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Tactics Ogre/Characters: Difference between revisions

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The [[The Protagonist|Hero]] of the story, his hometown was ransacked by the Dark Knights a year prior to the game’s beginning. Since then, he and his sister Catiua along with his best friend Vyce had been living as partisan fighters in order to free their people and eventually strike back at their oppressors. After encountering a group of mercenaries led by Lanselot Hamilton and using their help to liberate Duke Ronwey, Denam steadily becomes embroiled in the power struggle consuming Valeria.
* [[A Commander Is You]]
* [[Action Survivor]] - Denam was this at first during the attack on his hometown.
* [[Adaptation Dye Job]] - His in-game sprite has blond hair whereas his portrait (especially in the PSP remake) depicts it as either dark brown or auburn.
* [[A Commander Is You]]
* {{spoiler|[[Cutscene Incompetence]]: In one possible ending, he is one-shot-killed by a handgun.}}
* [[Dynamic Character]] - As the main character of the story, Denam is subjected to this trope.
* [[Easily Forgiven]] - Partially subverted on the lawful route in that {{spoiler|Vyce never fully forgives Denam for joining the massacre at Balmamusa until the game ends.}}
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* [[The Fettered]] - Played straight in the chaotic route {{spoiler|when Denam rejects the Duke’s offer to rejoin him. Otherwise, accepting it causes this trope to be subverted.}}
* [[The Hero]] - His supporters refer to him as the Hero of Golyat. In contrast, he’s labeled a butcher by those who vilify him.
* [[Hero with Bad Publicity]] - Denam can be given this treatment {{spoiler|by disobeying the Duke’s orders near the end of the first chapter. Then there's the ending where he's assassinated.}}
* [[Heroes Prefer Swords]] - During certain event scenes, he always draw out a sword regardless of what weapon he has equipped.
* [[Heroic BSOD]] - Near the start of the final chapter, Denam is given the standard [[Heroic BSOD]] upon hearing about his true heritage, {{spoiler|made worse when Olivya confronts him with more revelations even though his father just died.}} Fortunately, he quickly snaps out of it to further uphold his beliefs.
* [[Hero with Bad Publicity]] - Denam can be given this treatment {{spoiler|by disobeying the Duke’s orders near the end of the first chapter. Then there's the ending where he's assassinated.}}
* [[I Did What I Had to Do]] - In the lawful route, {{spoiler|Denam justifies his involvement in the slaughter of Balmamusa to unite the Walister under the Duke’s banner.}}
** Eventually, this leads him to be [[The Atoner]] right {{spoiler|after Vyce saves his [[Ass Pull|ass]].}}
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* [[Annoying Younger Sibling|Annoying Older Sibling]]
* [[Badass Preacher]] - Catiua’s exclusive starting class, Priest, is one of the few classes that can use offensive divine magic.
* {{spoiler|[[Badass Princess]]: Her Princess class is comparable to both advanced magic users and advanced fighters.}}
* [[Beauty Equals Goodness]] - Partially subverted by Catiua who doesn’t seem to care much about anything other than Denam and herself.
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]] - Vyce chastises her for sweet-talking the Xenobians into helping them out. In the first version of the game, Vice even shouts at Kachua, "What a bitch!!"
* [[Black Magic|Black Mage]] - Catiua’s final class allows her to make full use of every elemental magic available (including the powerful draconic spells).
* [[Brother-Sister Incest]] - Heavily implied on Catiua's part in the first version of the game, but made less-emotional and more passive-aggressive in the second version. In general, her motivation for {{spoiler|doing all that crazy stuff like betraying Denam and joining the Dark Knights}} is linked to her wanting to be with him.
* {{spoiler|[[Despair Event Horizon]] - Once she thinks that Denam has abandoned her in favor of pursuing revolution, she becomes desperate and ends up joining the Dark Knights.}}
* [[Damsel in Distress]] - In the Chaos route, when Xapan kidnaps her at Rhime. This condition only lasts for a few missions, though.
