (and [[He Knows Too Much|"termination of agents to prevent data leakage"]] might have been used if there had been more).<ref>though this might indicate it is a [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation|memetic]] or [[Mind Rape|cogitohazard]]</ref>
**To make things worse, there are details that imply that the thing, whatever it is, may be the [[Ultimate Evil]].
* The sheer knowledge that if it wasn't for the Foundation, the world might have ended already. Also, the sheer knowledge that ''despite'' the existence of the Foundation it just might end anyways, since several objects that could cause [[The End of the World as We Know It]] require only one tiny slip-up to activate, and there are several others the Foundation ''cannot do anything about''.
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* SCPs [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-076 076-2] and [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682 682]. Both are indestructible, very sharp killing machines. Sure, you can put them down for now, but they'll just come right back again in a few minutes.
** SCP-076 has a long description on its page about how in "the worst breach to date", its containment site was forced to set off a nuke, killing everyone and incinerating the location... '''[[Nigh Invulnerable|and failing to kill the SCP]]'''.
** Not to mention the incident with the "[http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-076-2 Mobile Task Force Omega-7]". In short, the Foundation tried to weaponize 076-2 by exploiting their blood-thirst and its apparent "respect" toward the ones they declared worthy enemies. So they assembled a task force for him to command and gave him work. It worked for a while, until the Foundation run out of missions to give him, and 076-2 ended killing his own men and breaching containment.
** SCP 682 is described as a reptilian monster able to mutate and regenerate body parts, with hyperintelligence, and [[Omnicidal Maniac|a hate of all forms of life]], and the ability to adapt to anything. It's still capable of talking (usually in the form of obscenities and threats) with as much as 80% of its body mass destroyed, and needs to be kept in an acid bath so as to constantly keep it weakened. What makes it worse is the fact that they have to experiment with other SCPs to try and find away to permanently destroy it. The most frightening thing? It usually fails, and then it becomes immune to whatever they tried.
** How about the interaction between 682 and 826? [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-826 826] is a pair of pewter dragon statues that transform the room it's in into the setting of any book placed between them. If the people fail to escape the room, they will lose all memories of their past lives, and the story will rewrite itself to incorporate them. Realizing this, the SCP wrote a 12 page short story called "The Generally Nice, Friendly Thing That Can And Will Kill SCP-682 Permanently if it So Much As Spots That Damn Lizard", that was just a description of a plain green field, and a large monster whose sole descriptive quality was the stated ability of permanently killing 682. So, they put 682 in there, and in a matter of minutes, the plain green field turned into a scorched crater-filled wasteland, and the 12 page short story had become a <s>1,000+</s> 209 page epic called "The Generally Nice, Friendly Thing That Tried To Kill SCP-682 Permanently But Failed" describing the epic battles between this monster and an innocent creature whose very existence was based around its ability to destroy 682. And 682 won. [[Tear Jerker|Poor thing]].
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** According to [http://lafundacionscp.wikidot.com/seminario-niveles-clases this story from the Spanish-language branch], the "termination" of D-class personnel doesn't refer to killing, at least on the present time. It ''used'' to mean so, but the decrease on the application of death penalty and the subsequent reduction on human resources forced the Foundation to reduce the monthly culling to the aggressively violent and the ones who were compromised by the SCP they were assigned to. Instead, at the end of the month the surviving prisoners get the last month wiped of their minds with amnestics and are reassigned, so they eternally believe that they are working just a month in a science lab to shave off years from their sentences. This means that they get forcibly what the ex-staff of 231-7 gets ''voluntarily''. It then shows a couple of D-Class that the researcher giving the conference maintains around as his assistants; they were lobotomised to have retrograde amnesia deliberately inflicted on them. You almost want them to get mercifully killed.
*** Oh, and don't expect them to be released any time soon because the Foundation depends so much on the D-class that it could simply collapse without them, leading to innumerable security breaches and the release of every SCP in this page and then some.
