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* [[Blank Slate]]: Prometheans start with nothing. Hopefully.
* [[Blessed with Suck]]: Quite possibly the worst in the [[New World of Darkness|nWoD]].
** Just to be clear on this: You're [[Nigh Invulnerability|nearly indestructible,]][[Extreme Omnivore|can eat just about anything,]] only have to sleep once every two days, can heal with electricity, and get at least one [[Back from the Dead|free resurrection]] - but ''[[The Chew Toy|the universe hates you,]]'' [[Walking Wasteland|and]][[Evil-Detecting Dog|not]][[Torches and Pitchforks|figuratively,]][[Hate Plague|either.]]
[[Evil-Detecting Dog|not]] [[Torches and Pitchforks|figuratively,]] [[Hate Plague|either.]]
** But Great Grandfather Crow has it even worse than everyone else. He was a crow who died and was then resurrected by some halfwit of a Promethean. Now he's a dead crow with the mind of a proto-human who just wants to become a regular crow again. The rulebook suggests that the New Dawn is actually impossible for him, because the Divine Fire can only turn one human, but he doesn't want that. That said, one test game run by the designers ended with the crow finding Redemption as a bird.
** Constructs, non-Unfleshed Prometheans made from substances besides human bodies (such as iron, wood, or stone), are even further removed from humanity than a normal Promethean, don't even ''look'' human without a Transmutation, cause Disquiet more easily, and, while they may have minor advantages, they also suffer from the same weaknesses as the materials they're made from.
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* [[Crapsack World]]: Even worse than usual; if a Promethean stays within one mile of any place they've stopped for more than one hour, their very presence will make it into a widening area of general unpleasantness called a [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|"Wasteland"]]. While each of the five-plus Lineages will produce different kinds of Wastelands, ''all'' of them are very unpleasant in their own ways. Bonus: different Prometheans' Wastelands do ''not'' cancel each other out unless they're part of the same [[Secret Project Refugee Family|throng.]]
** More so for the [[I Love Nuclear Power|Zeka]]; they're in constant pain, they're [[Walking Wasteland|radioactive,]] and not a single one has reached their [[Become a Real Boy|New Dawn.]] And the [[The Dark Side|Refinement of Flux]] is easier for them to access than any other Promethean - in game terms, if the player says "My Zeka changes to Centimani", it ''happens'' (normally it takes in-game months)... and it takes them twice as long to climb back out.
* [[Creepy Doll]]/[[Uncanny Valley]]: When a Galateid's disfigurements are revealed, their appearance is ''too'' perfect, seeming artificial and doll-like. One might appear to be made of marble with black glass eyes, another like a store mannequin.
* [[Critical Existence Failure]]: Prometheans are literally running on magic, so they can keep going until that burns out.
** To explain on the point above, with enough damage, you will start to take penalty on your rolls. If you take Bashing damage, you will need to roll to stay conscious. Take Lethal damage or get Bashed hard enough, and you will start to bleed to death - [[Captain Obvious|and you die.]] Further damage would turn into Aggravated damage, in essence mutilating the body. Prometheans take no roll penalty, do not need to roll to stay conscious, and will not bleed to death. The only way to kill them is to deal enough Aggravated damage - either by mutilating the body beyond recognition, [[Kill It with Fire|or by fire]].
* [[Cult]]/[[Religion of Evil|Religion Of Arguably a NeccessaryNecessary Evil Or UnneccessaryUnnecessary Knight Templars]]: The Botherud are a group of Prometheans that believe that Azoth is a limited resource that must be conserved and that Promethean reproduction is a Sin against the Divine Fire. Considering that it is a requirement to make another Promethean as a step towards becoming human, this puts them at odds with the rest of their kind and bars them from attaining humanity, unless they reproduced prior to joining, in which case the would have to kill their progeny as per their creed. Bonus points for them also slaughtering any Prometheans they find and using an old Soviet nuclear device close to Boston on the player's Throng in the sample adventure they first appeared in...
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: The books explicitly mention that some Centimani are not evil, just selfish and tired of [[Hate Plague|Disquiet]]. Pandora's Book features a couple-an [[Mummy|Osiran]] who thinks that understanding Flux is key to understanding humans, and a [[Golem|Tammuz]] who simply has it as the first Refinement he learned. It even admits the Osiran has a point; the problem is his detachment from his work.
** Flux as a cosmic force is not necessarily evil, either, even if it does kind of go against the entire purpose of the Pilgrimage. ''Pandora's Book'' features an anecdote of a ''qashmallim'' of Flux showing up at an elite party where depraved magnates did absolutely hideous things to captive youths, and ended up executing some karmic justice by infecting the magnates with something ''very'' nasty and inevitably fatal.
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* [[The Dark Side]]: Centimani, Refinement of Flux.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Ulgans are prone to it.
* [[Determinator]]: All Prometheans need to be this in order to reach their New Dawn. The Tammuz are a more specific case amongstamong the Lineages; a Tammuz can and will endure everything to accomplish a goal.
* [[Don't Look At Me]]: Considering that a Promethean's Disquiet is harder to resist when their disfigurements are visible, this phrase might get a bit of a workout when the Pyros starts to fly.
* [[Doom Magnet]]: The whole goddamn species. In so many ways. For one, their coming ''near'' a Pandoran wakes the damn thing up (and is the ''only'' thing that wakes them up, at that!).
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** To be fair, this isn't so much a case of [[Humans Are the Real Monsters]] as it is a case of [[Everything Trying to Kill You]]. After all, the humans don't react any differently than the [[Animals Hate Him|animals]], or even the [[Walking Wasteland|vegetation]], who all share as much vitriol for the poor Promethean.
* [[Humans Are Special]]: The reason the Prometheans want to [[Become a Real Boy]].
* [[I Hate You, Vampire Dad|I Hate You Divinely Reanimated Soulless Corpse Parent]]: Rare, but not an unheard -of problem.
* [[I Love Nuclear Power]]: The Zeka, the so-called Nuclear Prometheans, introduced in ''Saturnine Night''. Where other Lineages have an affinity for electricity, the Zeka have an affinity for radiation. Their Wastelands manifest as fallout zones.
* [[Implacable Man]]: Tammuz become this when they get pissed off.
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