* {{spoiler|[[DrivenDespair toEvent SuicideHorizon]] - NotOnce everyoneshe canthinks handlethat theDenam burdenhas abandoned her in favor of beingpursuing anrevolution, importantshe characterbecomes indesperate aand Yasumiends up joining the MatsunoDark gameKnights.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Driven to Suicide]] - Not everyone can handle the burden of being an important character in a Yasumi Matsuno game}}
* [[Evil Makeover]] - During her time with the Dark Knights, she dons a new black outfit, puts on a darker shade of lip color, and changes to an evil version of her original class.
* [[Faux Action Girl]] - Some of the promo artworks depict Catiua holding a sword, but her in-game class forces her to wield staves and cudgels instead.
* [[Guide Dang It]] - How to {{spoiler|stop her from committing suicide, as well as keeping her out of the preceding battle against Lanselot Tartaros in Barnicia Castle. The [[PS 1]]/SNES version also didn't help considering that she actually ''joined the battle'' on the neutral route and the dialogue options to prevent her from killing herself ''change''.}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Heretic]] - Becomes a Dark Priest during her short-lived stint with the Dark Knights.}}
* [[Heroic Bastard]] - {{spoiler|Catiua is the illegitimate daughter of King Dorgalua and the Queen’s most trusted handmaiden, Mannaflora. Being the only surviving heir of Dorgalua, she is the only one who can unite the kingdom without any unfortunate repercussions.}}
* {{spoiler|[[The High Queen]] - Becomes this at the end of the game if she is still alive.}}
* [[Holy Hand Grenade]] - In the PSP version of the game, Catiua’s the only playable healer who can cast offensive holy magic in battle.
* {{spoiler|[[If I Can't Have You]]}}
* [[I Have Nothing to Say to That]] - Invoked in the remake’s chaotic route when Vyce accuses Catiua for standing by Denam regardless of his decision at Balmamusa.
* [[The Medic]] - This is her primary role at first.
* [[Orphan's Plot Trinket]] - {{spoiler|Catiua’s necklace is actually proof of her being the illegitimate daughter of King Dorgalua. The blue one was in the event that the baby was a boy.}}
* [[Promotion to Parent]] - Catiua pretty much raised Denam after their mother died.
* {{spoiler|[[Royals Who Actually Do Something]] - Catiua becomes this once she joins you permanently.}}
* [[Technical Pacifist]]
* [[Thicker Than Water]] - Catiua is a staunch believer of this trope and {{spoiler|the acknowledgement that she had been taking the idea too far is a major part of her development as a character.}}
* [[Wangst]]
* [[White Magic|White Mage]]
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* [[Abusive Parents]]: His father was a drunkard who beat him.
* {{spoiler|[[Big Damn Heroes]]: In the Law route, where he helps Denam defeat Leonar.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Came Back Wrong]]: In the Chaos route, thanks to Nybeth.}}
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: His entire personality changes to either Heroic or Sadistic; whichever is the opposite of the decision Denam make at the end of the first chapter.
* {{spoiler|[[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: In the Chaos & Neutral routes.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Cutscene Power to the Max]]: He fatally wounds Ravness with a single crossbow shot. Typical crossbows available in Chapter 1 generally do not mortally wound much of anything in one shot.}}
* [[Disc One Final Boss]]: Becomes one in the Chaotic route, even having Zapan/Xapan as [[The Dragon]].
* [[Duel Boss]]: In the Chaos route.
* [[Evil Makeover]]: In the Chaos and Neutral routes, in addition to getting a sadistic look on his face, his hair also inexplicably becomes more evil. He is often referred to as "Sadistic Vyce" in this form. In the PSP version, his appearance changes even more drastically, making him look like some kind of beast or demon.
** In the second version of the game, this is ''inverted'' on the Law route where he suddenly sticks his head up in a heroic way and his chin becomes more well-defined.
* {{spoiler|[[Expy]]: In the second version of the game, he becomes this to Algus/Argath in the Chaotic route.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Face Heel Turn]]: In the Chaos and Neutral routes}}
* {{spoiler|[[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: Both for the same character! His scars represent good in the Law route but evil in the Chaos & Neutral routes.}}
* [[Foil]]: Mainly to Denam, though he contrasts in some ways to Leonar as well.
* [[Freudian Excuse]] / [[Green-Eyed Monster]]: He brought this up in Chaos Route when he fought Denam. "You... you '''vex''' me!"
