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* [[Animesque]]: ''Betrayal's'' artstyle.
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Rayne, she doesn't particularly like humans, but she hates vampires.
* [[Argentina Is Naziland]]: Almost a 1/3 of Blood Rayne''BloodRayne'' takes place in a hidden Nazi base in Argentina. Then again, another third takes place in Germany proper.
* [[Artificial Stupidity]] : Mooks getting stuck in corners and vampires slowly dying by standing in daylight.
* [[Aura Vision]]
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* [[Black Eyes of Evil]]: Ephemera's.
* [[Blood Bath]]: The final boss chamber in the second game has a fountain full of blood in which both Rayne and Kagan (her vampire father) can heal themselves.
* [[Bloodier and Gorier]]: ''BloodRayne 2'' was this to the original. BloodRayne: Betrayal for the series overall. And it's rated T!
* [[Body Horror]]
* [[Born-Again Immortality]]: A Flower Child’s life cycle is a true cycle. They can die and be reborn a seemingly unlimited number of times, provided they aren’t killed before reaching physical maturity. Once they die, a large plant grows from their grave (that plant being whatever type of flower they’re based on). This plant bears a ‘fruit’'fruit' which is basically a womb, in which the Flower Child’s new body develops. They are then ‘born’ exactly one year after their death, in the form of a five-year-old child.
* [[Bulletproof Human Shield]]: One of the heroine's special moves is to grasp an enemy goon, bite down on his neck, and while wrapped around him, spin him around to block enemy shots, using him as a [[Bulletproof Human Shield]] ''and'' gaining health at the same time.
* [[Bullet Time]]: One of Rayne's powers/a part of gameplay in both games is the option to use this technique, representing her heightened reaction times and senses.
* [[The Cameo]]: [[A Boy and His Blob|The Boy and His Blob]] show up in Chapter 15 in ''Betrayal''.
* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: {{spoiler|Ephemera. Together with her sister Ferril, she plotted to kill their father and take over. Then, she (literally and figuratively) backstabbed and threw Ferril off a tower. When Rayne meets her for the final battle, Ephemera calmly tells her that she is waiting for the right moment to do Kagan in.}}.
* [[Colossus Climb]]: Slezz is a variation. You have to climb inside her to cut her heart out. [[Deadpan Snarker|Rayne is not happy with this turn of events.]]
* [[Combat Stilettos]]: And they're ''actual'' stilettos.
* [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard]]: During Ephemera's boss battle, if Rayne touches the water in the pond, she gets hurt. Ephemera on the other hand, despite being a full vampire, remains unaffected by it.
* [[Conspicuous CG]]: In ''BloodRayne: Betrayal'', most of the blood splatters, explosions and slime splatters are this. It mildly clashes with the game's otherwise 2D-art style.
* [[Continuity Nod]]: The 3rd act of the first game has several continuity nod references to the first act of ''[[Nocturne]]'', the survival horror game from which ''BloodRayne'' was a spinoff of.
** {{spoiler|Rayne is half-sister to Svetlana Lupescu.}}.
* [[Creepy Crossdresser]]: Implied in Bloodrayne''BloodRayne 2'':
{{quote|''Mook:''Nice boots miss, after I've kicked your ass I may prance around in them.}}
* [[Cutscene]]
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* [[Dhampyr]]: The title character.
* [[Die, Chair, Die!]]
* [[Disposable Sex Worker]]: Well, more like recyclable, {{spoiler|street people are drained of blood to create the Shroud}}.
* [[Disposable Vagrant]]
* [[Dual Boss]]: The twins, Simon and Sigmund, while {{spoiler|Wulf and Beliar}} are more of a subversion: -you fight both at once, but they attack each other, too.
* [[Dull Surprise]]: Rayne for most of the first game talks in a monotone, just displaying enough emotion that you know what's going through her mind. Nothing really seems to shake her (as she said at the start of the game, "I'm just confident in my abilities,"), with few exceptions. Then Wulf [[Killed Off for Real|kills Mynce for real]]. Then she flies into an [[Unstoppable Rage]]. The sequel has much less of this, as Rayne does a lot more [[Deadpan Snarker|cracking wise]] and occasionally expressing real horror when she realizes what [[Big Bad|the plan of the Kagan Cult]] is.
