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[[File:rinkasakuragari.jpg|frame|Souma and Masataka.]]
'''''Sakura Gari''''' is a Taishou Era romantic story by [[Yuu Watase]], ten years in the making. It centers around the 16 year old Tagami Masataka as he tries to find his place in life. While attempting to start prep school as a rounin, he encounters Saiki Souma, the 25-year-old son of a distinguished noble of the Saiki Koushyaku family, and becomes part of the Saiki household as a mix of boarding student and servant. The Souma and the Saiki households, however, are hiding some very dark secrets, and Masataka unwittingly starts getting involved...
This manga is a rather explicit entry in the [[Boys Love]] genere, and is departure from the usual [[Yuu Watase]]'s usual work in [[Shoujo]] romantic series.
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* [[Chick Magnet]] - Souma is shown attracting many, many female suitors.
* [[Child by Rape]] - {{spoiler|Masataka, who knows it well. He refers to himself as a "dirty child" because of that.}}
* [[Clingy Jealous Girl]] - [[Alpha Bitch|Kanako]] and {{spoiler|[[:Category:Yandere|Sakurako]]}}.
* [[Cold-Blooded Torture]] - Dr. Katsuragi's rape and torture of {{spoiler|Masataka}}.
** Also, what {{spoiler|Sakurako}} does to almost every single lover that {{spoiler|Souma}} has among the household staff, and takes pictures of each abuse session. The most notorious cases are: {{spoiler|Masataka (tied up, force fed a meal with glass shards hidden inside, threatened)}}, {{spoiler|Terashima (crushes his drawing hand, throws him down a flight of stairs)}}, and an unnamed maid ( {{spoiler|[[Bound and Gagged]], savagely beaten up -- causing her to lose Souma's baby that she was pregnant with.)}} In the culprit's own words:
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* [[Love Makes You Dumb]] - Souma, you are a fucking idiot when it comes to Masataka.
* [[Love Redeems]] - {{spoiler|Souma}}. Eventually.
* [[Love Triangle]] - There is initially a love triangle between Souma, Masataka, and Sakurako. With Souma pining after Masataka, who is attracted to Sakurako, who {{spoiler|is a [[:Category:Yandere|Yandere]] for [[Brother-Sister Incest|her brother Souma]]}}. The attraction pretty much ends when she starts force-feeding him glass, though.
* [[Loving a Shadow]] - {{spoiler|Souma's father}}
* [[Madwoman in the Attic]] - {{spoiler|Sakurako, who has been locked in an old warehouse near the Saiki mansion for nine years after her mother died. Everyone else outside the household believes that she died of illness few after Lady Saiki died. After Terashima's "fiery" death, though, she's allowed to return to the main house.}}
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** This goes into [[Fridge Horror]] as {{spoiler|the only way Souma has ever been shown any affection is through the way various people rape and sexually molested him, or through his consensual sexual encounters as an adult. By this point sex is pretty much the only way that he knows of to show his affection.}} Hence why he didn't take it well when Masataka rejected him.
* [[Really Gets Around]] - Souma. Almost ''everyone'' knows that a huge defining trait about him is that he's willing to sleep with ''anyone''.
* [[Secret Keeper]] - Sort-of. {{spoiler|As a child, Sakurako saw how Katsuragi forced Souma to kill their mom. She went from [[The Cutie]] to [[Creepy Child]] and then to [[:Category:Yandere|Yandere]] afterwards.}}
** Another is {{spoiler|the [[Old Retainer]] maid, Ohatsu, who witnessed Souma's abuse at the hands of Sakurako's mother, but didn't say anything because it would involve too many problems for the whole household.}}
** And {{spoiler|Souma witnessed Sakurako's murder of Terashima, but kept his mouth shut since he blamed himself for it.}}
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* [[Self-Made Orphan]] - {{spoiler|Sakurako told Katsuragi to slowly poison Lord Saiki to death, apparently as revenge for her abandonment. Souma found out and used the same poison in Katsuragi's fatal [[Humiliation Conga]].}}
* [[Sensitive Guy and Manly Man]] - Respectively: Masataka and Souma, Masataka and Takafumi, Mitsugu and Masataka, Souma and Katsuragi, {{spoiler|Youya and Masataka.}}.
* [[Shallow Love Interest]] - Sakurako passes herself off as this to Masataka, who genuinely starts falling for her. Unfortunately for him, {{spoiler|she's a scary [[:Category:Yandere|Yandere]] who actually hates him and is [[Brother-Sister Incest|incredibly possessive of her brother]].}}.
* [[She Cleans Up Nicely]] - [[Gender Flip]]ped during the [[Dances and Balls|ball]], with Masataka looking nice in a suit.
* [[Shown Their Work]] - Watase made quite the bit of research on the Taisho period, and it shows.
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* [[Yakuza]] - The people that {{spoiler|Takafumi is in debt with.}}
* [[Yamato Nadeshiko]] - Deconstructed, and how. Katsuragi's beautiful, polite and soft-spoken wife Asayo seems to be one, at first sight; then, Masataka notices [[Good Scars, Evil Scars|the bruises on her neck and wrists]], and the deal becomes [[Domestic Abuse|a LOT]] [[Stepford Smiler|more unsettling...]]
* [[:Category:Yandere|Yandere]] - Good god, {{spoiler|Sakurako}}. The girl is absolutely [[Axe Crazy|batshit insane]]. One moment she'll be acting all sweet, the next she'll be trying to kill you.
** Souma too, though he mellows out later on. And then we see ''why'' he is like that...
** Katsuragi, for Souma.
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[[Category:Historical Fiction]]
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