*** The same story has this jewel (translated for your convenience):
{{quote|Non-D class personnel is never demoted to D-class. Never. Remember those jokes we discussed before? This is one of those. If we have to apply a fulminating and definitive disciplinary sanction to a Foundation member we don't beat the bush around that much.}}
* [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-882 SCP-882] is a clockwork... thing that grows by absorbing all nearby metal objects and can brainwash anyone nearby into "feeding" it. [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-271 SCP-271] is an engraved coin, whose inscription spreads to nearby objects and turns them into an indestructible metal with unknown properties. Accidental tests on living organisms suggest that both being absorbed by the machine and being converted by the coin are excruciatingly painful. There is an obvious reason these things are not to be allowed in the same room. The Church of the Broken God wants to try it out.
* [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-002 SCP-002] is a ball of flesh with a door in it. Through the door is a modest apartment, complete with furniture made out of the body parts of the people it's killed.
* The old [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-112-arc SCP-112] is an [[Artifact of Doom]] activated in the presence of any non-virgin or non-castrated person. And it has been stolen by radical Muslim terrorists. Get the idea?
* [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-415 SCP-415], The Harvested Man. [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]].
* [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-231 SCP-231-07], a girl of undefined age who was impregnated with some kind of [[Cosmic Horror]] by a Satanic sex cult. The only way to keep it from being born is by putting her through "Procedure 110-Montauk" every twenty-four hours, which is described as involving "brutally (DATA EXPUNGED)". It can only be carried out by convicted sex offenders among Class D Personnel, and is being supervised by employees who have passed a psychological examination in which "mild sociopathic tendencies and marked sexual deviancy are not to be considered automatic fail conditions" (an early warning and implication of who carries this out), and it's [[Word of God|10 times worse than whatever you think it is.]]
** Here's one bit of extreme Nightmare Fuel relating to SCP-231: Some of the staff who were involved in the project have taken amnesiacs to forget it, and false memories have been implanted. Which means that ''you'' could have been on the project and not even remember it.<ref>Assuaged somewhat by the fact that you would've merely been a security guard or pencil pusher; only sex offenders serving life sentences are allowed to preform "Procedure 110-Montauk". Also, the use of amnesiacs was completely voluntary... although the sheer number of requests for those amnesiacs should tell you something.</ref>
** Oh, and they started using amnesia-inducing drugs on 231 herself; the sum total of 110-Montauk was starting to induce a form of shell shock in the victim. As a constant level of agony and terror needs to be inflicted to suppress the [[Eldritch Abomination]], they started wiping her mind of her knowledge of Montauk. Eventually it was determined that a weekly dosing cycle was most efficient, as the 3rd to 4th time is the most mentally devastating; the first time is horrible, the second time establishes a pattern, and the third confirms that [[Despair Event Horizon|this is what the rest of your life is going to be like.]]
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** According by [[Word Of God|the author]], "All the rape is in your head".
* One of the most disturbing things about the SCP series is that almost all of them were located and contained after coming into contact with a regular civilian human being going about their business, with no knowledge of what the thing is, how it works or where it came from. Consider that there's an indeterminate number of supernatural objects that could qualify as an SCP scattered around the world, and ''you'' could run into, say, an undocumented Keter-class at any minute during your daily routine.
* Even the [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-series#toc12 joke SCPs] are creepy.
** Take [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-000-j SCP-000-J]. It's a catalogue of every SCP item, which anybody can apparently order through a simple phone call as if they were everyday items. When one of the testers did call and order one of them (a safe-level item), it disappeared from its storage and mysteriously got delivered to his office, and the amount he would have paid for it vanished from his next paycheck. Now imagine somebody finding this catalogue and ordering one of the Keter-class items...
** They have [http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2006-j SCP-2006-J] an [[Eldrich Abomination]] (complete with tentacles and eyes in odd places) that fancies herself as a [[Magical Girl]], complete with costume and wand. Sound hilarious, until the fridge horror kicks in and you are forced to imagine what this girl does to her poor victims with that wand.
