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'''Ophelia''': Idiot. You don't know anything... including how to fight! }}
** The way she says "what about him" sounds bored enough that it's easy take it as sarcasm the first time around. But once you know the whole truth, it takes on a different meaning. Ophelia was testing Eddie: since Riggnarok ''is'' half of the answer, she wasn't really sure if he'd figured it out or not. Once he answers her question, she realizes that he still hasn't put the pieces together and tells him so.
=== [[Fridge Logic]] ===
* The Tainted Coil lost the ancient knowledge of the Titans. Why? Because they were too busy trying to resurrect them or find them again. They spent all their attention and efforts toward that rather than living on as the Titans had. Hence, it's no wonder that humans would inherit the secrets of the titans.
=== [[Fridge Horror]] ===
* Riggnarok's army tore itself apart thanks to the Sea of Black tears. He alone never succumbed to the curse and instead set off to kill the Emperor of the Tainted Coil. The Legends say that the Tainted Coil spent 10 years performing a dark ritual of orgy and sacrifice to send the Emperor forward in time along with a cadre of slaves. It also says that Riggnarok was among them... Think about that. What horrors must he have seen or been through to get so far as to be chosen as one of the Emperor's select group of slaves to go along on the journey? Was he there for all 10 gruesome years of the ritual?
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