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Princess and heir to the throne of Tycoon, Lenna is a caring young woman, to the point of putting the life of others before hers. This made the Water Crystal choose her, as its essence was that of devotion.
* [[Action Girl]]: Not as much as Faris but is still quite determined to fight and protect the world.
* [[Badass Princess]]
* [[The Chick]]: Well-raised, well-spoken, and full of kindness.
* [[Cute Bruiser]]: Hard hitting jobs like monk and knight turn her into this.
* {{spoiler|[[Demonic Possession]] - To put it simply, Exdeath arranged for her to be possessed by a demon after sucking Tycoon in the void and shortly before her wyvern helped her escape.}}
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: Oh ''so much''. She'll put her life on the line to save Wind drakes, and that's just a part of it.
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* [[Lady of War]]: Depicted with a sword in Amano art as well as the PSX's FMV stills and does not hesitate to take up arms against the forces destroying the crystals. Hard-hitting jobs like Knight and Monk turn her into this as well.
* [[Leitmotif]]: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Egvbf_Vfs80 Lenna's Theme]. She's the only one besides Exdeath to have one named after her.
* [[Leotard of Power]]: Her in-game sprite.
* [[Naive Newcomer]]: Her idea to request ''pirates'' for a ride. Not that Galuf's brilliant plan worked any better.
* The [[Tomboy and Girly Girl|Girly Girl]] to {{spoiler|Faris.}}
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* [[Rose-Haired Girl]]: Only in the in-game sprites (Her Amano art has her as a [[Hair of Gold|blonde]]). However, the pink hair is far more favored by fan artists.
* [[Ship Tease]]: Her initial dialogue with Bartz (especially the PSX translation) and the Amano art of them embracing in moonlight. Doesn't really happen in-game.
* [[Silk Hiding Steel]]: She may be a [[Lady of War]] but she's also so kind and sweet and well-spoken and princessy.
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: Initially translated as "Reina".
* [[Squishy Wizard]]
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* [[Cool Old Guy]]
* {{spoiler|[[Deader Than Dead]]}}
* [[Determinator]]: {{spoiler|He can fight at '''0 HP'''}}. It's to the point that Exdeath actually begins to freak out over it.
* [[Easy Amnesia]]: Initially, he can't remember anything save his name, because he hit his head when landing his meteor in the beginning of the game. He tries to use it to get off blame when his "steal Faris' ship" plan goes south.
{{quote|'''Galuf:'''...Ohh, my aching head! I can't remember a thing!
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* {{spoiler|[[Take Up My Sword]]: Galuf to Krile.}}
* [[Token Mini-Moe]]
* [[You Are Not Alone]]: The others tell her this during the ending.
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* [[Mighty Glacier]]: They're actually faster than a Freelancer, but their use of Heavy Armor tends to make them slower.
* [[NoWon't SellWork On Me]]: As stated above, Guard nullifies damage from all physical attacks.
* [[Self-Imposed Challenge]]: Use of the above and below in combination makes them quite useful for them.
* [[Taking the Bullet]]: Has the signature Cover ability.
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* [[Disc One Nuke]]: Like [[Final Fantasy II]] and [[Final Fantasy Tactics]], your bare hands do rather high damage early in the game.
* [[Heal Thyself]]: Chakra heals some HP and some [[Standard Status Effects]].
* [[Herd-Hitting Attack]]: Their command Kick lets them hit all foes for reduced damage.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: Is fairly fast, though they have the same speed bonus as a Knight, yet is not encumbered by heavy armor.
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* [[Forest Ranger]]
* [[Glass Cannon]]: Good strength, decent speed, hampered by low health. Mitigated however by this class's usefulness in the back row.
* [[Spam Attack]]: Rapid Fire.
* [[Summon Magic]]: In the form of [[Woodland Creatures]].
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: Apart from [[Knife Nut|knives]], see [[The Archer]].
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* [[In a Single Bound]]/[[Jump Physics]]: Their Jump skill deals double damage when used with spears.
* [[Life Drain]] and [[Mana Drain]]: Their Lance skill allows them to recover HP and MP from a foe.
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: Yet another Heavy Armor job, yet again slightly weaker than a Knight and slightly faster.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Bartz's Dragoon outfit very closely resembles [[Final Fantasy IV|Kain Highwind]].
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==== The Dancer ====
These warriors use deadly dances to defeat foes.
* [[Dance Battler]]: First ever in [[Final Fantasy]]. Dance is a surprisingly good ability, especially when used with certain equipment.
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'''Exdeath:''' Mwa-hahahaha... Have you any idea what I plan to get away with in the first place? }}
* [[Spikes of Villainy]]
* [[Supervillain Lair]]: Castle Exdeath.
* [[Tin Tyrant]]: A stepping point between Golbez and Kekfa Pallazzo.
** Trivia: He's the last [[Tin Tyrant]] major villain until XII's judges, and the last out of an almost unbroken line for the first five games, III being the exception.
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* {{spoiler|[[Multi-Armed and Dangerous]]}}
* [[Worthy Opponent]] + [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You]]: {{spoiler|He is very saddened to find out that Galuf has been killed, to the point he keeps quiet for the rest of the battle in complete contrast to his normal self}}
* {{spoiler|[[You Have Failed Me...]]}}: Exdeath got fed up with his constant bungling and {{spoiler|tossed him into the Interdimensional Rift}}.
==== Enuo ====
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* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]: In order to break the illusion spell protecting Exdeath's Castle.}}
* [[Our Werewolves Are Different]]: Lone Wolf aside, they're a friendly lot.
* {{spoiler|[[Poor Communication Kills]]: His often-jumped-into-conclusion attitude costs him dearly when Bartz defeats him in a duel, leaving the old werewolf bed-ridden for the rest of the game.}}
==== Ghido ====
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