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For a [[Brevity Is Wit|one-minute summary]] of his life along with a [[Rule of Cool|picture of him as a]] [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|Cyborg Zombie]] watch [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgn4h-_IXWY this video.]
{{tropelist|Tropes embodied by Honest Abe}}
* [[Badass]]: Unlike his [[James Buchanan|predecessor]], Lincoln did not hesitate to take a definitive stand on the morality of slavery, while still defending it's legal continuance where it existed, and he did this knowing full well it could cause a civil war. He did it anyway and refused to apologize for it.
** [[Badass Beard]]: He grew one at the advice of a young lady named Grace Bedell, who thought he'd look more impressive with facial hair.
** [[Beware The Nice Ones]]: He was a very hard guy to make mad, but during a wrestling match as noted above, he invented the chokeslam on the guy who finally managed to piss him off.
** [[Papa Wolf]]: Union soldiers called their commander in chief "[[Affectionate Nickname|Father Abraham]]", which he was aware of and took pride in.
* [[Fat and Skinny]]: Lincoln was the latter of these two when compared to his rival, Stephen Douglass.
* [[Friendly Rival]]: Lincoln was fierce rivals with Stephen Douglass, and although both men were very serious on the political stage, neither had any genuine disregard for each other away from politics. In fact, Douglass even helped hold Lincoln's hat during his inauguration to show he accepted his rival had the job he had wanted instead.
* [[Loophole Abuse]]: Invoked this to get around complaints he exceeded his authority when he suspended habeas corpus during the Civil War, asserting at the time Congress was not in session and the danger was so immediate the executive had to act if the legislative branch could not. Was made moot by the time Congress finally did meet because the Civil War was in full swing by then and it would have been insane to end what Lincoln started.
* [[The Messiah]]: Was considered such by four million slaves for ending their bondage forever.
* [[Nice Hat]]: That stovepipe hat Lincoln is well known for.
* [[Principles Zealot]]: Lincoln remained committed to his stances on slavery, and his refusal to moderate them a dot (even though his was already pretty tolerant for a Republican) was what helped ensure the Civil War was going to happen, because the South refused to accept he opposed to ANY extension of slavery while protecting it where it already existed.
* [[Rules Lawyer]]: He was an actual lawyer, but during the Freeport debate with Stephen Douglass in 1858, he pointed out Douglass' popular sovereignty doctrine was full of holes anyone invoking this trope could have used to make a hash of the whole idea.
* [[Second Love]]: His wife was his own after his first love died of illness, and speaking of Mary Todd, she was once courted by Lincoln's political rival Stephen Douglass, so Lincoln was her take on this trope.
* [[The Smart Guy]]: Lincoln was known for his intellectual talents since his youth, and not only did those talents help him become a lawyer and later a statesman, he is also the only president thus far to have a patent filed in his name, specifically a device for lifting boats over shoals.
{{examples|Honest Abe in fiction:}}