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Mass Effect: Andromeda/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Base Breaker]]:
** Cora. While there are fans who like her for her abilities in combat, her personal fortitude and her backstory as of the latest novel (along with positive view on aliens in general), others view her complaints about problems she's faced being a biotic as unwarranted whining (especially because characters like [[Training From Hell|Kaidan]] and [[{{Tykebomb}}Trauma Conga Line|Jack]] had it worse). Some also dislike her culture worship of the asari. Even her ''haircut'' has drawn criticism, with some thinking it was perfect for her, others who disliked it for being like the memetic "I want to talk to the manager" haircut and a very vocal group who considered it's use on Cora a form of cultural misappropriation.
** Liam appears to be one of the most divisive characters in the game. This is due to his interactions with Ryder and the other companions. While he has his fans, there are those who do not like Liam for his treatment towards Vetra and her sister and his reckless actions in his Loyalty Mission (which many consider one of the less well-written missions). He is also nearly identical to Jaal in terms of combat ability and has drawn parallels to Jacob, a rather contentious squadmate from the original trilogy.
** Peebee has proven divisive as well. She can be very abrasive and aggravating to talk to and she's often considered a poor substitute for other asari squadmates like Liara or Samara. While this is a deliberate ploy on her part to keep people from getting close because she has trust issues, it still grates for some fans. There are also fans who consider her design ugly and unattractive for a potential Love Interest. There are also fans love her. Reasons include considering her funny - if not one of the funniest characters in the game, enjoying her [[Lovable Sex Maniac|traits]], liking her character arc, or [[My Species Doth Protest Too Much|for being nothing like (and taking some indirect jabs at) other asari in personality nor culture]].


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