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== Anime & Manga ==
* ''[[Keroro Gunsou]]'': In one story Tamama pretends to be a god (angel in the Funimation English dub) after being caught by a boy practising soccer. While he did help the boy become more confident he gave some rather strange advice, especially in the manga and English dub, not to mention teaching the boy a soccer kick fueled by resentment.
* Kyoko of ''[[Skip Beat!]]!'' still believes she got her purple worry stone from a fairy prince named Corn, which is very important to her. The pretty blond boy in question was ten at the time, and she was six; he presumably thought it was harmless to play along with such a ridiculously cute little girl. {{spoiler|Now that Hizuri Kuon has grown up and [[Becoming the Mask|become]] Tsuruga Ren, the ethical issues involved in his convoluted lies have become really ridiculous.}} Incredibly, none of it has actually bitten yet.
** Kyoko, in a mini version of this, has become Ren's [[The Obi-Wan|gag Obi Wan]] in costume as a rooster named Bou. His relationship with the rooster has evolved oddly and with no apparent introspection on his part over the course of the series, although he seems to think it's a guy older than himself. Since his reaction when this comes out will be primarily embarrassment (and amazement at how oblivious she can be, given Bou's been giving him advice about seducing the teenage girl he loves without Kyoko ever suspecting it's her), it's much easier to look forward to than the collapse of Ren's web of lies. It should be ''hilarious''.
* When a cute little cabbit-like creature offers to make you a magical girl in exchange for fulfilling your fondest wish, [[Puella Magi Madoka Magica|don't trust him]].
* In the world of ''[[Slayers]]'', there are plenty of real, actual demons, many of whom are openly seeking humans with whom to make an infernal pact with. So it's kind of [[Zero Punctuation|impressive, in a retarded kind of way]], that the [[Goldfish Poop Gang]] [[Harmless Villain]] manages to be a fervent worshipper of a demon who apparently doesn't actually exist.
* {{spoiler|Gil Graham}} from ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha As|Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's]]'' has provided Hayate with a home and allowance, even paying for hospital funds. {{spoiler|Turns out that this is his gambit to make Hayate the master of the Book of Darkness, [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|allowing him to seal the Book of Darkness away.]]}}
* Light Yagami of ''[[Death Note]]'' briefly wonders why ''he'' was given a book that could kill anybody. When Ryuk, the being who slipped him the Death Note, tells him that 'I did it because I was bored. There's nothing special about you', he decides fate gave him the Death Note. [[A God Am I|This tells you something about his motivation.]]
** Then again, Ryuk himself muses that he never expected what amounted to a prank to have such a massive impact on the world, and that it was a one in a million chance that the person who found the book had both a grandiose ambition for it and the intellect to achieve it. Even the [[Hero Antagonist]] says that a normal person would never have done with it what Light did, even if they still chose to kill with it (though, to his mind, that just means Light is crazy) and in the one-chapter sequel the owner of another Death Note ends up being just a pale imitation of Light. So, perhaps, Light is on to something....
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