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{{quote|"I didn't want you to know. I knew you would reject such inappropriate love. I knew it too..."|'''[[Schoolgirl Lesbians|Shizuru]]''' to Natsuki, ''[[My-HiME]]''}}
|'''[[Schoolgirl Lesbians|Shizuru]]''' to Natsuki, ''[[My-HiME]]''}}
Despite the [[Have a Gay Old Time|traditional meaning]] of the word "gay," homosexual characters tend to be a miserable lot, and not by simple coincidence - their misery can be attributed largely to their sexuality or, more accurately, other people's attitudes towards it. In short, they don't just have angst, they have ''gayngst''.
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* ''[[Aoi Hana]]'': Poor Fumi, {{spoiler|losing two love interests in a row to other men}}. She begs Akira not think of her as disgusting after she first comes out (confessing that she's dating another girl), and brings this up again after {{spoiler|Haruka asks Fumi for advice over her sister possibly being lesbian, which finally drives Fumi to confess to Akira}} at the end of volume 4. Ramped up considerably starting about the end of volume 3.
* Most of the time Shuichi from ''[[Gravitation]]'' is comfortable with being in love with another guy. Occasionally though, he really gets hit hard with Gayngst and worries quite a bit that his relationship with Yuki is doomed because they're both male.
* In ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]'', Setsuna's angst is less about the fact that she is [[Schoolgirl Lesbians|quite thoroughly]] [[Bodyguard Crush|gay for Konoka]], than that she thinks herself of the wrong social class for [[Ojou]]-sama, and that she [[Failure Knight|feels unworthy]] of her. {{spoiler|Their pactio}} might help her feel better about her [[Bodyguard Crush]] -- not to mention Konoka thinks {{spoiler|[[But Your Wings Are Beautiful|Setsuna's wings make her look like an angel]]}}.
* In ''[[My-HiME]]'', this is played for brutal effect with {{spoiler|Shizuru}}, whose facade slowly starts to crack late in the series, starting with abandoning her duties to protect Natsuki (whose powers are temporarily unusable) from Nao, then a stolen kiss in her love's sleep, and culminating with going full-blown [[Psycho Lesbian]] when her feelings are rejected. Natsuki's final declaration that even if she doesn't feel the way Shizuru hoped she would, she is happy that Shizuru loved her and also loves her in her own way, {{spoiler|combined with her causing both their Childs to be destroyed}} helps restore her sanity, though.
* In ''[[Finder Series]]'', [[Uke|Akihito]] angsts for a while after being raped by [[Seme|Asami]] and (maybe) [[Victim Falls For Rapist|enjoying it]].
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* Misaki and Kawabata in ''[[Hana no Mizo Shiru]]''. Misaki wonders why he can't be attracted to women instead of men at the end of Chapter 8, and why, if he's going to fall for men, he was born a man himself. Losing Kawabata and, in his mind, Arikawa to women really hurt him (what he doesn't realize is that Arikawa already broke up his girlfriend in Chapter 5). Then there's Kawabata, who left Misaki and got a girlfriend because he knew a relationship with an underaged boy was not socially acceptable. {{spoiler|In Chapter 11 his true feelings for Misaki come out, and at the end of the chapter, he cancels he and his girlfriend's wedding preparations over the phone. He says he can "think for himself" now.}}
== ComicsComic Books ==
* Karolina Dean of Marvel's ''[[Runaways]]'' has a crush on her [[Incompatible Orientation|straight best friend Nico]], made out with a guy she'd just met [[I Just Want to Be Normal|because she wanted to feel "normal"]], and tried to commit [[Suicide by Cop|suicide by proxy]]. However, the fact that she's an alien and that her parents are supervillains probably adds to her angst.
* This is a frequent and longstanding part of Renee Montoya's character, starting from when she was first outed in ''[[Gotham Central]]''. A police officer, Renee already had extensive personal issues due to being an [[Twofer Token Minority|honest hispanicHispanic woman]] in a primarily male, primarily white, ''completely'' corrupt police department. When [[Stalker with a Crush|Two-Face]] outed her to friends and family her captain, Maggie Sawyer (an open lesbian), attempted to help her deal with the issues that arise in this situation. Unfortunately, as Renee rather vehemently points out, their situations are nothing alike, as Maggie did not already have racial and gender baggage to deal with, and she was from Metropolis, not Gotham, and the differences between the two societies run deeper than just the different operating hours of their heroes. Combined with other factors, (including the normal drama and angst that comes with being a police officer) Renee eventually descends into alcoholism and serious contemplations of suicide while she bounces from one-night-stand to one-night-stand. She gets better, eventually, but some comics have her relationships plagued with conflict and drama.
