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United States Angels Corps: Difference between revisions

Typo corrections, cut redundancies and added details.
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(Typo corrections, cut redundancies and added details.)
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* [[Absolute Cleavage]] - Silver's catsuit and Bubblegum's opened swimsuit.
* [[Absurdly Sharp Blade]] - Daniel Toshida's blade. In hisall introof comichis he cuts cleanly in half lengthwise. In Bamboo's introappearances he cutshas hershown into halfbe throughable theto torso,cleanly and there'sslice a decent pause before she realises whatperson's happenedentire body.
* [[Acid Pool]] - ''Chemical Plant'' features an entire factory filled with these, and the first Silver's gallery picture presumably takes place on it as well. ''Skinny Dipping'' takes place in the exterior part of another plant.
* [[All There in the Manual]] - As a consequence of the comic's focus, most of the characters' backgrounds, personal life, relationships and such could only be found at discussion posts and the website's own wiki.
** ''Skinny Dipping'' takes place in the exterior part of another plant.
* [[All Women Are Lustful]] - Played straight at first with the more sexually active agents of the cast. Later on an [[Applied Phlebotinum]] is introduced with this side effect.
* [[All There in the Manual]] - '''IMPERATIVE.''' As it is mentioned above, much of the character's description, profiles and other stuff are either at the forum and special artworks in general, or within the [[Bonus Material|Donation Pack]].
* [[All Women Are Lustful]] - Played straight with Strawberry, mildly with the other ''charm-user'' Angels, and once in a while with the most serious ones like Silver and Princess.
* [[Amazon Brigade]]
* [[Amazonian Beauty]] - So far, Leaf and Peppermint show it, with Leaf being a bit more bulkier.
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* [[Asskicking Pose]] - Bikini Girl. Since she's basically the [[Action Girl|best all-round fighter]] of the main group, it comes as no surprise.
* [[Avenging the Villain]] - Shigeru, whose goal is not to wipe the Angels as much as simply settle the score with Silver.
* [[Awesome But Impractical]] - Most of the inventions Troy Hancock comes up with, as explored in-universe.
* [[Bait and Switch Lesbians]] - [[Covers Always Lie|The image above is pretty much an example.]] Calamity Rose and Bubblegum are equally cozy on their title page.
* [[Barely-There Swimwear]] - Many of the girls' swimsuits, again as seen in the image above.
* [[Bastard Bastard]] - Zachary Phillips, one of the most trusted members of the Vanguard, son of an English Earl and an American Nanny.
* [[Beard of Evil]] - [[Man Behind the Man|The Unnamed Commander]], Enoki Shigeru, Abhrams and Troy.
* [[Better to Die Than Be Killed|Better to Die Than To Be Raped]] - InSome Bikiniof Girl'sthe case.more Avertedprideful withagents Strawberryfollow the motto. Regardless...
* [[Big Bad]] - The Vanguard's agents, overallmostly.
** Both tend to happen in quick succession anyway. In either order.
* [[Big Bad]] - The Vanguard's agents, overall.
* [[Big Eater]] - Leaf, much to the surprise and envy of her fellow mates. The scene where this trope is played is priceless.
* [[Bittersweet Ending]] - [[Your Mileage May Vary]] since the sole purpose of the comics was to send these characters to death as you wished by commissioning. Naturally, your feelings toward their deaths may go from [[Mama Bear|depression]] to lust.
** Averted at the "Teacher's Pet" comic. See [[Erotic Dream]] below.
** Later releases during the Vanilla Comics era also avert this for the most part.
* [[Blond Guys Are Evil]] - Troy Hancock, period.
* [[Bonus Material]] - For those who donate to the website, HD versions of the comics, plus extra pictures and mandatory info.
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* [[Dance Battler]] - Bamboo is a proud one.
* [[Dead Guy on Display]] - What some of them end up like, especially because of the [[Fun with Acronyms|'DFD']] technology, [[I Love The Dead|though they usually have an unusual purpose.]]
* [[Death by Sex]] - Quite common due to the premise.
* [[Death by Sex]] - Strawberry in her Intro Comic, Crystal in the Vanguard's Intro Comic, Princess in ''Chemical Plant'' {{spoiler|and in ''Assassination''.}}
* [[Diabolus Ex Machina]] - Silver's Intro Comic. After eliminating an enemy recon team, she is stealthily taken out by Toshida.
** ''Assassination'''s prologue final page states that {{spoiler|Princess got a false pendrive, while the one with the information is in their hands, already using it to send killing teams to the 4 S-Class girls' homes.}}
* [[Distracted by the Sexy]] - Strawberry'sOne introof comicthe hasfundamentals herfor enjoyingthe aCorps, marinebut with complete aversion most of the times: The mooks usually prefer to dominate the girls before beingdistracting themselves with spottedthe andsexy shotbody byin anfront enemyof sniperthem.
** In one of the Gallery's images, we have a victorious topless Bikini sitting over a naked [[Big Bad]] tied up, with a gun pointed at him.
** Complete aversion most of the times: The mooks usually prefer to dominate the girls before distracting themselves with the sexy body in front of them.
