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Fallout: New Vegas/Characters/New California: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' Emerson Brooks
''"I would sooner spit on the grave of my dead mother than let some courier-walk-the-wasteland-fuck talk to me like that. Who the hell do you think you are? Looking to cash your chips to the sound of NCR bullets, eh? I can oblige."''|General Oliver when {{spoiler|confronted by an army of Securitrons commanded by Yes Man}} }}
General Lee Oliver is the head of the NCR Army in the Mojave Wasteland. Often mocked for being ineffective and not doing much, content to sit and watch the Legion grow across the Colorado, resulting in pleasant nicknames such as General Wait-And-See.
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* [[Cluster F-Bomb]]: His manner of speaking, er, lacks refinement.
* [[Cruel Mercy]]: If he's talked into surrendering, House states that he'll be publicly disgraced and held responsible for the loss of not only the Mojave but the countless lives of soldiers, along with...
* [[Driven to Suicide]]: {{spoiler|House gives him around a 40% chance of doing this in his ending. Probably applies to the Independent route, too.}}.
* [[Everyone Has Standards]]: {{spoiler|If you threaten to order your robot army to attack the NCR embassy or have the Boomers bomb the NCR's founding states in the Yes Man/Independent ending, he will agree to retreat since he doesn't want to throw away the lives of innocent NCR citizens just to make a point.}}.
** He is, however, willing to {{spoiler|sacrifice hundreds or even thousands of NCR troops to get his name written in the history books.}}.
* [[Expy]]: He has the speech and mannerisms of George S. Patton down to a T. He would've done better to aim for emulating Patton's martial abilities. J.E. Sawyer has described him as a pastiche of various aggressive and blockheaded military commanders with none of their foresight, citing both Patton and Curtis LeMay as examples.
* [[General Failure]]: His plan for the Legion (dubbed "Tunnel Vision" by House) is [[Hollywood Tactics|to fight it out in one big glorious meat grinder battle at the Fort.]] Instead of, you know, weakening the Legion beforehand with skirmishes, defending the territory west of the Colorado River against the predations of Legion slavers and raiders, and generally cutting the teeth of his woefully under-trained troops before the climactic clash. His derogatory nickname amongst many of his subordinates is "General Wait-And-See". He got his post primarily due to nepotism according to Boone; Colonel Hsu (see below) would probably be in that position if he hadn't.
* [[Glory Hound]]: Again, everything he does is to increase his standing in the NCR.
* [[Jerkass]]
** [[Straw Man Has a Point|Jerkass Has A Point]]: If you take the Wild Card ending and successfully bluff him out of attacking you, he'll have a brief conversation with you criticizing you for thinking you have what it takes to build a nation (build roads, train troops, maintain trade routes, etc.). At first, this may just look like Oliver being, well, Oliver, but when you think about it, he does have a point about a random package courier not being the best person to run New Vegas. {{spoiler|He actually is partly right; the Courier doesn't have what it takes to build an NCR-style liberal democracy or provide widespread support and social services for the people, but that outcome may not be what he/she sees as best for the Mojave.}}.
*** [[Shut UP, Hannibal]]: The player can respond with "Can't do worse than the NCR." {{spoiler|Then proceed to get Yes Man to push him off Hoover Dam.}}.
* [[Kaizo Trap]]: In the House and Independence endings; while Oliver himself dies quite easily, his 5 [[Elite Mooks|Veteran Ranger]] bodyguards armed with brush guns are entirely capable of mowing down a level 30 power-armor wearing player before the Securitrons can kill them, if the player tries to make a stand and fight instead of running away and letting the Securitrons do their job. (Thethe rate of fire on the brush gun has been noticeably reduced after the most recent patch, so this doesn't happen quite as often, although it can still occur).
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Probably named after General Robert E. Lee and General Oliver P. Smith.
* [[Nice Hat]]: In the Sierra Madre collecting card set, he's represented by his hat. It's more impressive than he is, really.
* [[Obstructive Bureaucrat]]: He is nicknamed "General Wait-And-See" by lower ranking NCR soldiers since he refuses to listen to the advice from his officers that he should launch smaller attacks against the Legion instead of just sitting and waiting. {{spoiler|It is later revealed that he want to gather enough troops to push the Legion out of the area in a single decisive battle. By doing so, he hopes to become a war hero that overshadows Chief Hanlon of the Rangers.}}. Also, according to Boone, he's the reason that Colonel Hsu isn't a General at this point.
* [[Oh Crap]]: In the House/Independent endings when he sees the Securitrons roll up behind him and {{spoiler|if you order Yes Man to push him off the Dam}}.
* [[Post Final Boss]]: In the House or Independent ending.
* [[Revolvers Are Just Better]]: He carries a .44 Magnum revolver, yet another allusion to George Patton.