* Renee's ex-girlfriend Katherine "Kate" Kane (a.k.a. [[Batwoman]]) had her own issues. [[Military Brat|The daughter of two career soldiers]], when her mother and twin-sister were killed during her childhood kidnapping Kate's sole dream was to follow in her parents' foot-steps in the army and somehow make a ''difference''. Accepted to the Military Academy at West Point, Kate actually became Cadet Captain and, in the estimation of her instructors, would go on to become a high-ranking, well-respected officer once she graduated...until rumors regarding her sexuality began to circulate around the campus. Army regulations require the discharge of any solider confirmed to be homosexual, and Kate's [[Honor Before Reason|refusal to lie about herself]] resulted in her being "[[Unusual Euphemism|separated]]" from the army, ending the only dream she has had since she was ten years old. It is only once she sees [[Batman]] after a hapless individual [[Mugging the Monster|attempts to steal her wallet]] that she sets a ''new'' goal for herself, and even then she still needs to deal with the criticism and rejection of her "family" and "friends" (pretty much everyone but her dad) from high-society.
* ''[[Watchmen]]'' has several minor gay characters, none of whom get happy endings.
** A minor subplot near the end of the newsstand owner's side story involves a lesbian couple at odds with one another, and is a huge example of gayngst AND''and'' spousal abuse. Fun. It ends with several prevalentprominent minor characters trying to intervene in said abuse, including a police officer trying to catch Nite Owl and Rorschach's now former prison psychiatrist. {{spoiler|Of course, it's all for naught as they all die horribly when Ozymandias' plan is executed (but their bodies were seen together)}}.
** And then there's the Silhouette, who was kicked out of the Minutemen upon being outed, and Hooded Justice and Captain Metropolis, who are strongly implied to have been secretly lovers. [[Bury Your Gays|All three are dead or missing]] [[Posthumous Character|before the story begins.]]
** Ozymandias is speculated to be gay by a few characters, and there are hints backing this up in the film version. While he doesn't seem particularly angst-filled, we learn later on that he's at least unhappy enough to be {{spoiler|pretty okay with mass-murder.}}
* [[Jack Chick]]'s [[Old Shame|discontinued]] tract ''[https://web.archive.org/web/20071027042933/http://www.enterthejabberwock.com/?p=465 Wounded Children]'', fit this to a T (although it is also full of [[Narm]]), because of his views of homosexuality Chick's tracts on the subject had the message "There is nothing gay about being gay" before shifting to "Those who support or tolerate homosexuality are evil".
* An issue of ''[[Zot]]'' deals with Jenny's best friend Terry and her gradual realization that she's homosexual, engaging with this trope in the process—in particular, Terry at one point tearfully pleads with Zot to know whether, in his [[Utopia]]n superheroic 'world of the future!', she would be considered 'normal'. {{spoiler|She eventually hooks up with her friend Pam, who's own coming out of the closet was the trigger for Terry's identity issues on the subject, and appears relatively happy as a result.}}
* Billy Kaplan, aka Wiccan of the ''[[Young Avengers]]'', used to get bullied at school for being gay. Other than that, he and his boyfriend, Hulkling, avert this trope. None of their teammates seem to be fazed by their relationship, and Billy's parents are positively ''thrilled'' with it.
** Teddy had his own issues, with his own shapeshifting powers tying into a need to be like "the other guys" and a crush on a jock who mainly used him for his own needs.
== Fan FictionWorks ==
* ''[[A Butterfly Effect]]'' features quite a bit of this, though it is repeatedly hinted that it will end well.
== Fan Fiction ==
* [[Slash Fic]] ''loves'' this trope, even if it's for a fandom taking place in a world where sexuality isn't even an issue or where [[Word of God]] explicitly declared homophobia doesn't exist.
