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Fallout: New Vegas/YMMV: Difference between revisions

Only Six Faces is NOT a YMMV trope
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(Only Six Faces is NOT a YMMV trope)
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* [[No Yay]]: Happens a lot with the Legion. According to Siri, several Legionaries want to rape the Courier if you're female. Lanius himself can potentially threaten to rape you, depending on your choice of dialogue.
* [[Older Than They Think]]: The Lonesome Drifter's song "The Streets of New Reno" is a retooled version of [[wikipedia:Streets of Laredo (song)|a much older folk song]].
* [[Only Six Faces]]: For no good reason. [[Face Gen]] isn't cheap to lease, and anyone who's created a character for ''Oblivion'' knows the breadth of customization possible. The same software was leased for this game, yet every character looks like one of a small handful of clones.
** This is probably a shout out to a joke from the earlier Fallouts in which there were only 6 sprites and it got mercilessly lampshaded by the same developers as this game.
{{quote|"The way I look at it, there must've been some cloning accident in the past."}}
* [[Paranoia Fuel]]:
** The Ghost People from ''Dead Money''. What's that clicking sound? Is someone there? Hey wai- '''why is there a spear in my shoulder'''?!?
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