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The Hunt for the Gangadiddle: Difference between revisions

trope->work, tropelist, defaultsort
m (clean up)
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'''[[The Hunt for the Gangadiddle']]'' is an [[Alternate Reality Game|ARG]] featuring a [[Big Good]] known as "Hoodie", The Hunt Master, or Nathan Israel. Through a series of creepy Youtube videos, he reveals to the Hunters (the participants) that they are trapped in "isolated worlds" created by this Gangadiddle, who will "harvest" them if given the chance.
The main Hunt begins and the Hunters are given clues which correspond to special web address on a site belonging to dolst, one of the main characters. These clues are, in turn, encrypted using information only available upon visiting the next IRL location in the chain.
Presumably, after following this chain of clue, location, clue, etc, the final location will contain the "shrunken form" of the Gangadiddle, the Hunt will be over, and the world saved. The Gangadiddle seems to be this unwieldy world-ending entity that is either the [[Big Bad]] or [[the Dragon]].
Partway through the story, a new group showed up called the s33k3rs (l33tspeak for "seekers") who claim to be after the Gangadiddle for their own purposes. Apparently figuring out the names of individual s33k3rs destroys them, as has already happened to two of them.
The deadline for finding the Gangadiddle has been given as some time in 2013.
The deadline for finding the Gangadiddle has been given as some time in 2013.
== This ARG provides examples of the following tropes ==
* [[Big Bad]]: The Gangadiddle.
* [[Follow the Leader]]: Hmm, a [[Marble Hornets|faceless man, creepy cryptic videos, weird distorion...]] [[Sarcasm Mode|Totally original.]] Subverted by the fact that [[Marble Hornets]] now has a faceless man in a hoodie, a full year AFTER The Hunt did it.
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[[Category:Alternate Reality Game]]
[[Category:Alternate Reality Game Tropes]]
[[Category:The Hunt for the Gangadiddle]]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Hunt for the Gangadiddle, The}}
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