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* Alex O'Connell in ''[[The Mummy Trilogy|The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor]]'' tells his mother that he has had numerous romantic affairs right before he proceeds to botch a conversation with his love interest.
* Subverted in ''[[Weekend at Bernies]] 2''. One of the characters will die from a poison unless a voodoo potion with "the blood of a virgin" is made as an antidote. The poisoned character laments that he's going to die, but his friend gets up and begrudgingly holds out his finger, saying "take my blood". The potion is made from his blood and works, leading the now cured character in the final scene to razz his buddy by saying "thanks for keeping yourself a virgin for me."
* Parodied in ''[[Rustlers' Rhapsody]]''. Rex O'Herlahan, the singing cowboy, finds himself facing down (dramatic pause) another Good Guy. They both figure the most good good guy will win. In the end, Rex backs down, because a good guy has to be a "confident heterosexual," and Rex has never Done It ([[Sex as Rite-Of-Passage|He "fixes this" later on with the female lead]])
* In ''[[Revenge of the Nerds]]'', pains are taken to show that the Nerds are not asexual or sexually inept, but rather simply misunderstood sexual experts, and that the beautiful girls don't know what they're missing by dating jocks.
* Played arrow-straight in [[Akira Kurosawa]]'s 1954 ''[[Seven Samurai]]''. The youngest, most naive samurai, Katsushiro, falls for a village girl and the two have a little liaison while the village is threatened by bandits. They are eventually discovered, and things go very badly for the girl. On the other hand, before battle the other samurai clap Katsushiro on the back and remind him (depending on translator), "Katsushiro, fight bravely, for now you've become a man." This amuses every villager except the girl's father.
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* Averted in [[Tales of Kolmar]]. The king of the dragons is virginal, because sex is painful and the desire to mate rarely happens for his kind, and anyway he wants to find someone he can have deep mutual love with. Several human characters just plain aren't interested later, though to be fair Will ''could'' have had sex and never mentioned it, he just was supremely uninterested in anyone except [[Single-Target Sexuality|Aral]].
* In [[Poul Anderson]]'s [[Magitek]] tale ''[[Operation Chaos]]'', there's an Army Signals officer who, when it's mentioned that he's attached to a Cavalry unit, is quick to mention that he does all his travelling by broomstick. This is because the Cavalry ride unicorns, and "No American male, unless he's in holy orders, likes to admit he's qualified to control a unicorn."
* Averted in ''[[Low Fantasy|Gerfalcon]]'' by Leslie Barringer, when main character Raoul asks his friend Nino what it's like to wake up after a night with a woman he doesn't love (in case it's not obvious, Raoul is himself a virgin). Nino admits he has no idea; he talks a good game, but that's because thanks to this trope, most other men expect it, so he lies to fit in. He's just never felt right about actually having casual sex, and so he never has.
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