* [[The Rival]]: Sees Chief Hanlon as this. Hanlon, however, just sees him as a moron with no idea what he's doing.
* [[Tempting Fate]]: In the Wild Card ending. {{spoiler|Seriously, the guy/gal you're threatening has an entire robot army lined up behind them ''and'' you. No matter how proud you are, do not remark that you would not show mercy under the same circumstances. It's a long way down}}...}}
* [[We Have Reserves]]: His main tactic for Hoover Dam, according to others, is just to throw troopers at the Legion until he wins.
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{{quote|'''voiced by''': [[William Mapother]]
''"Calm is what you have to be when people look to you. And it's all you can be when things are out of your hands."'' }}
The second-highest ranking officer in the NCR Army in the Mojave. An otherwise competent officer who is reduced to being a desk jockey at Camp McCarran, likely for not being bullish enough for General Oliver and Colonel Moore.
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* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Blue to Colonel Moore's red.
* [[Stealth Pun]]/[[Punny Name]]: ''Very'' subtly done, especially given the spelling of his name (as opposed to the more phonetic Shu). He is referred to in dialogue simply as Colonel Hsu and the HUD gives his full name, Col. James Hsu: Onlyonly through the Power of [[Fridge Logic]] does one notice that in a casual setting his name could be ''Jim'' Hsu...
* [[Token Good Teammate]]: Out of all the high ranking officers in the NCR military stationed in the Mojave, apart from being a [[By-The-Book Cop|by the book commander]], he is the only one that doesn't suffer from an obvious personality flaw that affects his ability to make rational decisions.
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{{quote|'''Voiced by''': Kirsten Potter
''"Unlike the good ambassador, I don't intend to blink."'' }}
The third highest ranking NCR military officer in the Mojave and the commander of the forces at Hoover Dam.
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Type V. If her actions weren't directed against groups like Caesar's Legion and the Omertas, she'd be a straight up villain.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Of all the factions of Vegas, Moore has a special hatred for the Brotherhood due to them being long-time enemies of the NCR and having lost plenty of men to them.
** She was also [[Kicked Upstairs]] because of an injury she sustained fighting them. Now she's stuck behind a desk she doesn't really want.
* [[The Dragon]]: To General Oliver.
* [[Evil Is Petty]]: If the Courier makes peace with the NCR and the Brotherhood, she uses her clout to smear your reputation with the NCR. She also gets Crocker fired if you work with him to make peace with the Kings.
** Troop chatter hints that she only wants to get rid of the Omertas to get back at them for kicking her out of Gomorrah,; though to be fair, you don't really need a substantial reason to hate the Omertas.
* [[General Ripper]]: Especially towards the Brotherhood. Only partially justified because in the battle of HELIOS ONE, she received a crippling injury which forced her early retirement as a ranger that she is very bitter about, even though she was promoted to Colonel after that.
* [[Glory Hound]]: Some [[Dummied Out]] content reveals that she gets promoted post-game in the event of an NCR ending -: most-likely due to taking credit for the Courier's missions.
* [[Iron Lady]]
* [[Jade-Colored Glasses]]: Col. Moore has been with the NCR for decades now and served 5 tours in the Brotherhood war where she was severely injured and [[Kicked Upstairs]]. Her discussions of her past work have her discuss how she misses being out on patrol and being a desk jockey isn't her thing with one of the most bitter tones in the game.
* [[Jerkass]]: At the least, [[Word of God|J.E. Sawyer]] believes that Moore should be of Evil alignment, which she is in a mod that he created.
* [[Kicked Upstairs]]: She was shot during the BOS War and was so hampered by the injury, she was booted upstairs since she could no longer serve the NCR the way she loved, on patrol in the wastes.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Although somewhat justified considering the various factions of Vegas, she favors aggressive military action towards even the Kings, one of the few good factions of the Mojave.
* [[Murder Is the Best Solution]]: Seeing diplomacy as ineffectual and a waste of time when there's a war to be fought, she is more than satisfied with the player's actions if they decide to wipe out the Khans, the Kings, and the Brotherhood of Steel (but she will accept an alliance with the Khans since she appreciates the idea of them being machete bait). Still, her ideas do prove to have some merit in regards to Mr. House and the Omertas; {{spoiler|House is, in fact, planning to make a move against the NCR at the Dam, and the Omertas are planning to act on Caesar's behalf.}}.
* [[Noodle Incident]]: Evidently got kicked out of Gomorrah at some point.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The Red Oni to Ambassador Crocker's Blue Oni. She's openly disdainful of Crocker's preference for diplomatic solutions. If the player favors Crocker over her, [[Evil Is Petty|she gets him fired.]]
