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Sargon of Akkad: Difference between revisions

Polishing and adding. Also, Sargon's page has been purged from TVT.
(rewrote trope entry)
(Polishing and adding. Also, Sargon's page has been purged from TVT.)
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* [[Action Girl]]: Sargon's a fan of these, mentioning the movie ''[[Alien]]'' as being among his all time favorites. But he's not a fan of the feminist interpretations of what constitutes one.
* [[Affectionate Parody]]: His occasional invoking of "Kekistan," which also serves as [[Satire]] of both SJW identity politics and the Alt Right, has evolved into its own.
* [[And Now For Something Completely Different]]: Some of the earlier videos on Sargon's main channel include gaming videos and historical readings, which can come across as this. Eventually, he set up separate accounts for his gaming content and strictly historical content respectively.
* [[Angrish]]: Not frequently, but some of the stuff he covers in "This Week in Stupid" wind up doing this to him.
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** He's [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ley3Osxia4w increasingly come to see] the likes of Black Lives Matter as this as well, viewing them as [[Not So Different]] from ISIS or recognisably racist organizations like the KKK.
* [[Archive Panic]]: His videos generally tend to be long. This is ''especially'' true for his recorded livestreams, which can last for several hours.
* [[Author Avatar]]: In most of his videos, he uses a picture of the actual Sargon of Akkad's head as an avatar. As of 20162017, this has varied somewhat to showing myriad versions of the historical figure as well as fanart.
* [[Author Tract]]: Given some of the topics and political issues that he tackles, some of his videos can come across as this. On the other hand, he's still willing to converse, debate and even concede certain points.
* [[Badass Beard]]: His actual appearance, which makes him look like a cross between [[Game of Thrones|Robert Baratheon]] and the ''[[Celebrity Resemblance|historical]]'' [[wikipedia:Sargon of Akkad|Sargon of Akkad]].
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* [[Berserk Button]]: Any distortion, manipulation and censorship of anything historical or factual is a major pet peeve for him. Also, radical feminism.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Sargon's generally nice and considerate. Piss him off however and he can be ''merciless.''
* [[Big Name Fan]]:
* [[Big Name Fan]]:* Of sorts to [[Gamergate]], having expressed sympathy and support to pro-GG.
** Is likewise one of [[StyxHexenHammer666]].
* [[Colbert Bump]]: In [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-nu34awdnI&feature=youtu.be&t=2m13s "Due Diligence"], Sargon recommended many video channels to his viewers, including [[StyxHexenHammer666]]'s content.
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: He tends to do this frequently, often at stuff he finds inane.
* [[Early Installment Weirdness]]: Downplayed. His first posted videos on [[YouTube]] in 2013, which coincidentally involved [[Feminist Frequency]], have a considerably lower voice quality as well as a tendency to constantly change which image of the historical Sargon of Akkad to use. His style and mannerisms have remained more or less consistent even then, though it wouldn't be until July 2014 that the first actual "This Week in Stupid" video would be posted.
* [[Flame War]]: The' comment section for some of his videos can turn into this, with Sargon himself known to throw in his two cents as well . Not to mention that Sargon himself ishe's no stranger to these either, having been involved in some manner in a fair share of them.
* [[Foil]]: Originally seen as this to [[Feminist Frequency]]. Over time however, Sargon's seen by supporters and fans as one to a sizable portion of the media in general.
* [[Go Mad from the Revelation]]: Sargon at times has a tendency to stumble on things that would make him question his faith in humanity.
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* [[He Who Fights Monsters]]: He's particularly fond of pointing out how ideologues like to project their own tendencies onto others or [[Not So Different|behave like their ideological "rivals."]] It also forms part of the basis for "Sargon's Law."
* [[History Repeats]]: Occasionally, he makes comments on how certain events or ideologies are repeating the past.
* [[Hope Spot]]: While he's immersed himself in topics that would drive many to despair, he still comes across things that make him more hopeful for humanity, or at the very least amuse him.
* [[Humans Are the Real Monsters]]: Given what he generally tends to come across, he doesn't particularly have a high view of at least some segments of the human race.
* [[Mean Brit]]: Averted, usually. He's rather amiable and prefers to give even his opponents the benefit of a doubt. Once he gets pissed off however, this goes into full effect.
* [[MST]]: A good portion of his videos, especially his "This Week in Stupid" ones are some variation of this, as he dissects the material he's covering bit by bit.
* [[No True Scotsman]]: Averted. Sargon makes a point to avoid this trope, which partially stems from classical liberal views and his own distrust of dogma. He also doesn't mind defending conservatives, libertarians, and those he doesn't necessarily agree with.
* [[Not So Different]]:
* [[Not So Different]]:* Echoing "horseshoe theory," he tends to view the likes of the "Regressive" Left on the one hand and their Alt Right counterparts on the other as being this. Especially given their similarly authoritarian streaks.
** On a similar note, he sees Antifa and anarchists as behaving like the "fascists" they claim to oppose.
* [[New Age Retro Hippie]]: He's expressed more than a few times how he's not exactly fond of them or certain movements born from the 1960s counterculture.
* [[One of Us]]: When he's not talking politics or social commentary, Sargon not only tends to demonstrate his nerdiness frequently. But he's also an amateur game developer [http://otherworldssoftware.com/ who was working on an game] called ''Necromancer.'' And when that didn't push through, made a point to refund those who had donated to the game's development.
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[[Category:New Media]]
[[Category:Pages Original to All The Tropes]]
[[Category:Banned On TV Tropes]]
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