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United States Angels Corps: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''"Each individual story would follow the same basic theme of the two girl agents faced off against the bad guys, and being graphically slaughtered."''|'''Dave Cheung''', at the USAC Thread in Gurochan's Artwork Archive}}
''[[United States Angels Corps]]'' is a commission-based [[Guro]] webcomic made by the artist David Cheung, of ''[[Chugworth Academy]]'' fame. HeThe decidedpremose to createfeatures a comicmilitary group aboutof twoscantly orclad morefemale agents entering in action against a terrorist faction, anywhere, in modern times '''[[Cruel and Unusual Death|and failing]]'''.
[[Fan-Speak|Starting as a thread with openedan open project]] to Dave's fans at Gurochan's website and eventually moving on to a separate website, the series first introduced four main Angels (their real names in the brackets): [[Blue Eyes|Bikini]] [[Pride|Girl]] (Alex Winters), [[Everything's Better with Princesses|Princess]] (Samantha Appleton), [[She Is All Grown Up|Straw]][[Cute Bruiser|berry]] (Cacie Brennan), and [[Lady of War|Silver]] (Tanya Riley),. allFollowing the success of whomthe workfirst forcomic, thenew angel agents and [[ExactlyBig WhatBad]]s Itwere Sayssoon Onintroduced thealong Tin|titularwith agency]]expanded backgrounds and settings.
Due to its main themes and production basis, the comics usually never featured explicit continuity between themselves so as to avert the [[KilledOffForReal]] trope, and only sought to maintain the common background plot... Despite eventually retconning details regarding some of its characters.
Later, following the success of the first comic, new angel agents and [[Big Bad]]s were revealed, and so the possibilities expanded. These new Agents, so far, are: [[Pettanko|Waterlily]] (Heather Grant), [[The Stoic|Aurora]] (Mia Uchiki), Peppermint (Tammie Williams), [[Cowgirl|Calamity Rose]] (Dixie Mae Clementine), [[Freud Was Right|Bamboo]] (Tiffany Murphy), [[Pettanko|Crystal]] (Millia Bennet), [[Canon Immigrant|Coral]] (Emily Marshall), [[Amazonian Beauty|Leaf]] (Pippa Harris), [[Action Girl|Zodiac]] (Linna Sil), [[Rose-Haired Girl|Bubblegum]] (Katrin Simpson), [[Femme Fatale|Shimmer]] (Paige Hannah) and [[Ninja|Nutmeg]] (Sara Bennet). The division of the girls is in groups, from S to B, with the Group S being the [[Four Is Death|first four girls]].
The series ran for about 4 years through a gallery of single images, several mini-comics and two major releases (1 of which remained incomplete) before Dave shutdown the series in favor of his next project, Vanilla Comics. It's the artist's most (in)famous work bar Chugworth Academy, to the point that commissioning and for more of the releases of the series continue long after its end, though far less often and no longer focusing on guro.
Dave, after having introduced these twelve girls in a rather gruesome way, created a promotion poll to decide which of the girls would be [[Ascended Extra|promoted to the main cast, thus entering the S-Class]]. The poll led to the nomination of the two new S-Class: Calamity Rose and Bubblegum. Later on, during the final steps of the production of these two characters' Intro Comic, Dave decided to define a secondary team of four girls based on the Vanguard Comic and works previous to the series. Thus, we had Waterlily and Aurora promoted.
The first main comic has been released: ''Episode One: Chemical Plant'', which features Bikini Girl and Princess in a mission to identify what kind of chemical is going to be weaponized and any other plan behind it. One of the main aspects of the comic is the introduction to the first named villains of the stories and their faction: [[The Sociopath|Lieutenant Llewellyn Travis (L.T.)]] and Sergent Hector [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|"The Muscle"]] Abhrams, working for the [[Nebulous Evil Organisation|The Vanguard]]. Their Intro Comic released shortly after introduced their goal and some of their agents, such as Zackary Phillips, Troy Hancock, Octavia Phillips Baxter, Enoki Shigeru and Daniel Toshida.
A second main comic has been announced as well: ''[[Exactly What It Says On the Tin|Assassination]]''. [[Big Brother Is Watching|The Vanguard obtains all confidential information on the Angels and their lives]] through a leak in the [[CIA]]'s archives. Exploring the opportunity, the Vanguard sends their agents to kill the [[Main Characters|four S-Class Angels]], with the girls not being aware of what awaits them at their very homes. The Episodes will be divided into five chapters, one prologue and [[Four Is Death|four main chapters]] dedicated to each victim.
* [[Absolute Cleavage]] - Silver's catsuit and Bubblegum's opened swimsuit.
* [[Absurdly Sharp Blade]] - Daniel Toshida. In his intro comic he cuts cleanly in half lengthwise. In Bamboo's intro he cuts her in half through the torso, and there's a decent pause before she realises what's happened.
* [[Acid Pool]] - ''Chemical Plant'' features an entire factory filled with these, and the first Silver's gallery picture presumably takes place on it as well.
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* [[Big Bad]] - The Vanguard's agents, overall.
* [[Big Eater]] - Leaf, much to the surprise and envy of her fellow mates. The scene where this trope is played is priceless.