* [[Downer Ending]]: [[You Should Know This Already]], as it is typical for a Guro comic. But here are some examples:
** ''Chemical Plant'' ends {{spoiler|with Cacie receiving some package and delivering to the unamed General. The package's contents are humiliating photographs , with the message: "Your little Sluts couldn't stop us. NOW WHAT?". If that's not enough, considering the backstory, not only is this a complete demoralization to the Agency, but it will cost the lives of millions of Americans since now the Terrorists are able to execute their plan. "We have a '''problem'''" indeed.}}
** Every Intro Comic for an Angel, with the Vanguard Faction's one taking the cake.
** Later releases during the Vanilla Comics era also avert this, for the most part.
* [[Dual Tonfas]] - Peppermint proudly uses them.
* [[Elite Mooks]] - Mostly the named characters, though some Mooks manage to score quite a lot.
* [[Erotic Dream]] - {{spoiler|Princess in her "Teacher's Pet" freebie comic.}}
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]] - The [[Elite Mook]] known as L.T. repudiates the USA's government for [[Lampshade Hanging|sending someone as young and apparently, inexperienced as Princess to do their job]] in ''Chemical Plant''. [[Averted Trope|Now, if you read about his sociopathy...]]
** Daniel Toshida has a honor code, despite being a ninja from a CIA project, and most of the times feels disgusted when facing with some of his fellow's actions.
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"|Everyone Calls Her "Insert Codename"]]
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* [[Fan Nickname]]:
** United States Angel Corps'''''e''''', for the title.
* [[Fan Service with a Smile]] - They all do it for the profile photos.
* [[Fatal Flaw]] - Every Angel has one, and it's so far the main plot twistCommonly explored byfor botheach the artist and his commissionersAngel.
* [[Faux Action Girl]] - Princess at first, though this was eventually retconned.
* [[Femme Fatale]]
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* [[Green Eyes]] - The often chosen alternative to the most blue-eyed characters, with Princess and Leaf being the lead.
* [[Girls with Guns]] - Most of the girls, though the brawlers obviously prefer to use their fighting skills rather than the guns.
* [[Good Bad Girl]]s - All of them. Ito mean,varying why do you think they would go with a swimsuitdegrees, ateither first? ... [[Too Dumbdue to Live|Despite]] [[Fanservice|sometheir of]]modus [[Distractedoperandi byor thetheir Sexy|theactual possibilities]]promiscuity.
* [[Good-Looking Privates]] - Each Angel goes through intensive military training once they join the Corps.
** Even Princess/Samantha, being the clumsy girl that she is, acknowledges her gifted body and its effect on men. The only thing is that she uses it as the very last alternative, due to her morals, and it usually backfires.
* [[Good-Looking Privates]] - Believe it or not, the girls have military ranks. Alpha Section (the original four girls) consists of two lieutenants, one captain and one major. Bravo Section adds three more lieutenants and another captain.
* [[Good Old Fisticuffs]] - Abhrams prefers to fight and break apart his opponents rather than use guns or any other weapons.
* '''[[Gorn]]'''
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** Speaking of which, one of the gallery pictures feature an unfortunate Silver receiving some acid bath on her chest.
* [[Holographic Terminal]] - ''Chemical Plant'' reveals that Bikini has a portable one... On the right breast of her bikini. It is hinted Princess has the same, as the [[All There in the Manual|bonus material]] says she invented a mini-computer fittable inside of a ring toe. Only function shown in the comic was as a tracker.
* [[I Have You Now, My Pretty]] - Princess,Commonly Bikini, Crystal... And the list goes oninvoked.
** Now Bikini has one, and [[Averted Trope|she's the one in control!]]
* [[Innocent Fanservice Girl]] - Princess and Bubblegum.
* [[Interactive Comic]] - To an extent. As mentioned above, the deal is to pay the artist to get your plot into a comic/picture.
* [[Lovely Angels]] - Well, this is United States ''Angels'' Corps, remember?
* [[Mad Scientist]] - Troy Hancock... And his intro page in the Vanguard's Intro Comic just [[Nightmare Fuel|gives you a little demonstration]]. Read [[Vampiric Draining]] belowabove.
* [[Mama Bear]] - Tanya (A.K.A. Silver), the most experienced and the idol of the group. Bamboo and Dixie as well towards the rookies.
** [[Your Mileage May Vary|And maybe, even the reader.]]
* [[Name's the Same]] - Hey, isn't there [[Angels 2200|some other comic]] with "Angels" in the title about a squad of improbably young girls, one of whom is codenamed "Bubblegum"?
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* [[The Rival]] - Bikini is this to Bamboo and Leaf inside of the agency, and to Abhrams outside. Her answer to whenever this is brought up goes respectively from [[Deadpan Snarker]]ing to the traditional mockery.
* [[Theme Naming]] - They're mostly nicknamed after their looks or personalities and values.
* [[Time Stands Still]] - The main plot point of the two first issues of the Vanilla Comics era.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]] - Some of the actions that condemn the characters vary from [[Fatal Flaw]] to a stupid mistake.
** In one example, Strawberry's urge for the other sex in the middle of a mission, at a forest at night. Nothing could go wr- Hey, [[Boom! Headshot!|isn't that a sniper?]]


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