* [[Epunymous Title]]
* [[Exposition Fairy]]: Mynce in the first game, and Severin in the second.
* [[Expy]]: Originally, Rayne was supposed to be Svetlana Lupescu of ''Nocturne'' fame, but this was scrapped.
* [[Famous-Named Foreigner]] : So many, but one name is really, really an embodiment of this trope -: Dr. [[wikipedia:Elizabeth Bathory|Bathory]] [[wikipedia:Josef Mengele|Mengele]].
* [[Fan Service]]: Rayne was one of the first video game characters to pose nude in ''[[Playboy]]''. There are also a few fan mods to the PC version that make her nude.
** She even made her appearance at [[MTV]]'s ''[http://www.mtv2.com/#series/13696 Video Mods]'' in a few episodes, one of them with [[Evanescence]]'s "Everybody's Fool".
* [[Five-Bad Band]]: The second game:
** [[Big Bad]]: {{spoiler|Kagan}}.
** [[The Dragon]]: Ephemera.
** [[Evil Genius]]: Xerx.
** [[The Brute]]: Ferril.
** [[Dark Chick]]: Slezz.
* [[Flipping the Bird]]: Rayne does this enough to make one think she's channeling [[Stone Cold Steve Austin]]: she does it at least four times during the first game's ending, before flipping off her handler at the start of the second game.
* [[Friendly Neighborhood Vampire]]: Scratch the friendly part: she is working to wipe out Nazis and cults, but she's very much an anti-hero, doing it for her own ends rather than any "good" benefit for others.
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: The latest game in the series, ''BloodRayne: Betrayal'' is a 2D Hack-n-Slash that's quite frankly [[Bloodier and Gorier]] than the first two games. Blood splatters everywhere, mooks are grinded up by blades, beheaded, cut in half or worse. And it's a T-rated game.
* [[Ghostapo]]: The first game's central premise is that the Nazis are seeking occult relics for the purpose of gaining supernatural powers, and Rayne's mission is to stop them.
* [[Giant Mecha]]: She fights them in the first game, and practically squeals with joy at getting to drive one. The giant pink things Rayne fights in the second game are organic ones.
* [[Gorn]]: One of the few games where you can cut someone in half... ''vertically''.
** In ''BloodRayne'', you're able to grind your enemies up in blade saws.
* [[Grand Theft Me]]: The second act of the first game features parasites that do this.
{{quote|'''Parasite''': I'll wear you like ''lederhosen''.}}
* [[Grievous Harm with a Body]]: Most of the killing puzzles involve throwing minions at something until it breaks.
* [[Guns Akimbo]]: Rayne does virtually nothing ''but'' this in the first game, with the exception of some larger weapons. In the second game, the only guns she gets are dual wielded, but they function as the whole [[Standard FPS Guns|usual arsenal]]. In ''Betrayal'', Rayne only uses a handgun (albeit a [[Hand Cannon|Magnum]]) and {{spoiler|a laser cannon}}.
* [[Guns Are Worthless]]: Despite the wide variety of firearms available in the first game, guns are only really effective against common [[Mooks]]. Some tougher enemies and bosses take very little (if any) damage from bullets, or are difficult to hit in the first place (especially Daemites). Compounding this problem is the fact that guns don't hold much ammo and can't be reloaded; Rayne [[Throw-Away Guns|discards a weapon upon emptying the magazine]], and must pick up another to replace it. On top of all this, Rayne's blades and harpoon are generally more efficient weapons anyway, and it's entirely possible to play through most of the game without firing a shot.
** In ''Betrayal'', however, Rayne's Magnum is actually quite powerful, able to knock most mooks off their feet.
* [[Half-Human Hybrid]]: Rayne and other Dhampir's.
* [[Heal Thyself]]: Rayne drinks the blood of her enemies to restore her life bar.
* [[High-Pressure Blood]]: Oh lordy.
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** Feral has a lot of fun with her villainy as well.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Ferril, Ephemera, Severin to name a few.
* [[Melee a Trois]]: The final confrontation of the original game between Rayne, {{spoiler|Belial, and Jurgen Wulf}}. Before that, the twins.
