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Ace Attorney/Characters/Witnesses and Other Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: In 1-4, right as Edgeworth is declared guilty, Larry rushes in, yelling for the judge to wait, and demands to testify, and sheds new light on the case in the process. This provided a large hole in Von Karma's case, which, in the end, cost him the trial. Due to this, he also saved Edgeworth's life. He pretty much saved the entire case for Phoenix, really.
** {{spoiler|Ace Attorney Investigations}} spoiler: {{spoiler|And then he and Oldbag burst in in 5-5 with decisive evidence, helping to bust Alba for good.}} He's almost as good at this as Gumshoe!
* [[Blush Sticker]]
* [[Just for Pun|Butz... er, sorry, I mean...]] [[Butt Monkey]]: Has terrible luck in the romance department, especially in the manga, in which, in Turnabout with the Wind {{spoiler|his girlfriend Belle turns out to be the murderer, only talking to him to create an alibi (although she wasn't planning on framing him)}}.
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* [[Hot-Blooded]]
* [[Leitmotif]]: "In the Shadows of the Government", in the third game. Yes, really, that's the name of his theme track. {{spoiler|It returns in Ace Attorney Investigations 2.}}
* [[The Nicknamer]]: "Nick", "Edgy", and "Franzy" for Phoenix, Edgeworth, and Franziska respectively.
* [[Ocular Gushers]]: And HOW!
* [[Phrase Catcher]]: "When something smells, it's usually the Butz."
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* [[Took a Level in Jerkass]]: {{spoiler|Sent Iris a blackmail letter as a means of inviting her to a date,}} though the [[What the Hell, Hero?]] he got when he was busted was [[Played for Laughs]].
** Though it seems to be less malicious intent, and more him just being really really ''bad'' at {{spoiler|writing a love letter.}}
* [[The Nicknamer]]: "Nick", "Edgy", and "Franzy" for Phoenix, Edgeworth, and Franziska respectively.
* [[Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?]]: He has a new job (and girlfriend) every time he appears.
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* [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness]]: So he claims.
** [[Delusions of Eloquence]]: What it actually is.
* [[Smug Snake]]: By the truckload.
* [[Smug Smiler]]: His grin never leaves his face except for his [[Villainous Breakdown]].
* [[Smug Snake]]: By the truckload.
=== Will Powers (''Saburo Niboshi'') ===
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* [[Born Unlucky]]: My god, where to begin? She fell from the 9th floor of a building ''as a baby'', got hit by all sort of vehicles, got sick from all sorts of food, failed every test she has ever taken, [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|lost every game of tic-tac-toe she's ever played]], was framed for murder three times...She was even nicknamed Goddess of Misfortune as a child, and Lady Luckless by the time she reached college !
* [[Cosmic Plaything]]
* [[Hair Decorations]]
* [[Fair Cop]]
* [[Fan Girl]]: Phoenix's business card is her most prized possession.
** The way she practically squees over Edgeworth in ''Investigations'' hints that she may be one for him as well.
* [[Hair Decorations]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]/[[Punny Name]]: Magpie birds are unlucky. "Mako Suzuki" is a pun on "''maketsuzuki''", "continuing to lose".
* [[Meganekko]]
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* [[Magic Plastic Surgery]]
* [[Meaningful Name]] / [[Punny Name]]: Eeny, meeny, miney, mo.
** {{spoiler|[[Dead Person Impersonation|Or Mimi, as in mimicry.]]}}
* [[Nice Hat]]: Which gets utterly abused and wrecked over the course of the case.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]
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* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Due to her sheltered upbringing.
* [[The Cutie]]
* {{spoiler|[[Deadly Prank]]}}: {{spoiler|To Bat. Technically, he didn't die, but he's currently in a coma with little hope of waking up. This, combined with her overall naivety and the fact that she is blissfully unaware of the severity of what she did, is what lead Acro to try and kill her}}
* [[Death Is a Sad Thing]]: Or it would be if she had ''any'' idea what it meant.
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: ...Except Money.
* [[Genki Girl]]
* {{spoiler|[[It's All My Fault]]: What she says once the truth is uncovered. Accompanied by her finally opening the waterworks.}}
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: With Maya. Seems awfully attached to a girl she just met.
* {{spoiler|[[It's All My Fault]]: What she says once the truth is uncovered. Accompanied by her finally opening the waterworks.}}
* [[Meaningful Name]]: "Regina" means "queen".
* [[Pepper Sneeze]]
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* [[Anti-Villain]]: {{spoiler|Probably one of the least of the murders in the series. However this does not absolve him from trying to kill Regina due to her ignorance, unintentionally killing her father and then framing an innocent Maximillion Galactica for the crime}}.
* [[Beneath Suspicion]]: Justified.
* {{spoiler|[[Beware the Nice Ones]]}}
* [[Deus Angst Machina]]: ''Boy goddamn howdy''.
* [[Disney Creatures of the Farce]]
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Actor of the Nickel Samurai, and the fierce rival of Juan Corrida. He's slow-witted, and relies on his manager/producer/et al. for advice via the cell phone he wears like a wristwatch. Naturally, {{spoiler|that's all a facade. He's actually a complete sociopath that trusts no one and uses people to their advantage. When he found out that Juan Corrida was going to ruin his "beautiful public image", he hired deKiller to assassinate him.}}
* {{spoiler|[[A Glass of Chianti]]: ...while in prison, no less.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]}}
* [[Bishonen]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Depraved Kids' Show Host]]}}
* [[Fingerless Gloves]]
* {{spoiler|[[A Glass of Chianti]]: ...while in prison, no less.}}
* [[Foe Yay]]: With Juan.
* {{spoiler|[[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: Of the good ol' fashioned evil variety.}}
* [[Heads I Win, Tails You Lose]]: The basic premise of his case: Win, and you let him get away with murder. Lose, and Maya dies.
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