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Fallout 3: Difference between revisions

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* [[Death From Above]]: The Highwater Trousers Easter Egg, and {{spoiler|how the Enclave destroy Liberty Prime in the Broken Steel expansion.}}
* [[Defector From Decadence]]: {{spoiler|Old Man Harris used to be one of the lunatics in Andale until he had a [[Heel Realization]] and realized just how batshit insane his family had become and how horribly fucked up what they practiced really was. In fact, if you kill them all he not only thanks you for what you did, but he also take in their children and promises to teach them how to be something other than practitioners of [[Villainous Incest]] and being prone to [[I'm a Humanitarian]].}}
* [[Development Gag]]: Assuming the "Wasteland Survival Guide" quest ends with the guide's publication, the [[Player Character|Lone Wanderer]] can snidely ask Moira Brown if she wants him/her to print and distribute the book, too. She replies it's not necessary. A cut quest actually ''did'' require you to get it printed.
* [[Did Not Do the Research]]: Moria Brown's book can be this in-universe, if you decide to be a jerk and feed her misinformation. As Three-Dog says for the low-quality version, "It'll get you killed faster than you can say 'Hug a deathclaw.'" However the Pip-Boy notes for it do state that it's a pretty good beginners guide, when it's not wildly inaccurate.
** The same book becomes a [[Continuity Nod]] in ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]]'', where it becomes the skill book for the new ''Survival'' skill. Which would seem to indicate that the canonical Lone Wanderer did the job properly.
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