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{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' Kris Kristofferson
''"I wish I could explain it to you. The old chief's finally at a loss for words."'' }}
The commander of the NCR Rangers in the Mojave, stationed in Camp Golf. Responsible for winning the first Battle of Hoover Dam against Joshua Graham.
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* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni|Blue Oni]]: To Oliver. Hanlon is a calm [[Guile Hero]] skilled in using deception and misdirection. Oliver however is a hot-headed [[General Failure]] who prefers aggressive [[Hollywood Tactics]] and [[We Have Reserves]].
* [[Cool Old Guy]]
* {{spoiler|[[Driven to Suicide]]}}: {{spoiler|If the Courier chooses to expose the fact that he's been falsifying information, he gives a speech through the intercom to his men before committing suicide.}}.
* [[Guile Hero]]: When asked what his proudest achievement is during his long career as a Ranger, Hanlon doesn't talk about Hoover Dam or any other military campaign, but rather tells a story about a group of NCR settlers who had gone missing and whom Hanlon was dispatched to find. Upon finding them, he finds that they have taken over the only water supply in the entire area, and had "self-defensed" hundreds of indigenous people to death when they tried to reclaim their water. Hanlon tricked the settlers into believing the tribals had succeeded in wiping out Hanlon's entire Ranger squad (when in fact Hanlon had been sent alone), scaring them into abandoning the settlement and returning to California with Hanlon and thus ending the situation without further bloodshed. This provides an insight into how Hanlon views himself, and somewhat explains his decision to {{spoiler|fake demoralizing battle reports to drop NCR morale, in order to force an end to the Mojave Campaign and have the troops return home to California.}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Heel Realization]]}}: {{spoiler|If you have killed Caesar or discovered his illness, you can end the Return to Sender quest by telling Halon that the Legion will be a massive threat to all of the NCR without their leading ideologist alive, which causes Halon to come back to his senses and agree to stop falsifying the reports. Going with this option also means that he is not [[Driven to Suicide]]}}.
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]: While loyal to the NCR, he's quite disillusioned about the Mojave campaign, seeing it more as a waste of life than anything. {{spoiler|If you let him continue his subterfuge plot and end the game with either Mr. House or Yourself in power, he finally decides to do something about it and proverbially surfs the resulting [[0% Approval Rating|wave of disapproval against President Kimball]] and scores himself a Senate seat for his hometown of Redding.}}.
* [[Knight Templar]]: {{spoiler|Turns out he's actively falsifying information and sabotaging NCR defenses in hopes this will get them to pull out, despite the fact that this can very easily get many NCR soldiers and almost everyone in the Mojave killed.}}.
* [[Revolvers Are Just Better]]: Has a Ranger Sequoia like all NCR Rangers.
* [[The Rival]]: To Oliver. Hanlon considers him a [[General Failure]] while Oliver wants to use the second Battle of Hoover Dam as his chance to outshine him.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: In the event of a Legion victory, Hanlon chooses {{spoiler|not to flee from the advancing Legion, and meets Caesar. Out of respect for his prowess as a warrior, Caesar has him beheaded. Should Caesar be dead, the Legate is not so kind.}}.
=== Ambassador Dennis Crocker ===
{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' Emerson Brooks
''Interested in politics, eh? Well, grab a seat and get comfortable.'' }}
The current NCR ambassador in the Strip, he was given that position for supporting President Kimball during election. While he is a skilled diplomat, he had very little success with Mr House.
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''"Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevadas, defiant and enduring."''|President Kimball's speech at Hoover Dam}}
The current president of the NCR. He was a former war hero and general for the NCR during early stages of the Mojave Campaign, made popular by his heavy handed tactics in destroying tribals in the area that are hostile against the NCR. During the main quest, he makes a visits Hoover Dam to give a motivational speech for the troops stationed there, {{spoiler|where three assassination attempts are made on him within the timespan of five minutes}}.
* [[Big Good]]: In the eyes of many NCR citizens.
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* [[Precision F-Strike]]: After his great speech, he tells his men:
{{quote|''"Alright, let's get the fuck out of here."''}}
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: Personally making a public visit to a location directly next door to your biggest enemy's base of operations. It's arguably a matter of pride, though; his comments ([[Is This Thing Still On?|broadcast over the PA]]) indicate that he's well aware he could be shot and doesn't want to stay any longer than he has to.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Caesar, of all people, actually considers him to to one and described Kimball as 'a man of potential' since he approves of Kimball's heavy handed and expansionist policies when dealing with the raider tribes that attacked the NCR back when he was a general. However, Caesar despise the fact that instead of using his influence to seize control of the republic via a military coup, Kimball choose to be democratically elected instead.
