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* ''[http://wondermark.com Wondermark]'' is a comic made using art culled from the author's collection of 19th century publications.
* ''[[This Modern World]]'' by Tom Tomorrow relies almost entirely on clip-art-looking images of various politicians, generic people,[[Everything's Better with Penguins|Sparky the Penguin]] and neon-colored aliens, sometimes with minor editing to fit the occasion.
* Anime example: ''[[Doujin Work]]'' tells the life of a girl inspired to make [[Doujinshi|dōjinshi]] with the assistance of her eccentric friends, only to face problems as a beginner. In the anime, one episode in fact details how the main character, despite improving somewhat, can only draw the same pose of her characters exactly the same for each panel. This becomes more so frustrating as she is supposed to form an [[Ecchi|erotic dōjin]]. [[Completely Missing the Point|In complete irony]], the comic sells [[So Bad It's Good|because of how bad it is]].
* ''Meta-Fiction'' features a character named Sheriff Justice Freedom, who has a giant head with the exact same expression every panel, and it's only seen from three angles (but mostly from a 3/4 view). Actually a subversion, since he's drawn freehand each time. The most obvious difference is in his beard stubble.
* ''[http://www.theoutercircle.com The Outer Circle]'' has only five characters and each character has not more than four poses. The only real change in any character is that one of them recently found himself with a mullett but doesn't know why. However, his poses are still the same as before the mullett.
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