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Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Unfortunate Character Design]]: Some people find Daryan Crescend's hairdo rather... phallic. With his abrasive, unpleasant personality, players have taken to calling him a figurative ''and'' literal dickhead.
* [[The Untwist]]: You would think that a prosecutor in this series being this nice and friendly outside of court to you must have something to hide. Nope! Klavier Gavin has no dark secrets. He really is just a good guy who's genuinely dedicated to truth and justice.
* [[Values Dissonance]]:
** A recurring fact throughout the game is that it's hard for civilians to acquire guns. This is true in Japan, which has strict gun laws, but in America, it's relatively easy to acquire firearms.
** The same goes for gambling, which is illegal in Japan, but commonplace in the United States.
* [[The Woobie]]: Apollo is either this or a [[Chew Toy]], depending on how funny you think his suffering is.
** Vera. Dear god, Vera.
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