* [[A Butterfly Effect]] features quite a bit of this, though it is repeatedly hinted that it will end well.
* IfSasuke notUchiha canon,from Sasuke''[[Naruto]]'' is often portrayed as having this, especially while being [[Hate Fic|bashed]] by male fans trying to get up to [[Yaoi Fangirl]]s. Sas"Sas''uke''" and "Sasugay" being two of the names often used to bash him.
* [[Slash Fic]] ''loves'' this trope, even if it's for a fandom taking place in a world where sexuality isn't even an issue.
* Actually inverted in the ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' fanfic "''The Combinatorics Project"'', which was built around the idea of writing chapters in which each mane character is shipped exactly once with each other mane character. In chapter 3, Rainbow Dash angsts quite a bit about being straight. (This is the only universe presented in the fic in which this is the case, {{spoiler|and she ends up with Twilight Sparkle anyway, except that Twi has to use a [[Gender Bender]] spell}}.) "''The Combinatorics Project"'' notwithstanding, it's played straight more often than not in pony shipfic, usually in the form of Dash being unwilling to go with the presented 'ship at first due to traumatic experiences involving flight school bullies.
* If not canon, Sasuke is often portrayed as having this, especially while being bashed. Sas"uke" and Sasugay being two of the names often used to bash him.
* Actually inverted in the ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' fanfic "The Combinatorics Project", which was built around the idea of writing chapters in which each mane character is shipped exactly once with each other mane character. In chapter 3, Rainbow Dash angsts quite a bit about being straight. (This is the only universe presented in the fic in which this is the case, {{spoiler|and she ends up with Twilight Sparkle anyway, except that Twi has to use a [[Gender Bender]] spell}}.) "The Combinatorics Project" notwithstanding, it's played straight more often than not in pony shipfic, usually in the form of Dash being unwilling to go with the presented 'ship at first due to traumatic experiences involving flight school bullies.
== Film ==
* Paul Korner (played by Conrad Veidt) from ''[[Different From Thethe Others]]'' is likely the cinematic [[Ur Example]].
* ''[[Brokeback Mountain]]'' is by far the most famous example of this trope from recent years.
* {{spoiler|Col. Fitts}} from ''[[American Beauty]]'' is particularly disturbing example of a self-loathing closet case.
* The 1961 Dirk Bogarde film ''Victim'' is positively overflowing with Gayngst.
* Gayngst would account for much of Kirill's issues in ''[[Eastern Promises]]'', along with being the son of a crime boss. He's a vicious, pitiful, self-loathing drunk, and very attached to Nikolai.
* The 90s gave us two British films about teenage boys coming to terms with their homosexuality: ''[[Get Real]]'' and ''[[Beautiful Thing]]''.
** Also ''[[Wild Tigers I Have Known]]'', which is notable for making its Gayngst [[Mind Screw|completely surreal]].
*** Before ''Get Real'' and ''Beautiful Thing'' there was ''[[Two of Us]]''.
* In ''[[Across the Universe (film)|Across the Universe]]'', Prudence experiences this throughout the movie (the cover of "I Want To Hold Your Hand" practically screams this trope). In fact, she goes as far as to cover it up by getting herself a boyfriend who beats her, which then intertwines her into the lives of the other main characters.
* Arthur Stuart (Christian Bale's character) in ''[[Velvet Goldmine]]'' goes through a lot of this.
* Lampshaded in ''[[As Good as It Gets]]'', when straight Melvin (Jack Nicholson) asks gay Simon (Greg Kinnear) after all the horrible things that have happened to him if he thinks his life would have been easier if he were straight, which causes Simon to ask back: "Do you consider ''your'' life easy?"
* Father Greg (Linus Roache) in the controversial ''Priest'' has this in spades.
* ''[[Bent]]'' was about a gay man posing as a Jewish man learning to come out of the closet while in a concentration camp.
* In ''Les roseaux sauvages'' (''Wild Reeds''), set in 1962, a 17-year-old boy realizing he's gay says "It's like a curse. I don't know why I'm landed with it." His female best friend tells him that a shoe salesman they know is living happily with his boyfriend.
* In ''[[Ma Vie en Rose]]'', a 7-year-old gender variant boy with a crush on another boy is misunderstood at every turn, tries to butch it up, fails, feels miserable and attempts suicide.
