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Kitty Marie: Difference between revisions

work->creator, creatortropes
m (update links)
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Katie "[[Kitty Marie]]" Dunne is a well-known fan of [[That Guy With The Glasses]]. The self-proclaimed "queen of the fangirls", Katie also has her own video series, ''[[Kitty Marie]]'s Randomoscity'', in which she posts, in her words, "whatever the hell I want, mostly fangirl junk." She's mostly known for being a passionate fan of [[Jew Wario]].
Her videos can be found [http://blip.tv/kittymarie here], and her Twitter is [http://twitter.com/KittyMarie92 here]. She also has a Tumblr, which can be viewed and followed [http://tgwtgkittymarie.tumblr.com/ here].
=== This show contains the following Tropes: ===
* [[Actor Allusion]]: Anytime David Bowie is mentioned, there [[Word of God|must]] be a [[Labyrinth]] reference, usually followed by a [[Suburban Knights]] reference.
* [[Affectionate Nickname]]: "[[Kitty Marie]]" itself. On a July 2011 livestream, JW accidentally mispronounced Katie's name as Kitty, and it ended up sticking.
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