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Not to be confused with the Locked-in Syndrome, which might or might not be able to communicate, and frequently results in a [[Disability Superpower]].
== Advertising ==
* There's a Terry's Chocolate Orange commercial where a patient in a hospital has died, and is covered by a sheet. For some reason, he's still hooked up to an EKG. A nurse tries to steal his chocolate orange, and Whacks it, right there. The patient kicks and his EKG starts beeping again (wow, he came back from the dead because someone was trying to pinch his favorite candy). Cue the Slogan, "When you Whack a Terry's Chocolate Orange, good things happen.
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== [[Film]] ==
* In ''[[Spice World]]'', three of the Spice Girls visit an unconscious boy in the hospital. Victoria jokingly suggests that Geri should take her top off, then realizes that it wouldn't do him much good as his eyes are closed. He wakes up immediately.
== [[Literature]] ==
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* A variation was used in ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]'' at the beginning of season 2. Dean was in a coma after a car accident, but he could hear what was being said to him because he was having an out-of-body experience and "haunting" his hospital room. Also used in an episode where the spirit of a comatose girl whose father read her fairy tales was causing people to reenact those fairy tales.
* On an episode of ''[[Law and Order: Criminal Intent]]'', based loosely on the Terry Schiavo case, Goran and Eames {{spoiler|set up a phony situation with "yes" and "no" cards, making it appear as though the persistent vegetative person can look at a card, and her visual angle tracked to determine her responses to questions. The set up is to get the criminal who killed her doctor to believe that she can tell everything to the detectives so he will confess.}}
* In the Season One finale of ''[[30 Rock|Thirty Rock]]'' Jack is hooked up to an EKG following a mid-coital cardiac episode with his fiancee, whom he barely knows and who seems to have quite a few secrets of her own. When Jack's shrewd and shrewish mother questions him in the hospital, he tries to evade her, but she uses his heart monitor as a lie-detector to figure out what's really going on.
* In an early third season episode of ''[[Babylon 5]]'', Lennier is injured saving Mollari from an explosion and spends the rest of the episode unconscious in MedLab. Mollari visits Lennier and tells a joke. At the end of the episode, Dr Franklin starts telling the same joke. Lennier wakes up, tells the punchline, and mentions that he'd heard that one before.
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