* In ''[[Trevor]]'', a 13-year-old boy realizes he's gay, loses the friend he's in love with, is given The Talk by a priest at the request of his parents, is shunned by his schoolmates and tries to kill himself.
== Literature ==
* [[Tomboyish Name|Stephen]] Gordon, the heroine of Radclyffe Hall's ''[[The Well Ofof Loneliness]]''.
* Andrew Holleran's novel ''Dancer From The Dance''.
* Robin from the ''[[Troubleshooters]]'' series goes through some of this as he realizes he's a [[Invisible to Gaydar]], particularly the substance abuse. He gets better.
* In Sarah Waters's novel ''[[Tipping the Velvet]]'', Kitty Butler suffers from this. Notably averted with most of Waters's other heroines, who deal with their lesbianism surprisingly well, given that most of them are [[Victorian Britain|Victorian women]].
* It is heavily implied that this is the reason why ''[[Brideshead Revisited]]''{{'}}s Catholic, aristocratic, and eventually alcoholic [[Meaningful Name|Sebastian]] Flyte is made so miserable by his family, particularly his manipulative and extremely devout mother.
** Aw come on , lotsa straight ''adult'' men carry a teddy bear—namedbear — named Aloysius!--around with them, everywhere.
*** The recent film adaption said "Screw Ambiguity!"
* Damien from ''[[The House of Night]]'' series has a bit of this. His father didn't react at all well to him being gay. What's strange is that at first he seems to be the [[Our Vampires Are Different|only gay vampyre]], aside from a couple of [[Lesbian Vampire|lesbians]].
* Averting this is half the point of ''[[Annie on My Mind]]'', which ends [[Earn Your Happy Ending|well.]]
* ''[[Boy Meets Boy]]'' by David Levithan is set in a [[Quirky Town]] with a prominent LGBT community and a remarkably open-minded straight community. Most of the characters avert this trope completely. However, the main character's best friend and ex-boyfriend provide straightforward examples. The former is justified in that his extremely religious parents don't accept his sexuality.
* In ''[[Hero (novel)|Hero]]'' by [[Perry Moore]], the protagonist has two big secrets: he's gay and he has super powers. Guess which one he angsts about more?
* Averted, subverted, and played straight by various characters throughout the DRAMA''[[Drama!]]'' series by Paul Ruditis. The main character, Bryan, insists that his sexual orientation is no big deal. He even [[Lampshade Hanging|hangs a lampshade]] on this:
{{quote|But don't worry. This isn't one of those angst-filled books where I'm struggling to come to terms with what it all means. I've long since accepted it. I'm gay. I'm over it. There will be no endless, teary-eyed, internal dialogues. No tormented, sleepless nights. I am 100 percent at ease with who I am.}}
** It's debatable whether Bryan is really as well-adjusted as he pretends to be. Meanwhile, his [[Camp Gay|extremely flamboyant]] acquaintance, Marq, is out and proud despite having once been the victim of a gay bashing. {{spoiler|Bryan's main love interest spends most of the series deep in the closet, however.}}
* Exploring Gayngst in-depth and [[Earn Your Happy Ending|eventually overcoming it]] is arguably the whole point of E.M. Forster's ''[[Maurice]]''.
* [[Word of God]] says this may be the cause behind the entire plot of ''[[Fight Club (novel)|Fight Club]]''.
* James Baldwin's ''[[Giovanni's Room]]''.
* ''[[Funny Boy]]'' has some of this, naturally given that it stars a gay adolescent.
* [[Heralds of Valdemar|''The Last Herald-Mage'' trilogy]] by Mercedes Lackey. Full stop.
* According to [[Word of God]], Dumbledore from ''[[Harry Potter]]'' is gay and his rather bad experience with his friend Gellert Grindelwald was actually something of a romance, on Dumbledore's part anyway (it's never been said whether Grindelwald was gay or not, or even knew of Dumbledore's feelings for him) that ended up with his sister getting killed and a lifelong rift between Dumbledore and his brother.
* Francesca Lia Block often addresses this in her novels, notably with Dirk and Duck in ''[[Weetzie Bat]]'', Griffin in ''I Was A Teenage Fairy'', and most recently Pace in ''The Frenzy''.
