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Alpha Protocol/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ear Worm]]: The Official Music Video.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Sis, SIE, Heck, Brayko... hell, half the cast. Credit where it's due, ''Alpha Protocol'''s writers ''really'' know how to make memorable characters.
* [[Escapist Character]]: Mike Thorton, government agent, is a complete and utter badass no matter how you play him. He's dangerous regardless the path you take him down or what weapons you train him with, as even the most fragile and stealthy Norton can obliterate most of the game's challenge if built correctly. The game also lets you sleep with lots of attractive women, beat up dangerous criminals, and do it all while wearing a cool pair of shades to boot.
* [[Fan-Preferred Couple]]: Mike/Sis is a very popular pairing. Of course, she's not even an option in the game itself.
* [[Fashion Victim Villain]]: Really, Leland? A yellow tie and yellow shirt with your business suit? Mike can even lampshade it (although not to his face, unfortunately).
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