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Metal Slug/Characters: Difference between revisions

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=== ''Metal Slug'' ===
== Marco (Marchrius Dennis Rossi) ==
Marco joined the military's vocational school following technical high school, and after graduating, joined the Peregrine Falcons Squadron, soon becoming its leader. Though generally a good-natured guy, he tends to flip his shit whenever Morden is mentioned, given the fact that Morden was responsible for the deaths of many of his good friends.
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* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: With Tarma.
== Tarma (Tarmacle Roving the Third) ==
Son of a military man, he entered the Special Forces Training School after finishing junior high. At age 20, he joined the Peregrine Falcons on a mission to rescue the president, at which point he met Marco, the two becoming fast friends. When he found out Marco had been selected to take part in the counteroffensive against Morden, Tarma was quick to volunteer. Though he often pokes fun at Marco, he holds his friend in the highest regard.
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=== ''Metal Slug 2'' ===
== Eri Kasimoto ==
Eri was found abandoned on the steps of a church. When she became wise to the ways of the world, she eventually ran off and became the leader of a gang of street kids. The Intelligence Department of the Regular Army noticed her leadership skills, and thus recruited her. She went on to receive spy training, and took part in a number of missions requiring assassination. She found these types of missions distasteful, and requested a transfer to the SPARROWS division. Given her impressive track record, it was approved. Once transferred to the SPARROWS division, she was assigned the role of team demolitions expert.
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* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: Eri's the Tomboy.
== Fiolina "Fio" Germi ==
Daughter of the massively wealthy Germi Family, hailing from Italy. The Germi family has historically been a military family, sending their oldest into service, so naturally her father wished for a healthy son to carry on the name. However, following Fio's difficult childbirth, her mother was unable to bear anymore children, making it the first time the Germi heir was female.
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=== ''Metal Slug 4'' ===
== Nadia Cassel ==
Initially, Nadia wanted to go into the modeling business, but she couldn't stop eating, which meant she kept gaining weight, so she enlisted into the Regular Army for the exercise. Here, she discovered her skills as a soldier, and was chosen to help in stopping the Amadeus Syndicate from releasing its supervirus. Here, Nadia was a stand-in for Eri, who had been assigned to other duties. The one thing putting her apart from Eri is that her alternate melee weapon is a souped-up taser, capable of shredding the enemy. Unfortunately, due to some in-game bugs, she doesn't get as many points for using her melee.
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* [[Stun Guns]]: She uses a taser as her melee attack.
== Trevor Spacey ==
Trevor received his first computer at age three. By the time he was seven, not only could he perform complex coding, he also worked on creating antivirus progams during summer break, many of which are still in use at the school he attended. When he ended up joining the Peregrine Falcons, he found a great deal of respect for Marco, whose own computer skills surpassed his own. Here, he acted as Tarma's stand-in. His melee involves kicking the enemy so hard, it shreds them apart; he gains double points for this, but he has to hold still.
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=== ''Metal Slug Advance'' ===
== Walter Ryan ==
Walter joined the Peregrine Falcons squad with the hopes to train his mind and body, knowing he had the stamina to keep up with the rest of them. However, he never would've guessed his initial "training" would turn out to be a rescue mission.
== Tyra Elson ==
Tyra's strong desire to fight evil is what motivated her to join the Peregrine Falcons alongside Walter. After getting the highest score on the written test, she was immediately put to the physical training course on the island where the game takes place.
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Ralf and Clark, the [[Ikari Warriors]], inbetween their appearances in the ''[[King of Fighters]]'' series, appeared alongside the core team for ''Metal Slug 6'', and are back for ''Metal Slug 7''/''XX''. Joining them in ''XX'' is Leona. A better amount of information about these three can be found on their respective series' page.
== Ralf Jones ==
Aside from his participation in various fighting tournaments, little to nothing else is known about him or Clark. There's rumors flying around, but he tends to ignore them.