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* The former [http://scpclassic.wikidot.com/scp-995 SCP-995], an object that is too mentally scarring for many to describe. At best, it's been described as an "Infinite Devil Machine." It's required to be kept in a blessed lead container full of also-blessed holy water, which turns black and darkens whatever room its in. Recorded images of it breaking out of its container show tendrils poking out of its container. Unfortunately it's been deleted due to negative ratings and changed to a device which drives people insane as it touches an electric conductor. Eventually it was deleted altogether, although the original article can still be found [http://scpclassic.wikidot.com/scp-995 here.]
** It's not gone anymore. Behold the [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1995 Infinite Devil Machine 2.0].
** The current [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-995 SCP-995] is still quite nightmarish. Fungi creatures that develop more organs (like eyes, mouths and tentacles) the longer they grow, like to live under sofas and similar furniture, and eat people. If that doesn't sounds scary, they describe one instance of these beings that adapted to create sounds to lure prey, ranging from ringtones to baby cries.
* [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-217 SCP-217] is a virus that turns people into machines. It can affect any animal, replaces organs and such with mechanical parts, and the affected creature becomes repetitive and locked in a set pattern of behavior. Scared now? Oh and did I also mention that the Church of the Broken God wants to bring it into contact with [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-882 SCP-882] and [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-271 SCP-271]?
* The worst one was [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-055 SCP-055]. Which was also the coolest. Imagine seeing something, and not being able to describe it. It basically makes you forget anything related to it, being reduced to what it DOESN'T look like. [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/incident-report-i-028-f This doesn't help either]. An area that makes people gain immediate knowledge of a random subject. A man enters the area, goes into a fit, and afterwards forgets he was even in the area. Locked the memory out of sheer horror? Amnesia?
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(the human head is that of a man around thirty five, with thick black hair and sideburns. He has extremely pale skin and dark circles under his eyes. He is severed at the neck, which reveals muscle and a bloody hole.)
'''Head''': Where am I? Who am I?! What the hell is going- (Begins looking around and turning up, down, and to the sides) Everything seems at a weird angl- hey, what are you doing! Get that knife away from me!
'''Waiter''': Bon appétit, gentlemen.
'''Head''': (begins screaming)}}
** To explain: this is a set of tableware that transform any piece of meat you place there into human flesh, made by people who [[I Am a Humanitarian|wanted to know what people tasted like]] but were probably too squeamish to actually murder for getting it.
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** Oh, and did we mention that when enraged, it's invincible? And that it's capable of bringing down an AWACS plane? And that it doesn't just kill its victims, it also [DATA EXPUNGED] them, leaving no trace of the body?
** There is one bit of good news: {{spoiler|-096 has been scheduled to be terminated.}} Though it took {{spoiler|letting the creature escape and wreak havoc on a highway, a small population center, and a military aircraft, ending with the execution of the scientist who arranged for the breach to happen}} to convince the 05 to act.
* You know you're dealing with some master writers when they can make ''cups'' [[Paranoia Fuel]]. [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-198 SCP-198], a cup that can teleport and pretend to be other beverage containers. When you pick it up, it instantly bonds with your skin and cannot be removed, even by amputation. You rapidly become dehydrated unless you drink from the cup. What's in the cup? Human body fluids, like spit, sweat, bile, mucus, and...some less pleasant ones. Also, since you dehydrate so fast, your only hope is to chug everything in the cup constantly.
** Do you know that humans can't breathe and drink simultaneously? That's because when we ingest liquids a flap closes the via to our lungs so we don't drown. So this thing will kill you either by drowning or by impeding you to breathe.
* [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-182 SCP-182]: A nice, cheerful guy who wants to be friends. Oh, and did we mention that he's deaf, mute, and horribly scarred, and he compensates for the first three by involuntarily riding shotgun on your senses when you get within ten meters, and if you stay around him there's a 97% chance you'll go insane? And he knows this. And he can't do a thing about it.
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** Special mention goes out to {{spoiler|''that picture'' at the end, because of how downright cruel it is in its implementation. It's not animated, but the thing is, it comes after several pages of nothing but "UPLOADING... UPLOADING... UPLOADING..." repeated over and over - so naturally you'll scroll down faster to get through the textwall quicker, and end up with a faceful of oh God little demon girls before you're ready for it.}}
* [http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-956 SCP-956], quite a disturbing inversion of piñatas. They can also detect children not matter how far they are.