* {{spoiler|[[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You]]: In the Law route}}
* [[Ranger]]: His unique class.
* [[Rival Turned Evil]]: In the Chaos & Neutral routes
* {{spoiler|[[Taking You with Me]]: He kills Duke Ronwey in the Neutral route, knowing full well that he will be cut down as soon as he does so.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Unwitting Pawn]]: In the Chaos route, he tries to play Ronwey, Brantyn, and the Lodissians to gain power, but ends up as the fall-guy for a plot gone wrong and is hanged.}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You]]: In the Law route}}
* {{spoiler|[[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: He does this to Xapan. Later in the Chaos route, this happens to ''him''.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Unwitting Pawn]]: In the Chaos route, he tries to play Ronwey, Brantyn, and the Lodissians to gain power, but ends up as the fall-guy for a plot gone wrong and is hanged.}}
* {{spoiler|[[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: He does this to Xapan. Later in the Chaos route, this happens to ''him''.}}
== The Walister Resistance ==
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A walister hailing from the town of Sezhun in Almorica. House Montrose is a noble family that has produced a great many knights over the years, and they are known for their loyalty to the duke. They live by the motto, "Serve with each sweep of the blade." When Leonar was made leader of the duke's personal troops, Voltare was appointed his second in command. His steadfast nature and closeness in age to Leonar forged a strong bond between them. Following the recapture of Almorica Castle, he met with ambush while pursuing the Necromancer Nybeth with Leonar, trapped in the same place as Sara.
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]: His default class.
* [[The Generic Guy]]
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]: His default class.
=== Arycelle Dania (Aloser Danya) ===
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In the first version of the game, he was explicitly stated to be carrying out ethnic cleansing, massacring any village that dared oppose him and turning others into concentration camps. Yes, that's right, the exact words "ethnic cleansing" and "concentration camp" were used just in case that wasn't clear. In the second version of the game, this is toned down and he instead engages in a "blood war" involving forced labor camps and much bloodshed.
* [[0% Approval Rating]]: He is hated by many Galgastani in all routes.
* [[Better to Die Than Be Killed]]: In the Law route.
* [[A Nazi by Any Other Name]]: In the first version of the game, he instituted Baramus as a ''concentration camp.'' In the PSP version, he is instead a Soviet by any other name, as he institutes Balmamusa as a ''forced labor camp.'' These are merely the biggest examples, as ten other concentration camps / forced labor camps similar to Baramus/Balmamusa are noted to have been established by him.
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* [[Off with His Head]]: This happens to him in the Chaos route.
* [[The Unfought]]: Either is executed by guillotine in the Chaotic route or commits suicide in the Law route.
* [[0% Approval Rating]]: He is hated by many Galgastani in all routes.
=== Xaebos Ronsenbach (Zaebos Rozenbach) ===
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* [[Fluffy Tamer]]
* [[Gonk]]
* [[Recurring Boss]]
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* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: Is often mentioned offhand early in the game a couple times.
* {{spoiler|[[Disc One Final Boss]]: Although his defeat ends the war, there is more to be done afterwards.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Luke, I Am Your Father]]: Or rather, your uncle.}}
* [[Not So Harmless]]: Unlike opposing faction leaders Duke Ronwey and Hierophant Balbatos, Abuna Brantyn is more than capable of defending himself, and wields some of the most powerful spells in the game.
** ''Especially'' in the PSP version where he has more to his arsenal.
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* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]: She may look fine and normal, but you could go out of your way to make her miserable, which includes getting Folcurt killed before he could rescue her, or taking the Neutral route and let her see Cerya die. Or not recruiting Sherri and kill her...
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: Is not heard of again in the Law Route. {{spoiler|Not even during the scene when Cerya gets killed by the Dark Knights. Could've had an offscreen death though}}
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]:
* [[Wide-Eyed Idealist]]: Unlike Cerya, she doesn't like staining her hands with blood to achieve her goal.
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=== Warren Omon (Warren Moon) ===
* {{spoiler|[[He's Just Hiding]]}}
=== Canopus Wolph (Canopus Wolff) ===
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