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Though carrying half as much ammo and grenades as anyone else, Ralf makes up for this with his Vulcan Punch, capable of destroying tanks, and his melee speed is much faster than anyone else's (and his normal melee can also damage things that others cannot). He's also the only character capable of taking two hits. He's just that tough.
== Clark Still ==
Clark and Ralf have been longtime friends, even in the unit the two of them are assigned to.
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Clark's unique ability is his Super Argentine Backbreaker, a special melee move capable of earning him a lot of points in a short time frame. He also gains a small window of invulnerability with each enemy he tosses with this. However, it only works on certain human-sized enemies.
== Leona Heidern ==
Leona was adopted by Commander Heidern following her involuntary transformation and slaughter of her hometown, and Clark and Ralf helped to oversee her training.
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=== ''Metal Slug'' ===
== Donald Morden ==
Morden was formerly a Vice Admiral in the Regular Army Marine Corps. Though a tough and efficient commander, he was also something of [[A Father to His Men]], which greatly earned him their respect.
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* [[Made of Plasticine]]: Applies to his troops.
== Allen O'Neal ==
Morden's right hand man and bodyguard. When Morden resigned from the Regular Army, Allen, alongside all of Morden's supporters, followed him out. He's most remembered for taking insane amounts of punishment and supposedly being killed each game (he's eaten by an Orca in ''Metal Slug 2''), only to return later. In ''Metal Slug 3'', he not only died, but came back in the same level. Aside from being nigh unkillable, he also has a wife and son to return home to at the end of the day.
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=== ''Metal Slug 2'' ===
== Mars People ==
Aliens from Mars, if that wasn't obvious enough (though they do resemble squids, according to some). Possessing spaceships straight out of a 50's B-movie, they allied themselves with Morden, but were really using him to weaken Earth's defenses so they could take over with little to no opposition. Though defeated at the end of ''2''/''X'', they kidnapped Morden before the events of ''3'', sending a Mars Person to impersonate him, and eventually capturing one of the player's characters and creating clones of him/her.
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=== ''Metal Slug 3'' ===
== Rootmars ==
The leader of the Mars People, he was the one who orchestrated the events of ''2''/''X'' and ''3''. Though originally looking like a larger Mars Person (just wearing a see-through helmet), his real form was revealed after his spaceship was destroyed (and he looked an awful lot like E.T.) He was defeated at the end of ''3'', his brain being blown out, and sank into the ocean, presumedly dead...
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=== ''Metal Slug 4'' ===
== Amadeus Syndicate ==
A mysterious organization whose threat to the world was the release of the "White Baby Virus", a supervirus powerful enough to penetrate any mainframe's defenses. It also appeared as though Morden was supporting their efforts, though they had made a robotics plant at their base, creating several Morden bots, possibly including the one seen in the opening sequence.
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=== ''Metal Slug 5'' ===
== Ptolmaic Army ==
This army group attacked a Regular Army base and ended up stealing a disc containing blueprint data on both Metal Slugs and Rebellion Tech, which lead to them creating their own bastardized and upgraded versions. Due to the confusing nature of the game (and the fact that so much went unused), it was hard to tell who was really in charge. It appeared as though they had gained the trust of the natives by the Corridor of Fire, and was using them to keep intruders away.
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=== ''Metal Slug 6'' ===
== Venusians ==
Obviously, aliens from Venus. The Mars People's nemesis, they not only appear to be physically stronger and more diverse than the Mars People, they also seemed to have better technology on their side as well. They formed the second half of ''Metal Slug 6'''s plot, especially after their first appearance was snatching up two martians and eating them.
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=== ''Metal Slug 7''/''XX'' ===
== Future Soldiers ==
Morden's own troops from an unspecified time in the future. Presumedly at some time after Morden was captured or killed, his own forces, again out of loyalty, gathered up their technology and, though the construction of what appeared to be a time window or portal, went back in time to help Morden out. Despite having new weapons and upgraded machinery, they still got their asses handed to them, and with their window destroyed, they were unable to do anything else.
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