* [http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-1994 SCP-1994], a serum that causes people to develop teeth in any part of their bodies, and the people infected with it can also infect other people when said teed decay and turns into dust. It was developed by a russian odontologist who studied the Tooth Fairies above mentioned and decided to mix whatever they used to generate teeth with some fungi to create replacement teeth.
* [http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2521 SCP-2521] is a creature who steals every piece of information about itself, as long as the information is expressed in verbal or textual mode. Because of that, everything about it must be registered by ideograms and pics. Did we mention that people reading its report loud counts as "things that can be stolen" by this monster? And that the monster is impossible to contain?
* It's a pity that the SCP from the foreign branches aren't translated, because they can bring the creepy. Some from the Spanish branch:
** [http://lafundacionscp.wikidot.com/scp-es-045 SCP-ES-045], a doll made of porcelain and... some kind... of human tissue. It makes people stay still, lose their communication skill, and then [DATA EXPUNGED]. The subjects do survive and get better, but get a reasonable fear of dolls after the experience. The doll was found in an abandoned house in a neighborhood after the disappearance of a number of children, which gives you a hint on how this thing was made. When in contention, a note from its creator appeared, promising the doll to rescue her. After a containment breach, which ended with the assigned personnel found with their tongue and several internal organs removed and dressed in baby clothes, another note from the creator was found, saying, more or less "I don't want you anymore. you're as evil as always. Also, I have new toys. Don't come back, or I'll tell Daddy". The thing is so vile, ''not even its creator wants it back.''
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** [http://lafundacionscp.wikidot.com/scp-es-071 SCP-ES-071] is a memetic agent that manifests as a writing in one of many indigenous language in the skin of any person that read its text from any written surface it was transcribed. The text is basically the address of some magical golden city with many riches, but the location differs in each language transcription. The person infected has also vivid mental images of the geographical accidents near the site, acquire the compulsion to go to said city, and the infection can be get even if the person doesn't know the language of the text, and every time they want to write it is in said aboriginal language. Fortunately, the memetic effect doesn't spread when said person repeats the content of said text in their mother, occidental language, but since by then the infected has lost their ability of write in anything that isn't the aboriginal language of the text they carry, that's isn't much of a consolation. As if the former wasn't already bad, all the addresses registered direct to places specially engineered to kill anyone non native from America, and, specifically, Europeans. One of the places the text directs is the original location of [http://lafundacionscp.wikidot.com/scp-es-082 SCP-ES-082], a Mayan sarcophagus who contains something who gleefully kills anyone of non-indigenous ascendant. Another address directs to the location of an Amazonian tribe incredibly hostile to foreigners, and another one directs to a place in Peru where a family of an unknown SCP annihilated all intruders. The last of the described places had its data expunged, save for the fact that the Foundation had to raze the pace with napalm and then irradiated until it was rendered unhabitable.
** [http://lafundacionscp.wikidot.com/scp-es-027 SCP-ES-027], the constantly mutating air ducts of a Venezuelan building, and the man-eating predator that lives in them. Another generic labyrinthine manifestation with attached homicidal being who can be contained by just sealing it, right? {{spoiler|Except that isn't limited to that specific building: it can manifest in other buildings on the globe as their wish, ''and isn't just one creature''. The containment procedures had to include feed them D-class personnel in the original building as a way to impede them to move away from their original location.}}
** [http://lafundacionscp.wikidot.com/scp-es-015 SCP-ES-015] are pills that are impossible to ingest. Literally. Trying to swallow one just chokes you. Powdering and dissolving it to drink it only accelerates the process. If you manage to introduce it on some living organism it will cause their death unless you extract the substance from their bodies. And every time, the substance will reform into their original pill form once they got out of the formerly living being. But the real disturbing thing is its backstory: apparently its creator developed what could be constructed as an improved version of SCP-500, so good it really gives you immortality; but a super-religious coworker decided that this was an heresy, so they tampered with the formula so no-one could ingest the substance ever.
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