Techno Babble: Difference between revisions

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** [[Deconstructed Trope]]/PlayedForDrama in this case; Jabir is described as a disturbing thing to witness and suffer from.
* ''[[Spirit of the Century]]'' allows players to make declarations about scientific facts their characters know which can help in whatever situation they find themselves in. Since ''[[Spirit of the Century]]'' runs on the rules of [[Two-Fisted Tales|pulp narrative]], both players and [[Game Master]]s are encouraged to make such situations less about "realistic science" and more about "impressive sounding technobabble."
* ''[[Paranoia (game)|Paranoia]]'' has a recommendation for the GM about this trope: talk fast. If any of the players ask for clarification, tell them that said information is beyond their security clearance. The ''Paranoia XP'' rulebook also had a table at the back to randomly generate technobabble-esque medication names
* The ''Fudge Factor'' Articlearticle 'Building A Better Space Ship'' states "Unless your players are more scientifically adept then usual, don't be afraid to simply take some cool sounding word and putting it in" on names. Their example is a Phased Ion Rifle.
* In ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'', a card from the Future Sight set modified how the player assembles contraptions. Contraptions don't exist. You can't assemble them. There are no rules pertaining to 'assembling' or 'contraptions' anywhere in the game.
** This is actually a reference to a past card, Great Wall, which made it possible to block creatures with plainswalk even if you had a plains; at the time, only one creature with plainswalk existed, and even today, with [[Over Nine Thousand|over a hundred thousand cards]], less than twenty have or grant plainswalk.