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Peter Rabbit (film): Difference between revisions

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* [[Moral Dissonance]]: The forest critters are generally upset that both McGregors kept them from eating food that they [[Entitled Bastard|didn't work for]], so having {{spoiler|an insane party after Old Man McGregor dies and going so far to attempt ''murder'' on his nephew by purposefully inducing an anaphylactic shock.}}
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: Both the Rabbits and Thomas McGregor when {{spoiler|their feud hurt Bea, a innocent person who is a bit unaware of the garden warfare going on between them.}}
* [[Nude-Colored Clothes]]: Invoked by some of the characters, regarding Benjamin Bunny. Since his brown jacket, according to them, camouflages with his equally brown fur to the point that it appears that Ben is in his birthday suit.
* [[Nonverbal Miscommunication]]: {{spoiler|Happens to the Woodland creatures, they thought that Bea was apologizing to Thomas McGregor, when actually she's showing him some non-verbal rabbit talk.}}
* [[Old-Fashioned Rowboat Date]]: Thomas McGregor and Bea did this and made a short trip in the nearby river, Bea doesn't use a parasol though.
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* [[Wild Teen Party]]: Turning this trope into an animal version, once {{spoiler|Old MacGregor died.}} The animals threw an insane party at the manor.
* [[Trope]]: Thomas was about to drop the small bag over the bridge when {{spoiler|he realizes that Benjamin wasn't there, instead it's the binoculars.}}
* [[Trope]]: Benjamin's coat is so brown that his friends, foes, and even his own family mistakenly think he's running around in his birthday suit.
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