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*** Of course, even ''Han'' went to the Academy and later ended up doing other things. If Luke never ran into Vader or the Emperor (and it's a large Empire, with a very large military), they quite possibly might have never run into him before he found a reason and opportunity to defect or end his term of service. And of course, there is still that old wildcard, Obi-Wan.
**** There's no way he could ''not'' draw the attention of Vader or The Emperor, though. At some point, either word would reach them about a "Skywalker" from Tatooine, or they would sense a disturbance in The Force, leading them to him.
**** Why? There are probably lots of Skywalkers on Tatooine.
*** Actually Luke said he wanted to join "the academy", not necessarily become a stormtrooper. This troper finds it much more likely for Luke to wind up an Imperial pilot. Or at least start down that track before the name Skywalker becomes well known enough to get someone's attention upstairs...
**** Isn't Luke a little short to be a Stormtrooper?
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** Nope. Even if a shockwave rippling through the planet or the heat of the explosion didn't kill you, the acceleration you would undergo as the chuck of the planet reached escape velocity in under a second would turn you to paste. Unless you're Son Goku.
* Obi-Wan's been called stupid for hiding Vader's son on his home planet with his only living relatives, but he isn't, really. Tatooine is the place where Anakin spent years as a slave, saw his mother die, and committed his first genocide. Why the heck would he ''ever'' want to go back? It was probably the safest place in the galaxy for little Luke. Besides, it worked, didn't it?
** And it's a backwater planet where law enforcement is of dubious quality and would look mostly for specific things, mainly foreign smugglers. Also, since Anakin Skywalker was from Tatooine, "Skywalker" is likely to be a reasonably common last name there. No need for fake documents, less risk of accidental discovery. Conversely, a lot of the locals probably have heard about this one guy who flipped out and massacred ''a whole tribe'' for death of his mother, how was his name again? It's just the sort of thing people tend to remember. If this legend didn't make Luke somewhat noteworthy, that's an argument in favor of the name being widespread.
** Assuming that anyone actually have tried to hide him at all.
* I just realized something about the fighting in the series. In the Original trilogy every strike was slower and more precise where in the Prequel you have lightning fast combat. Why does it make sense? In the Trilogy everyone's either a lot older (Obi Wan) hardly human (Vader) or a green horn (Luke)
* The fact that if you do watch the movies in numerical order(Episodes I,II,III,IV,V, and VI), they do get '''better and better'''. Also, the Force, introduced in a biological, scientific way(midichlorians) is given deeper meaning when the more spiritual nature is explained later on. Science becomes "magic".
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