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Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Accidental Aesop]]: Don't use your daughter as a pawn in a criminal scheme. In addition to the character who did this in Phoenix Wright's trilogy, there are about ''four'' characters who do it in ''Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney''. {{spoiler|Phoenix Wright had his daughter give Apollo Justice evidence that Phoenix had forged so that Apollo would present it in court;, Drew Misham had his daughter forge paintings and evidence for money;, Magnifi Gramarye arguably did this when he blackmailed his students with something they had done to his daughter while apparently not doing much to help her;, and Zak Gramarye had his daughter help him escape from his murder trial.}}.
* [[Broken Base]]:
** ''Apollo Justice'' has divided fans into a Phoenix Wright camp and an Apollo Justice camp. Some think the promised fifth game should bring Phoenix back as a lawyer, others believe that Apollo is a good character who just needs another game or two to develop. With the confirmation that it will be Phoenix-centric with Apollo and a new lawyer serving as major characters, fans are still divided about it.
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* [[Draco in Leather Pants]]:
** Valant Gramarye: ok, [[Memetic Mutation|Zak was a jerk]]; almost definitely more of a jerk than Valant. But that doesn't excuse Valant for deciding to {{spoiler|frame him for murder}}, especially when the main motives were jealousy and money. Try telling that to Valant fans though.
** {{spoiler|Kristoph Gavin}} is adored by some fans for his [[Bishonen|handsome looks]], but there isn't much beauty on the inside. It could be said that he's the male equivalent to Dahlia from the previous game. {{spoiler|theThe parallels go even deeper: both Dahlia and Kristoph make use of poison to goad certain people into offing themselves.}}.
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]: {{spoiler|The devilishly handsome Kristoph Gavin}}. He's a bastard alright, but at the same time he just looks so ''damn good'' in a suit.
** The same goes for {{spoiler|Daryan Crescend}} once you get past the silly hairdo. He's every bit the handsome pretty-boy as {{spoiler|his bandmate Klavier.}}.
** And then there's {{spoiler|the incredibly beautiful gold-digging bitch Alita Tiala, who unsurprisingly has her fiancee Wocky head over heels in love with her.}}.
* [[Fanon Discontinuity]]: Some people just can't accept where ''Apollo Justice'' took Phoenix's character, which is probably why Phoenix returns to his original role starting in ''Dual Destines''. Others ignored the game entirely, except for Trucy and Apollo's existence in the office.
* [[Foe Yay]]:
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** On a more humorous version is Ema and Klavier. Despite the former claiming to hate the latter all time, they are frequently shipped together with Ema usually depicted as being a [[Tsundere]] towards Klavier. Even some official art give strong vibes of shipping between the two.
* [[Harsher in Hindsight]]: In the first installment of the series, Mia's advice to Maya is to give Phoenix "three more years" before calling on his representation in court. {{spoiler|The final trial of Phoenix's career happens during his third year}}.
* [[Hilarious in Hindsight]]: The whole incident about Phoenix Wright getting hit by a car and flung into a pole and only suffered a sprained ankle. With his inclusion in ''Ultimate [[Marvel vs. Capcom 3]]'', he had to contend with a variety of attacks, such as [[She Hulk]]'s Level 3 Hyper, which involves getting hit by a car (Sunday Driver, according to her), and her new attack in ''Ultimate'' swinging a pole. The best part is that the hit and run incident in the game took place on a Sunday.
* [[Ho Yay]]: [[Ace Attorney/Ho Yay|Has a page for it.]]
* [[Idiot Plot]]: Many people think this about caseCase 4-3, which has all the characters think it's perfectly feasible for a prepubescent boy to use an incredibly powerful revolver without injury, carry a 250lbs man across an arena, and even for the boy to be a '' secret Interpol agent'' based on a bit of bloody writing despite that having been used as a red herring as far back as Phoenix's second case. While Apollo does dispute the feasibility of the accusations early on, Klavier blew him off immediately. For this reason, the case is one of two (the other being caseCase 2-3) that are generally considered to be the worst in the whole franchise. Shu Takumi has since admitted to the flaws in the case's storyline, and revealed that he was working on the assumption that {{spoiler|Daryan was using his position in the police to manipulate the investigation and throw Machi under the bus for his own crimes}}, but forgot to make this clear in the dialogue. However, people have defended this by using logic that was used in previous installments of the series: Onceonce you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. There was no way to explain how anyone else could have left the crime scene, even ignoring all their alibis, but it can merely be said that blind luck was how Machi was able to fire the gun without injuring himself.
** Case 3 has another idiot moment from one of the witnesses who fails to mention one vital detail in her testimony; she heard the crime take place during the second act and not the third when everyone thought it took place. That could have saved a lot of headaches.
** Even worse was the fact that everyone assumed Machi was an Interpol agent based on the bloody writing. Given how many times something's been written in blood and turned out to be a false lead, you'd think everyone would pick up on that (especially since Apollo claimed that he's read over some of Phoenix's old case files, and Ema {{spoiler|had the same kind of thing happen to her in the SL-9 case}}).
* [[Memetic Sex God]]: Klavier Gavin was the former page image.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: {{spoiler|Depending on your point of view, Kristoph crossed this either when he ruined Phoenix's life, or when he set up the chain of events that led to the near-death of Vera Misham, who he intended to have killed at the ripe age of twelve.}}.
* [[Player Punch]]: Mixes with [[But Thou Must!]] in the {{spoiler|flashback trial}}. Phoenix is blissfully unaware that he's about to {{spoiler|present forged evidence, thinking he's riding the easy train to victory}}. Both the circumstances and the context of the rest of the game already make the player aware this will not end well, but they are dragged kicking and screaming into {{spoiler|presenting the evidence}} to move the plot forward. Really makes the player feel like they're responsible for Phoenix's {{spoiler|disbarment}}.
* [[Porting Disaster]]: While they did tune up the visuals for the iOS and Android release, the audio came over very muffled and tinny. Also the first case is broken in half in order to make the first half a demo. And we hope you like that first half, because it's the only thing in the port you can play without online access or cellular. While this may not often pose a problem (depending on location), it's especially strange because the "demo" isn't free like it is in the other ''Ace Attorney'' iOS ports.
* [[Replacement Scrappy]]:
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** Possibly Trucy as well, especially if you take some lines from Phoenix at the end of the game into consideration.
** Wocky is a [[Jerkass Woobie]], undoubtedly the worst client Apollo gets. In fact he's worse than almost all of Phoenix's defendants [[Ungrateful Bastard|because he doesn't come around by the end]]. But still, {{spoiler|almost getting himself killed and all, lied to concerning this, then realising the truth about Alita}}... He does start to cry at the very end, then abruptly returns to his "gangster" persona before exiting at top speed. It's implied he understands what his father has done for him and that the family will be okay.
** Klavier. It's easy to forget since he's a very laid-back, upbeat guy. But by the time this game has been over, he has {{spoiler|unknowingly helped ruin Phoenix Wright's life over evidence that Phoenix didn't know was forged and was horrified to learn the truth}} as well as had to prosecute {{spoiler|one of his closest friends and bandmates}} as well as {{spoiler|his own brother Kristoph.}}. It's especially sad when you finally see {{spoiler|him and Kristoph in the same room, and it's clear that there's a rift between the two brothers with Klavier cowed by his brother's abrasive and [[pun|toxic]] personality}}.
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