* In Terry GoodkindsGoodkind's ''[[Sword Ofof Truth]]'' series the Mord'sith Berdine and Raina were always belittled by Darken Rahl for their relationship.
* Basil Hallward in ''[[The Picture of Dorian Gray]]''.
== Live Action TV ==
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'''Old Woman''': 'Cause most of us have more shame than pride. }}
* Riley from ''[[Degrassi the Next Generation]]'' hit on his best friend, then threatened to beat him up if he ever told anybody. Then he started popping steroids, believing it would turn him straight. He eventually came [[Canada, Eh?|oot]] almost by mistake by signing himself and Zane up for prom couple which was posted [[Everything Is Online|online]].
** Marco also has this in spades. At first it's just usual ''Degrassi'' drama as he struggles with his sexuality, but it eventually encompasses his character almost entirely as his character arcs go from "How will he get through this problem?" to "How will he be discriminated against next?"
* Aaron Livesy from ''[[Emmerdale]]'' is the epitome of this trope.
* Nathan in the British (original) ''[[Queer as Folk]]'' was having a bit of a teenage Gayngst moment, when his best friend neatly deflated him: "I'm black! ''And'' I'm a girl. Try that for a week."
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** In the episode "On My Own", {{spoiler|Karofsky}} gets hit with Gayngst [[Laser-Guided Karma]] full-on. He is outed, gets bullied in his new school and {{spoiler|tries to commit suicide as a result}}.
* ''[[Mad TV]]'' did a skit with Will Sasso as a gay plumber who constantly angsts about how gay he is and accuses his customers of prejudice even though they don't care.
* Happens to a few gay characters on ''[[Coronation Street]]'', the notable ones being Todd Grimshaw who found out while his fiancée was pregnant. The stress from the whole situation caused her to have a miscarriage and Todd had to endure snide comments in the pub and shops, as well as David Platt (his fiancéesfiancée's brother) spray painting "Queer" on his front door.
** Sophie Webster and Sian Power are a pair of recently outed lesbians. Claire Peacock outed them in front of the entire street and they ended up running away to get away from gossip. However Sophie's family were actually quite supportive of them once they adjusted so they don't have too much besides the typical teenage angst.
** Sean Tully is a notable aversion, probably because the writers have realised that viewers [[Creator's Pet|won't actually feel sorry for him if anything bad happens to him]].
* Willow Rosenberg from ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' is something of a subversion since there is never really a big coming out episode, and they probably skated around having the obligatory drama by having people know about it at the end of the season so most of it presumably takes place offscreenoff-screen during the gap between seasons. Although Willow does feel the need to declare her sexuality every few episodes.
== Music ==
* One of [[Morrissey]]'s specialties. Best summed up by [[Bret Easton Ellis]], who referred to [[The Smiths]] as "gay angst music" in ''The Rules Of Attraction''.
* "Sing If You're Glad To Be Gay" by the Tom Robinson Band.
* John Lennon admitted that [[The Beatles]]' "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away", which he wrote, is something of a Gayngst ode to their manager, Brian Epstein, who was gay and not unfamiliar with the real life issues inherent in this trope.
* "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I30H7mhfLe8 Viðrar vel til loftárása]" by [[Sigur Rós]]. Although the lyrics are pretty [[Singing Simlish|indechiperable]] both the music video and the melody made it pretty clear that the song is this trope
* "Smalltown Boy" by Bronski Beat.
== Theater ==
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* ''bare: a pop opera'' is all about gayngsty Catholic schoolboys.
* Martha of ''[[The Children's Hour]]'' goes into a terrible crisis and kills herself upon realising she is in love with her friend Karen.
== Visual Novels ==
* In ''[[Shojokyuu]] [[Kurige no Shiofuki Shoujotachi]]]]'', [[Schoolgirl Lesbian]] Haruna severely worries that her attraction to other girls as well as her amorous conduct with them could lead to her getting in deep trouble and jeopardizing her graduation because of the conservative catholic environment she's in at the time.
