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* In ''[[Girl Genius]]'', [[Implacable Man|Airman Axel]] [[The Magnificent|"The Unstoppable"]] [[Made of Iron|Higgs]] slides into this state after Zola {{spoiler|stabs Zeetha}}. Every panel showing him afterwards depicts him with this look of pure yet tempered and determined fury on his face as he relentlessly pursues and fights her.
** After beating Vole using [[Unstoppable Rage]], Gil points out that his father feels like this ''all the time'', which means the baron lives in tranquil fury all the time he doesn't spend in non-tranquil fury.
* [[Sakana|Jiro Sakana]], usually a [[Shrinking Violet]] [[Extreme Doormat]], shows this trope when he gets angry, fully contrasting with his [[Hot-Blooded|older]] [[Unstoppable Rage|brother]]. Case in point: {{spoiler|When Yuudai's abusive ex-boyfriend Arata starts harassing him at work, Jiro (with help from his [[Love Interest]] Chie) kicks him out of the stall with just a [[Death Glare]] and a stone cold voice. Later, he tells Yuudai in no uncertain terms [[If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...|he cannot hurt his best friend Taisei in any way]], all without raising his voice.}} This fully shows he's [[BewareNot theSo NiceDifferent|not Onesthat different]] from his [[Hot-Blooded]] older brother, indeed.who combines this trope with [[Unstoppable Rage]].
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