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Star Trek: Vulcan's Heart: Difference between revisions

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* [[A Father to His Men]]: Female example. Commander Charvanek is a mother to her troops. So is Rachel Garrett, for that matter.
* [[Arc Welding]]: The characters from [[Star Trek: Stargazer]] (established in the novel ''Reunion'') are weaved into the events surrounding the Romulan attack on Narendra III, and the loss of the ''Enterprise''-C.
* [[Ascended Extra]]: The character Ruanek had previously appeared in another novel in a relatively minor role. He proved so popular with readers that he made a reappearance here, his role greatly expanded. He would go to appear in several short stories and the [[Star Trek: VulcansVulcan's Soul]] trilogy as well.
* [[Becoming the Mask]]: An interesting example with Emperor Shiarkiek. He was always more comfortable as a scholar than an emperor, and over the years "played" at scholar more and more until he forgot his true responsibility as emperor (at least that's how he sees it. He might be being a bit harsh on himself). He also feels that his true identity - defined, as with many Romulans, by his personal honour - is now lost to him.
{{quote|“I was a fool, a fool, so seduced by my scholarly research I forgot what I was. Never do that, never forget. For once you do, once you begin trusting others with what should be yours, you never, ever win it back”.}}
* [[Blood on the Debate Floor]]: To the shock of the other senators, Praetor Dralath murders a member of the government on the Senate Chamber floor. There's a reason why a character in later books says that Dralath caused more damage to Romulan honour than any other leader she remembers.
* [[The Caligula]]: Romulan Praetor Dralath.
* [[Call a Rabbit a Smeerp]]: With actual rabbits - I mean keeriks, sorry. Keeriks.
* [[Capital City]]: Romulus' capital is given the name Ki Baratan. It had previously been called Dartha, but that was in a story set a century prior. Later novels used the time gap for a reasonable [[Retcon]]: the capital's name changes as new regimes come to power. Now, books set in the 22nd or 23rd centuries use "Dartha", those set in the 24th use "Ki Baratan". The name change is explicitly mentioned in the first [[Star Trek: Titan]] novel.
* [[Career Killers]]: Spock notes the body language of several Romulan youths, which suggests to him that they are this. One of them is Neral, [[Call Forward|who will one day be praetor]] (though he becomes somewhat more honourable).
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: Emperor Shiarkiek.
* [[Eccentric Mentor]]: Emperor Skiarkiek comes close, with his aged body, eccentric personality and odd conversational tangents (plus his preoccupation with flesh-eating fish) combined with a deep wisdom and a good nature.
* [[Evil Chancellor]]: Dralath, as praetor, is essentially this to Shiarkiek, the emperor (although the praetor has the real political authority, the emperor's figurehead status is still taken very seriously and his spiritual influence is extreme). Dralath even tries to manipulate public opinion by manipulating a drugged-up Shiarkiek.
* [[General Ripper]]: Admiral Volskiar, with the Klingons as his "enemy X":
{{quote|Think, Romulans, of our colony worlds. Think of the honest, hardworking, loyal men and women who ask nothing but to serve the Empire. Now picture foreigners imperiling those Romulan men, women, yes, Romulan children. And such invaders do threaten, brutish creatures who know nothing of honour, nothing of glory: Klingons! Klingons who know nothing but blood lust! You ask, how can this be? Have we not dealt peacefully with the Klingons, even purchased warships from them? Yes! We made that mistake! We let them sell us faulty ships - but no more! That was all part of their plan to weaken us, then overwhelm us. }}
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: Narviat, the reasonable and honourable praetor who overthrows [[The Caligula|Dralath]]. He's a good man, but he's a Romulan noble who thrives in the cut-throat world of the Imperial court. As such, he's not the Starfleet sort of hero. Indeed, his primary appeal is not so much that he'll be an ally of any sort to the Federation but rather that he's too sensible to start pointless wars. Spock reflects:
{{quote|Yes, Narviat was ambitious and, in his own honorable way, ruthless - no surprise there, not from a member of the Imperial family who'd survived so far. He was also far less venal and warmongering - more sensible, was it? - than Dralath.}}
* [[My Country, Right or Wrong]]: The Romulan military officer Volskiar. Other Romulan command officers, like Tal and Charvanek, have less black-and-white outlooks.
* [[Patriotic Fervor]]: Volskiar and several other Romulans encourage this in their troops at every opportunity.
* [[Planet of Hats]]: The novel tries to avert this with the Romulans. Some are essentially warrior-politicians (Narviat, Dralath as a darker and more bloodthirsty variant), some noble soldiers of the [[Proud Warrior Race]] type (e.g. Charvanek, Tal and Ruanek (and he's of a different caste to the first two, and so expresses the tendency differently), and others are little more than thugs. Some Romulans are gentle scholars, some of them quite stuffy, some are slang-talking street youth with a lot of idealism, some are just getting-on-with-things servents and workers.
* [[Playful Hacker]] or [[Cracker]]: Kerit is either, depending on how you look. She'd probably be a definite [[Playful Hacker]] in most cases; she's really just having fun. She doesn't mean any harm and treats attempts to access restricted systems as a game. Then again, she ''is'' helping bring down the government here, so there's little doubt from Praetor Dralath's view she's the [[Cracker]].
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Spock: “Precisely”. }}
* [[Secret Test of Character]]: The Oriki try a few on Spock, though he quickly sees what they're doing. One test involves them offering meat, the Oriki being anxious to see if he sticks to his vegetarian ideals or takes the meat so as not to offend them. Spock politely remains true to himself, and thus passes the test.
* [[To Be Lawful or Good]]: Many of the Romulans struggle with this; Tal most notably. Charvanek is always "good", Volskiar is always "lawful" (even when the law is as corrupt and immoral as it is here), and Tal is caught between them.
* [[Unusual Euphemism]]: The Romulan youth are fond of "doubleshine!", which seems to be their equivalent of "bull**it".
* [[You Can't Go Home Again]]: After helping Spock back across the Neutral Zone to safety, the Romulan soldier Ruanek is unable to return lest he be tried for treason. He's reluctantly forced to make a new life on Vulcan. In later books (the [[Star Trek: VulcansVulcan's Soul]] trilogy), he becomes an academic, and marries a Vulcan healer (a woman he meets at the end of this novel).
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