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Mega Man Legends/Characters: Difference between revisions

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The main hero of the game. Mega Man works together with Roll as they investigate ruins as Diggers, Mega Man doing the adventuring while Roll provides info of what to do.
It was revealed in ''Legends 2'' {{spoiler|that his original name is Mega Man Trigger. In the past, he lived in a place called Elysium along with the Mother Units: Yuna and Sera, and the individual known as the "Master" ([[Last of His Kind|the last true human remaining]]). He is a Purifier Unit tasked of eliminating anyone who tries to harm the Master System. He is also the most favored unit of the Master and is very close to him. One day, the Master asked Trigger to come with him to Terra (Earth) to experience what life is like there. Later that night, the Master [[Died Happily Ever After]] due to prolonged exposure outside of Elysium and gave Trigger one final request: destroy the Master System. [[Badass|He fought all the units of Elysium]] ''[[One-Man Army|alone]]'', who hinder him on his quest including the Mother Units. However, Yuna slowly came to understand what Trigger is doing and took a neutral position - neither helping him or fighting against him. This angered Sera and decided to take on Trigger herself in Terra. However, since she cannot bring her full power outside of Elysium, she was unable to defeat Trigger and both exhausts themselves of their full power as a result ending the battle in a draw. Trigger's body is almost totally destroyed and he had no choice but to reset his programmings to heal. He created Data and [[Transferable Memory|transferred all of his memories in Elysium]] (including the Master's genetic sample) to it. Yuna would then arrive afterwards and took that opportunity to imprison the weakened Trigger and Sera in stasis fields. She sealed Sera in Forbidden Island and Trigger in Nino Island. After long years of slumber, Trigger's new body as an infant (completely wiped out of his original memories) along with Data was then found by a family of diggers called the Caskets and would live on as Mega Man Volnutt.}}
* [[Accidental Pervert]]: Walked in on Roll while she was changing in ''Legends 1'', and walked in on her while she was in the bathtub in ''Legends 2''. The ''Legends 2'' occurrence was actually a [[Crowning Moment of Funny]] due to the victory pose he does after the fact.
* [[Arm Cannon]]: Naturally.
* [[Badass]]: In the past as {{spoiler|Mega Man Trigger}}. Period. Really, fighting a ''whole'' army of Elysium and even the powerful Mother Units [[Determinator|in order to fulfill the Master's dying wish?]]
** He can still be pretty badass in the present as he can pawn Reaverbots [[Serial Escalation|much bigger than he is.]]
** [[Badass Pacifist]]
** [[One-Man Army]]
* [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]]: May or may not have this with Sera. And who knows what's gonna happen after {{spoiler|he got stuck in Elysium with her at end of the second game}}. Also...
** [[Unresolved Sexual Tension]]: withWith Roll, and maybe Yuna.
* [[Charged Attack]]: Had the traditional Charge Shot in [[Tatsunoko vs. Capcom]], but not yet in any of the actual ''Legends'' games. [http://kobun20.interordi.com/2010/09/29/three-things-to-look-for-in-dash-3/ The design team had an idea on how to implement it, though.]
* [[Chick Magnet]]: Roll and Tron are both head-over-heels inlove with him. But we also have Yuna, and probably even Sera.
** [[Casanova]]
* [[Capcom vs. Whatever]]: Showed up in [[Tatsunoko vs. Capcom]] as a playable character.
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: As {{spoiler|Mega Man Trigger}}.
* [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]: The [[Game Breaker|Shining Laser]]. Full stop.
* [[Green Eyes]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Ridiculously Human Robot]]}}
* [[Swiss Army Appendage]]: While his right arm is always equipped with his handy Mega Buster, his left arm can be fitted with such attachments as machine guns, drills, and even the [[Mega Man X|Z-Saber/Zetsabre]].
* {{spoiler|[[Transferable Memory]]: Trigger stored the memories of his past life, along with any essential files, in Data. Making sure that Sera would not obtain The Master's genetic code.}}.
* [[Trauma-Induced Amnesia]]: Justified due to the above statement. Though, not exactly trauma.
* [[Unwanted Harem]]: [http://legends-station.com/mml2/artwork/scene10.jpg This] official art proves it!
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The crew's [[Team Pet|mascot]] found together Mega Man. He has ever since tagged along with them. {{spoiler|He holds all of Mega Man's memories inside of him as a sort of backup system.}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Big Damn Heroes]]: At the end of the first game, he shows up out of nowhere and prevents the extinction of all the people on Katalox Island}}.
* [[Everything's Better with Monkeys]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]: He acts as your save point. {{spoiler|He also holds data on Mega Man's previous life.}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Neuro Vault]]}}
* [[Nice Hat]]
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The boss (and most definitely insane) leader of the Bonne Family pirates who are always on the look-out for treasure. . He's '''dead''' set on trying to stop Mega Man from stopping them, considering him a worthy opponent. He despises Glyde and his gang a lot.
* [[Affably Evil]]
* [[Anime Hair]]
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]:
{{quote|'''Teisel Bonne:''' We may be pirates, but we're not barbarians. We'll let them keep the toilet paper.}}
* [[Evil Is Petty]]: He absolutely refuses to get involved with the battle, he left it to Tron and Bon to handle.... then a news broadcast of Mega Man's heroism interrupts his favorite TV show. Cue [[Jaw Drop]] and eventual outrage.
* [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]]
* [[Large Ham]]
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* [[Teen Genius]]
* [[Tsundere]]
* [[Villain Protagonist]]: During the prequel, as she's the player character for 99% of the game (Thoughthough you actually control her mech, not her directly).
* [[Villainesses Want Heroes]]: She wants Mega Man Volnutt.
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|Why Did It Have To Be Dogs?]]: Fears dogs a lot to the point she'll jump to a lightpost from the smallest puppy.
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* [[Ambiguously Gay]]
* {{spoiler|[[Never Found the Body]]: He is never seen or heard from again after ''Legends 2'''s train battle, leaving his ultimate fate ambiguous.}}.
* [[The Rival]]: To the Bonne family. He and Teisel don't get along at all.
* [[Smug Snake]]
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* [[Big Bad]]: Of ''The Misadventures of Tron Bonne''.
* [[Loan Shark]]
* [[Shout-Out Theme Naming]]: He seems to be named after [[Superman|Lex Luthor]].
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* [[Goggles Do Nothing]]
* [[What Could Have Been]]: Was supposed to be the new female lead of ''Legends 3'', until Capcom unceremoniously pulled the plug on the game.
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