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''StarTropics'' is an action-adventure video game released by [[Nintendo]] in 1990. theThe main character, Mike Jones, is an [[Eagle Land|all-American]] teenager who visits the tropical C-Island to see his uncle. Mike finds out upon his arrival that his uncle is missing, so he sets out on a rescue mission, with his trusty yo-yo as his only weapon.
After a short while, Mike discovers that his uncle was abducted by aliens. After a series of sidequests involving talking dolphins, witch doctors, a giant octopus, an obstinate parrot, and zombie pirates, Mike reunites with his uncle - who has been trying to save a bunch of good aliens from an evil alien overlord named Zoda. Mike climbs aboard the alien craft and defeats Zoda, rescuing an [[Everything's Better with Princesses|alien princess]] and a bunch of alien kids in the process.
The sequel, ''Zoda's Revenge'', was released in 1994. Mike, his uncle, and the aliens discover an alien code that lets Mike travel through time via a magic book. Mike travels through the stone age, ancient Egypt, 19th Century London, the Wild West, the Renaissance, 1800s Transylvania, and Camelot. Along the way, he defeats duplicates of Zoda and is helped by Merlin, who reincarnates himself into several forms. Mike returns to C-Island to rescue his friends, who were taken hostage by the last Zoda clone, and the plot coupons combine to reveal the king of the good aliens.
The games are overhead-scrolling dungeon crawlers reminiscent of ''[[The Legend of Zelda]]'' with a few twists, such as the ability to jump. The first game features a distinctive control system where all player and enemy movements take place on a grid, limiting where you can stop or turn but making it easy to line up jumps and attacks. The sequel uses a more conventional system where you can stop or turn at any time. [[Contested Sequel|Opinions differ]] as to which scheme is better.
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* [[The All-American Boy]]: Mike's All-American-ness -- contrasted with and found strange by the natives of the islands he's visiting -- is a large part of the game's humor and tone.
* [[An Axe to Grind]]: The first weapon Mike gets in the sequel.
* [[Bag of Spilling]]: Because losing everything between games isn't annoying enough, you lose all of your medicine, special weapons, and bonus lives between levels in both games. In the first game, it resets your heart level to three after each chapter as well. This is especially obnoxious at the end of Chapter 7 of the first game where it fully restores your health, only to be back to 3 hearts at the start of Chapter 8 (which begins with a boss fight and ''no way to heal before it'').
* [[Big Bad]]: Zoda.
* [[Boss Rush]]: Second half of the last level in the sequel. Mercifully, there's a maze right before where you can get as much as 6 jars of medicine with some heavy jumping, although the correct path is [[Trial and Error Gameplay]] for that much ({{spoiler|take the bottom path}}), and if you got past the {{spoiler|C-Serpent}} without too much trouble (not terribly difficult if you know what to expect), you should still have the medicine from the first half of the level. Be sure to get all of this, especially in case the rematch with [[That One Boss]] gets really irksome.
* [[Brick Joke]]: In the beginning of Chapter 8 of the first game, you jam bananas in your ears so you can't hear Zoda's gloating. In the ending sequence of the second game, a character mentions that you still have them in your ears.
* [[But Thou Must!]]: Whenever Mike is asked if he'll do something, the game will not proceed until you give the answer the game is looking for. So literally that if you're given a yes/no question, and you answer "no", the game will just repeat the question over and over and over and over until you say "yes". A few times, notably talking to King Arthur in the sequel, you can say no, but this just means you can't progress at all. You have to walk outside, come back in, and ask him again.
* [[Chekhov's Skill]]: Mike is referred to as an ace pitcher frequently, this skill is required to defeat a boss. It's also apparently why he's so good at using the yo-yo as a weapon.
* [[Collision Damage]]: In both games, touching any enemy or traps will do (often severe) damage. In the first game, [[Mini Boss|Mini Bosses]] and above will kill you instantly on contact.
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* [[Giant Hands of Doom]]: The first phase of the Zoda fight involved these.
* [[Guide Dang It]]: The part of Chapter 5 (first game) where you have to play the giant pipe organ. The game's hint tells you which notes to play - but in [[wikipedia:Solfege|solfège]]. For players who don't know solfège, it's a guessing game.
** It's made slightly more cryptic by the fact that the musical tune that must be played is "Do Mi Sol Fa Do Mi" which has been warped by generations of parrots playing the telephone game into the final "Do me so far, do me.".
* [[Heroic Dolphin]]: Mike rescues a dolphin in the second stage. {{spoiler|[[Androcles' Lion|It returns the favor at the end of the game]]}}.
* [[Indy Escape]]: The Megatons parody this by virtue of being giant ''bowling balls''.
* [[Insurmountable Waist High Fence]]: Both games are filled with barriers that appear extremely short, but nonetheless cannot be jumped over.
* [[Katanas Are Just Better]]: This is the best weapon Mike can get in ''Zoda's Revenge'',; however, if the life meter is full enough, this weapon is overshadowed by his Psychic Shock Wave.
* [[Killer Yoyo]]: [[Iconic Item|Mike's signature weapon.]] Surprisingly, he never wields one in the second game.
* [[Lady Land]]: Shecola.
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* [[Ring Out Boss]]: The robotic alien that you fight at the end of Chapter 7. You have to shoot him relentlessly to push him far enough back so that you can trip a switch to make part of the floor disappear and then keep shooting him until he falls into the void. He can be killed from damage but it is far quicker to push him out
* [[Sequel Difficulty Drop]]: While some criticize the sequel due to the different control scheme (thanks to [[Damn You, Muscle Memory!]]), there are others who find the game easier to handle for many of the same reasons.
* [[Sequel Difficulty Spike]]: Mostly due to the control scheme and combined with [[Damn You, Muscle Memory!]] if you've played the first game. The raft-jumping sections are notable for their cruelty for the fact that you can walk right off the raft into the water / pit if you're not extremely careful when jumping.
* [[Shout-Out]]: To ''[[Robinson Crusoe]]'' of all things. You can find his skeleton, although Mike thinks the initials RC must stand for "Rob Crusocola".
** The sequel contains a major [[Shout-Out]] to ''[[Tetris]]'', (all the plot coupons are magic Tetris pieces!) although it was removed for the [[Virtual Console]] release.
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* [[This Was His True Form]]: Zoda first appears as a cloaked figure with a horned helmet. When Mike first confronts him, he turns into a giant floating head and a giant hand. After the beatdown, Zoda shifts back into the cloaked form, and then into the Xenomorph-esque final form.
** In the second game, each of the three clones of Zoda has a different true form, but you only see the Zoda-X's true form as part of his death animation (it's the same as the original Zoda's Xenomorph form). The other two you have to fight in both forms: Zoda-Y turns into an owl-like alien, while Zoda-Z transforms into a tall alien muscleman.
* [[Throwing Your Sword Always Works]]: combinedCombined with [[Katanas Are Just Better]], above.
* [[Time Travel]]: A major contributor in the second game's plot.
* [[Totally Radical]]: Mike fell into this a bit in the second game (almost literally, as "radical" is what he calls every instance of time-traveling).
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