* [[Mission Control]]: Severin in the second game serves this function.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: For someone with so little screentime and [[Non-Action Guy|absolutely no action scenes]], Severin has become this more handily than anyone else in the franchise. It's because of Severin that Kagan hasn't been [[Draco in Leather Pants|fitted with leather pants]]. It's because of Severin that all other [[Ship Sinking|ships arrive presunk]].
* [[Nightmare Fuel]]: Daemite + host body.
* [[No Ontological Inertia]]: A funny subversion at the end of Blood Rayne''BloodRayne 2''. {{spoiler|After Rayne defeats the final boss, she observes that his primary work, an alchemical cloud covering the land that allows vampires to walk under the sun, has not dissipated. Rayne remarks off-handedly to her partner, “I"I half-expected everything to go back to normal once he was dead. I guess that wasn’t very realistic, huh?"}}.
* [[No Swastikas]]: The PC and Xbox versions removed all swastikas and other Third Reich symbolism.
* [[Our Vampires Are Different]]: Dhampir, actually. Water, sunlight, healing by drinking blood and apparently having the grace of a Cirque de Soleil performer and the body of a lingerie model.
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* [[Sociopathic Hero]]: Subverted by Rayne. She has no qualms about slicing someone in half, but she actually makes a point of trying to emphasize her humanity, like her freak-out when {{spoiler|Mynce}} died.
* [[Spikes of Villainy]]: Subverted. The heels of Rayne's boots are a pair of spikes.
* [[Standard FPS Guns]]: In ''BloodRayne 2'', the 'blood guns' mimic the effect of several weapons
** Blood shot = Pistol.
** Blood stream = Automatic weapon.
** Blood flame = Flamethrower.
** Blood hammer = rocketRocket launcher.
** Blood bomb = timeTime bomb (blows up enemies after a short period).
* [[Stripperific]]: Rayne's outfits in the second game. Her default outfit speaks for itself, of course.
** [[Little Black Dress]]: Her evening gown, a [[Sexy Backless Outfit]] complete with [[Absolute Cleavage]].
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** [[Evil Costume Switch]]: Rayne's "[[Dark Is Not Evil]]" outfit.
** [[24-Hour Armor]]: Rayne's armor outfit.
* [[Stupid Jetpack Hitler]]: Actual jetpack nazisNazis in the first game.
* [[Third-Person Seductress]]
* [[Throw-Away Guns]]
* [[Unexpected Gameplay Change]]: The first game is a fixed-camera, ''[[Max Payne (series)|Max Payne]]'' / ''[[Star Wars: Dark Forces|Jedi Outcast]]'' style third-person shooter which incorporates melee combat. The second game is a free-floating-camera, ''[[Final Fight]]''-style fighting game which incorporates platforming and auto-lock shooting. It's a moderate, but significant shift. The third game is a 2D hybrid of ''[[Castlevania]]'' platforming and ''[[Devil May Cry]]'' combat. Compared to the first two, it's a REALLY significant shift.
* [[Unwinnable]]: There's a glitch in ''BloodRayne 2'' if you don't use your harpoon to open the path before killing some [[Mooks]].
* [[Vapor Wear]]: Ferril is mostly nude, if you took her markings away from her.
* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]: In the mines, you may notice a few doors have been barricaded from the inside with a few Nazis hiding in them. Rayne will actively taunt these poor fellows who are just hiding from the Daemites, even though they offer no resistance,; in fact, they are out right cowering. They are free health should you need it, but damn. ''BloodRayne 2'', meanwhile, has many, many different ways you can dismember the human body.
** Dismembering was very much possible in Bloodrayne''BloodRayne 1'', particularly with Insane Gibs Mode on. And how it felt... shaving off surplus limbs then watch the Nazi in question writhe in agony/far away screaming/try to get away? Blowing off heads? ''Mincing them into thin little body pieces?''?
* [[Voice with an Internet Connection]]: Specifically in ''BloodRayne 2''.
* [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: Rayne's sunlight weakness is kind of expected, being half vampire, but ''water''? Seriously? In ''BloodRayne 2'', you can get killed by the sprinkler system.
* [[Why Am I Ticking?]]: In ''Betrayal'', Rayne can either drain an enemy of blood for health or infect them with some sort of virus that turns them into walking acid bombs that she can detonate at will, which can cause chain reactions.
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