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{{quote|''The last thing you never see.''|First Recon motto}}
A group of NCR Snipers stationed at Camp McCarran. They are known in-universe for being total [[Badass|Badasses.]] The group is comprised of Lieutenant Gorobets, Sergeant Bitter-Root, Corporal Sterling, Corporal Betsy, and the new kid, 10 of Spades. Craig Boone and Manny Vargas are former members, and both still wear their First Recon berets.
* [[Adorkable]]: 10 of Spades is one of the shortest characters in the game, [[Speech Impediment|has a stutter]], wears [[Nerd Glasses|thick glasses]], and talks about how much ass he kicks. This is true even in-universe, as he has a maxed out Charisma of 10.
* [[Badass]]:
** [[Action Girl]]: Corporal Betsy.
** [[Badass Adorable]]: 10 of Spades.
** [[Badass Creed]]: ''The last thing you never see.''. Boone himself (a former alumni) comments [[Understatement|"It's pretty accurate, and so were we."]]
** [[Badass Crew]]: And HOW! This is so true NCR troopers take one look at Boone following you around and are openly envious a First Recon guy is your guardian angel.
** [[Badass Grandpa]]: Corporal Sterling.
** [[Cool Shades]]: Everyone but 10 of Spades, who just wears normal glasses.
** [[Determinator]]: Sterling was tortured to the point his hands and feet were fucked up. Instead of letting that slow him down, ''he escaped captivity by crawling away on his knees and elbows.''.
** [[One-Man Army]]: In-Universe, one ranger is considered as badass as an entire platoon of NCR regulars, bare minimum. In terms of gameplay, the NCR Ranger you can call for as support with the NCR Emergency Radio can kill entire gangs of enemies.
** [[Submissive Badass]]: Betsy. In fact, it's the best way to resolve the quest to get her therapy, via going drill sergeant on her and telling her she needs to be psychologically fit to fight or she's useless as a soldier. Gorobets wanted to do this, but due to being aware of his own chronic [[A Father to His Men]] tendencies, he asks a third party (the Courier) to get her to seek help because he was afraid of straining relations with his subordinate by being a hardass.
* [[Black and Nerdy]]: 10 of Spades has comic books under his bed.
* [[Butch Lesbian]]: Betsy.
* [[Cold Sniper]]: Sergeant Bitter-Root and Corporal Betsy.
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: Corporal Sterling was an Ranger who was tortured and nearly killed by the Legion before being transferred to First Recon, Bitter-Root was at Bitter Springs on the Khan’s side, and Corporal Betsy is recovering from the emotional trauma of being raped by Cook-Cook.
* [[Defector From Decadence]]: Bitter-Root, who used to be one of the Khans.
* [[A Father to His Men]]: Gorobets, to the point it bites him on the ass in regards to Betsy, who he wants to pull rank on, but can't because he doesn't want to further demoralize her, hence he asks the Courier to do what he can't bring himself to do. That aside, he's a well liked officer as a result of this trope.
* [[Five-Man Band]]:
** [[The Hero]]: Gorobets.
** [[The Lancer]]: Bitter-Root.
** The [[The Big Guy]]: Corporal Sterling.
** The [[The Smart Guy]]: 10 of Spades.
** [[Action Girl|The Action Girl: Betsy]].
* [[Friendly Sniper]]: 10 of Spades and Corporal Sterling
* [[I Call It Vera]]: "La Longue Carabine", Sterling's custom scoped Cowboy Repeater.
* [[Improbable Aiming Skills]]: A bullet through the eye from 800 yards, indeed. What makes it more amazing is the fact that only Sterling has a scope on his rifle.
* [[It's All My Fault]]: 10 of Spades believes it's his fault {{spoiler|Betsy was raped.}}. You have to option of [[Video Game Caring Potential|comforting him]] or [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|rubbing it in.]]
* [[It's Personal]]: They'll help you kill Driver Nephi and his gang both because [[Captain Obvious|they're NCR soldiers]] and because Nephi is infamous for beating NCR soldiers to death with his golf club.
* [[Memetic Badass]]: In-universe.
* [[New Meat]]: 10 of Spades, called so because he's not yet the Ace of Spades. {{color|white|That would be Pacer.}}
* [[Nice Hat]]: Their trademark red berets.
* [[One of the Boys]]: Betsy.
* [[The Squad]]
* [[The Squadette]]: Betsy.
* [[Sympathy for the Devil]]: Betsy, thanks to being a [[Butch Lesbian]], regrets having to kill female Fiend, citing that she wouldn't mind getting to know them better outside of combat if it wasn't for the fact the poor bastards are feral chem fiends she's bound by law and common sense to kill.
* [[There Are No Therapists]]: Averted. Bitter-Root and 10 of Spades have both been to therapy, and an entire quest is devoted to getting Betsy to go.
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