* [[Bittersweet Ending]] - [[Your Mileage May Vary]] since the sole purpose of the comics iswas to send these characters to death as you wish by commissioning. Naturally, your feelings toward their deaths may go from [[Mama Bear|depression]] to lust.
** Averted at the "Teacher's Pet" comic. See [[Erotic Dream]] below.
** Later releases during the Vanilla Comics era also avert this for the most part.
* [[Blond Guys Are Evil]] - Troy Hancock, period.
* [[Bonus Material]] - For those who donate to the website, HD versions of the comics, plus extra pictures and mandatory info.
* [[Boobs of Steel]] - Peppermint for sure.
* [[Brainy Brunette]] - Princess.
* [[Break the Cutie]] - Princess, in ''Chemical Plant''. [[Averted Trope|Fortunately]], unlike other cuties, [[Corrupt the Cutie|she takes it quite well]], but doesn't live long to enjoy much. Averted when the situation is revisited in "Double Team".
* [[Canon Immigrant]] - Cacie Brennan, Mia Kuchiki, Heather Grant, Katrin Simpson, Millia and Sara Bennet, and Emily Marshall all come from Dave's previous works.
* [[Breast Attack]] - Averted as the attacks are usually to the heart or the whole chest, [[Tempting Fate|but it ''will'' happen]].
** Linna Sil becomes this in Broken Hilt Inn.
* [[Canon Immigrant]] - Believe it or not, Strawberry is one. According to one of the old fans, she started as a [[Lolicon]] character from the time Dave was running some H-poll websites, but was put aside with the ''Chugworth Academy'' project. With the beginning of the ''Angels'' project, he revived her.
** Mia Kuchiki, also known as Sunshine, is one of the minor agents added as well, from the H-poll and Spiky Box.
** Heather Grant, Katrin Simpson, Millia and Sara Bennet, from the times he did short concept comics.
* [[Cold-Blooded Torture]] - Troy Hancock from Bikini's intro comic. He has her cornered at his gunpoint for the mere pleasure of breaking her down, and the fact that he has [[Oh Crap|the data she retrieved and that he knows her name pretty much emphasizes it]].
** [[Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique]] - Enoki Shigeru invokes it on Nutmeg [[Batter Up|with a baseball bat]], however subverted and overlapping with [[Cold-Blooded Torture]] because we don't actually see any of the talk, but instead given only certain indications.
* [[Combat Stilettos]]
* [[Conveniently an Orphan]] - Basically, the backstory of the agency. The Government decides to restart the failed project from the Second World War, and in order to get its members, they go after female orphans and raise them all the way into young adulthood. Peppermint is the only exception, hailing from a Senator's family.
* [[Cruel and Unusual Death]] - That's what happens when you let the guys of '''GUROCHAN''' create the plots.
* [[Dance Battler]] - Bamboo is a proud one.
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* [[Dual Tonfas]] - Peppermint proudly uses them.
* [[Elite Mooks]] - Mostly the named characters, though some Mooks manage to score quite a lot.
* [[Erotic Dream]] - {{spoiler|Princess in her "Teacher's Pet" freebie comic.}} Oddly, the only comic so far with H-Content and no gore whatsoever.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]] - The [[Elite Mook]] known as L.T. repudiates the USA's government for [[Lampshade Hanging|sending someone as young and apparently, inexperienced as Princess to do their job]] in ''Chemical Plant''. [[Averted Trope|Now, if you read about his sociopathy...]]
** Daniel Toshida has a honor code, despite being a ninja from a CIA project, and most of the times feels disgusted when facing with some of his fellow's actions.
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* [[Fan Service with a Smile]] - They all do it for the photos.
* [[Fatal Flaw]] - Every Angel has one, and it's so far the main plot twist explored by both the artist and his commissioners.
* [[Faux Action Girl]] - Princess forat thefirst, mostthough part. [[Meaningful Name|She's just as submissive asthis thewas nameeventually suggestsretconned.]]
* [[Femme Fatale]] - With the frequent exception of Princess, pretty much everyone else.
* [[Finagle's Law]] - Imperative in this webcomic.
* [[Four Is Death]] - The original main team of girls (S-Class).
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* [[I Have You Now, My Pretty]] - Princess, Bikini, Crystal... And the list goes on.
** Now Bikini has one, and [[Averted Trope|she's the one in control!]]
* [[Innocent Fanservice Girl]] - Princess and Bubblegum.
** Princess?
** Bubblegum.
* [[Interactive Comic]] - To an extent. As mentioned above, the deal is to pay the artist to get your plot into a comic/picture.
* [[Lovely Angels]] - Well, this is United States ''Angels'' Corps, remember?
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* [[Neck Snap]] - {{spoiler|Bikini's fate at the first comic, after having fought against an old rival mook: Abhrams.}}
** Bamboo, as mentioned above.
* [[Negative Continuity]] - One of the bases of the project, just to have the Angels back for more comics, commissions and eventual deathsstories.
* [[Never Bring a Knife to A Fist Fight]] - Bikini's weapon of choice for emergencies is her knife. But in ''Chemical Plant'', after suffering a blow that injuries her hip-bones, grabs her knife only to miss the stab and have her arm broken, [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown|then become a human punchbag for the Big Bad.]]
* [[Ninja]] - Daniel-[[Fan Nickname|san]] Toshida, capable of even killing off Silver, the best of the Angels. As for the girls, Nutmeg.


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