* In ''[[Katawa Shoujo]]'', it is revealed that {{spoiler|Misha}} is gay, and made a [[Love Confession]] to her object of affection, {{spoiler|Shizune,}} who rejected the confession (most likely due to [[Incompatible Orientation]]) but offered continued friendship, causing her a great deal of pain, especially when Hisao begins a relationship with {{spoiler|Shizune}}. {{spoiler|Misha}} also implies that she was bullied for being gay in the past.
== WebcomicsWeb Comics ==
* ''[[Khaos Komix]]'', as a teen drama with a [[Cast Full of Gay]], pretty much runs on this trope: Steve has internalized Jamie's homophobia enough that he wrestles with the idea of being gay; Mark knows his parents have already disowned his brother for, among many other things, his homosexuality; Amber is frightened of the controversy, and her mother, although accepting of Steve and Mark, is less so with Amber, {{spoiler|because she's frightened for her safety...and speaking from experience}}; Nay casually accepts her own bisexuality, but she's seeing Amber; Murfs had a basically pansexual upbringing, but as a child, ran headlong into Jamie's [[Freudian Excuse]], which left him reflexively homophobic until he met Tom; Tom, a transman (by definition, a source of angst in its own right), is afraid of letting Murfs know, much less sleeping with him, for fear of being seen as a woman; and Charlie, a transwoman, has started an outright dangerous relationship with the homophobic Jamie. Still, it looks like the token straight Jamie's story [[Freudian Excuse|might be the angstiest of all]]. Of course, there have also been hints that Jamie [[Armoured Closet Gay|isn't as straight as he claims to be.]]
* Justin from ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'' has reason enough to gayngst with the bullying at school and his ex-best friend turning into an aggravating [[Stalker with a Crush]]. However he can also be a little ''too'' eager to have this, as shown by his accusing the others of [http://www.egscomics.com/?date=2003-12-19 leaving him out of the rescue team] because he's gay during the Painted Black arc (shortly before realizing the team consisted of [[Schoolgirl Lesbians|a homosexual, a bisexual]], and a [[Single-Target Sexuality|Teddsexual]]) and his muttering that the universe was [http://www.egscomics.com/?date=2008-11-04 plotting against him] when he was informed of ''Elliot's'' having to [[Gender Bender|turn into a girl]] due to [[Power Incontinence]].
** {{spoiler|Nanase}} also has to go through this and come to terms with {{spoiler|her}} sexuality. {{spoiler|Ellen, the [[Opposite Gender Clone]] of Elliot}} goes through it too. Hell, even {{spoiler|Tedd has to deal with angst due to a fear of being gay, even though he isn't}}!
* Vinci from ''[[Vinci and Arty]]'' exhibits this trope often, especially when the couple's more conservative neighbours show off their discontent for the homosexual duo.
== Web Original ==
* Completely averted in ''[[Ilivais X]]''. Iriana IS''is'' incredibly miserable and has tons of angst going on, but that's for [[Training from Hell|entirely]] [[Rape as Backstory|different]] [[Fate Worse Than Death|reasons]]. If anything, her orientation is one of the few things she's absolutely confident about, especially once her relationship with Mille gets going. Yes, their relationship is strained as all hell, and she's very insecure about liking Mille, but it's more along the lines of how she feels she doesn't deserve her, and will only end up hurting anyone close to her. {{spoiler|However, Sycine, the one ''responsible'' for those entirely different reasons, possesses this in spades.}}
* A major part of the prolecto series. In fact, this trope is why one character goes from "Good" to "Neutral. The story starts here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6721353/
** Eventually {{spoiler|Pretty much subverted, as other issues come to prominanceprominence, and the character is told, bluntly, to get over it.}}
** Also given an interesting examination, where the character comes to the conclusion "Okay, which would people hate me for more. Being gay, or being a demon. Being gay... crud." [[Face Heel Turn]] ensues.
== Western Animation ==
* Pleakley from ''[[Lilo & Stitch: The Series]]'' is a kind of [[subtext]]ual example. Apparently his girliness and refusal to get married are some of the main reasons he's the black sheep of his family. It's not stated outright that he's gay, but it's either that or he thinks [[Girls Have Cooties]], and the marriage thing is eventually resolved when he marries Jumba, his male friend, who was [[Disguised in Drag]] for the occasion, and [[Ho Yay|they both seem very content with getting married.]]
** Or maybe he didn't the arranged marriage his family put him through.
== Real Life ==
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