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Fatal Fury/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Heel Face Turn]] - EX Billy does this in ''Real Bout Special'' realizing that without anyone to care for him, he should start clean and change his ways. [[Real Men Wear Pink|He even tints his bandana and cane pink]]. Sadly, many are freaked out by the redeemed and gentle Billy. Mai shoots down the guy's advances without hesitation, [[Single-Target Sexuality|although Billy should have been expecting that...]]
* [[Morality Pet]] - Lilly, too.
* [[No Smoking]] - His one pet peeve. He wears the sign on the back of his jacket and [[Berserk Button|will knock the block off of anyone who blows smoke in his face]]. The only exception to this rule would seem to be Geese.
* [[Nice Hat|Nice Bandanna]]
* [[No Smoking]] - His one pet peeve. He wears the sign on the back of his jacket and [[Berserk Button|will knock the block off of anyone who blows smoke in his face]]. The only exception to this rule would seem to be Geese.
* [[Paul Dobson]] - Dub voice for the animated adaptations.
* [[Playing with Fire]]
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* [[Shock and Awe]]
* [[Simple Staff]]
* [[Summon Magic]]
* [[The Stoic]]
* [[Summon Magic]]
== Ryuji Yamazaki ==
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* [[Cain and Abel]] - To Laocorn.
* {{spoiler|[[Driven to Suicide]]}}
* [[Half-Identical Twins]]
* [[Healing Hands]] - Her powers.
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}
* [[Intimate Healing]] - After Terry's first fight with Jamin, his injuries are so serious that she strips down and lays with him to let her healing take full effect. Some cuddling, a [[You Must Be Cold]] moment and a bittersweet talk take place then. [[Heartwarming Moments|Awwwwww.]]
* [[Half-Identical Twins]]
* [[Mysterious Waif]]
* [[Plucky Girl]] - Despite being helpless in combat, the girl keeps going on and doing her best to stop Laocorn. {{spoiler|and if she has to commit suicide to save him... she will.}}
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* [[Stalker with a Crush]] - For Mai.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]
* [[:Category:Yandere|Yandere]] - For Mai.
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