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A Song of Ice and Fire/Characters/House Stark: Difference between revisions

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* {{spoiler|[[Crusading Widower]]}}: Gender-flipped.
* [[Despair Event Horizon]]: {{spoiler|Th;e Red Wedding as a whole, but ''especially'' when poor Robb is killed. Take into consideration taht she believes Bran and Rickon, as well as Arya, to be dead.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Determined Widow]]: So determined that she came [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]].}}
* [[Foil]]: To Cersei. They're both extremely determined women who [[Mama Bear|would do anything to protect their children]], but at first Catelyn is presented much more sympathetically, as a [[Team Mom|wise, protective maternal figure]] as opposed to a [[Evil Matriarch|scheming bitch who will attempt to destroy anyone she even perceives as a threat to her offspring]]. However they later become [[Not So Different|increasingly similar]] as the results of their respective actions on behalf of their children play out, {{spoiler|particularly after Catelyn comes back from the dead and goes on a killing spree directed at anyone who ever wronged her family while she was alive}}.
* [[Happily Married]]: As noted above, what began as an Arranged Marriage to the younger brother of her murdered fiancee ended up with her and Ned truly falling in love with each other.
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* [[Settle for Sibling]]: Enforced.
* [[Silk Hiding Steel]]: The Tully motto is ''Family, Duty, Honor," and those are the words Cat lives by-- {{spoiler|even after becoming Lady Stoneheart.}}
* [[Strong Family Resemblance]]: All of Catelyn's children except Arya are said to have inherited her Tully red hair and blue eyes, but Sansa is said to be the spitting image of her when she was younger (although she notes that she will grow more beautiful).
* {{spoiler|[[Tragic Villain]]: After her resurrection as Lady Stoneheart, she's sliding towards this territory}}
* [[Wicked Stepmother]]: A rare protagonist example, and she has a pretty sympathetic (if not really excusable) reason for it. When your husband (who will prove to be loving and faithful thereafter) comes home with an infant he claims as his bastard son, insists on openly raising said bastard at home in defiance of all custom, and not only refuses to discuss the matter but actually ''frightens'' you when you try to ask who the mother is, it's gonna be pretty hard to bear in mind that it's really not the kid's fault.
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Eddard's free-spirited tomboy daughter who doesn't fit into her highborn role at all. During the beginning, she mostly exists as a foil for her older sister Sansa. When the war breaks out, Arya plunges into the wide world and becomes embroiled in a surprising number of violent adventures despite her tender age.
* [[Anti-Hero|Anti Heroine]]: She appears to be slowly working her way up the [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes|sliding scale]] as she [[Took a Level Inin Badass|takes levels in badass]]: she's around a type III in A Clash of Kings, and a type IV in A Storm of Swords.
* [[Attempted Rape]]: Even though she's nine years old at the time.
* {{spoiler|[[Ax Crazy]]: She has been displaying signs of this since the end of ''A Storm Of Swords''. When she needs money, her first idea is to kill and rob someone where nobody can see.}}
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* [[Sweet Polly Oliver]]: She disguised herself as a boy more than once to keep her true identity hidden. Even after giving up the disguise, she is still often ''mistaken'' for a boy because of her short hair, male clothing, and un-girlish bearing.
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: She plays the tomboy part to Sansa's girly girl.
* [[Training Fromfrom Hell]]: Her instructors at the House of Black and White are benevolent enough, but the training itself is extreme. {{spoiler|It involves being temporarily blinded to learn to manage and fight without seeing. Next in line is being made deaf, and then being crippled. She also has to conspire in assassinations.}}
* [[Unusual Euphemism]]: "Dancing" and "needlework" for her less-than-ladylike swordfighting training.
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* [[Badass]]: Like most of the family. His competence as a ranger is one of the primary reasons Jeor Mormont decides that his disappearance couldn't have been due to something as mundane as a Wildling attack.
* [[The Ghost]]: He becomes this after his disappearance.
* [[Mentor Archetype]]: Subverted. At first it appears he's being set up to act as one to Jon Snow, but he's not particularly helpful to the boy even before he disappears. The reason for his unhelpfulness is that he believes Jon has to earn the right to serve under him as a ranger, rather than just being given it right away due to their blood ties.
* [[Put on a Bus]]: He disappears early in the first book, but it's [[Chekhov MIA|unlikely that we've seen the last of him]].
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** The TV series makes Grey Wind's death more explicit, actually showing the body (unless the Freys just happened to have a wolf head laying about for the occasion). Whether this counts as [[Word of God]] since the series creators do have access to Martin and his input is probably arguable.
* [[Not Now, Kiddo]]: Despite their connection, the Stark children have a tendency (at the worst possible moment) to view them just being restless animals.
** Robb laments Grey Wind's new found aggressive nature toward people, blaming it on him growing too fond of violence from their battles together. In reality {{spoiler|it's the treacherous Westerlings and Freys that are setting him off}}.
** When Ghost becomes increasingly uncontrollable to the point of going berserk, Jon leaves him behind attributing it to his desire to hunt a huge boar. {{spoiler|It's because his Night's Watch brothers are about to betray him}}.
* [[Pet Monstrosity]]: Eddard warns his kids about making sure this doesn't happen, since these wolves will grow a lot.
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