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Shin Megami Tensei II/Characters: Difference between revisions

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== Hawk/Aleph ==
The main character in the game, he starts out as an amnesic gladiator. As soon as he becomes a citizen of the Center, he discovers that he was [[Artificial Human|designed to be]] [[The Chosen One|the Messiah, destined to save the world.]].
In the 'Neutral' alignment ending, prior to Aleph's battle with YHVH, he is forewarned that by defying God's Will, Aleph will suffer a never-ending cycle of punishment, as YHVH would [[Fate Worse Than Death|torture Aleph, kill him, reincarnate him, and continue torturing him until the end of time for committing the 'Ultimate Sin']] -[[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|deicide.]]. See more information in ''[[Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne]]'''s Character section, under the name Jyoji Hijiri.
* [[Badass]]: Not only was he ''designed'' to be one, but by the end of the game, {{spoiler|HE KILLS GOD HIMSELF!}}!
** [[Badass Normal]]: Like the first game protagonist, he learns no magic whatsoever.
** [[One-Man Army]]: Regarded as one by all sides by the end of the game.
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* [[The Beast Master]]
* [[Dancing Is Serious Business]]: Not only does it feature into the plot (seriously, you have to win a disco competition at one point, whereupon it's revealed Aleph is damn good at dancing), it is also one of Aleph's most successful demon recruitment options, to the point demons are so impressed how much style he puts into his dancing that that alone will convince them to join on the spot.
* [[Designer Babies]]: Not really a spoiler..... but the exact details of this are a severe [[Mind Screw]].
* [[Dreadful Musician]]: Aleph trying to sing will instantly drive demons into incoherent rage, many believing it being an attempt to kill them.
* [[Dude, Where's My Respect?]]: Averted hard. Being the Messiah tends to make many demons outright terrified to piss you off by the end of the game, and merely namedropping who you are can get them to join you, especially if they are Law aligned.
* [[Expy]]: {{spoiler|Jesus}}.
* [[Fate Worse Than Death]]: Promised one in the Neutral Endingending.
** {{spoiler|[[Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne|And if you interpret that Hijiri is Aleph/ A reincarnation of Aleph than...]]}} {{spoiler|[[Downer Ending|well...]]}}.
* [[Katanas Are Just Better]]: All his concept art depict him with a katana... And [[Guns Akimbo|2 guns.]].
* [[The Messiah]]: Created as one.
* [[Neutral Good]]: Like the first game protagonist, his alignment is set to Light, and regardless of ending, he is ultimately fighting in the name of humanity {{spoiler|or what's left of it.}}.
* [[Unresolved Sexual Tension]]: It's pretty thick between himself and Hiroko, and lots of characters comment on it.
== Hiroko ==
The main heroine of the game, she is initially paired up with him after he becomes a citizen of the Center. However, she decides to go against their will and do whatever you want, and is basically with you for the rest of the game on all alignment paths.
* [[Badass]]:
** [[Action Girl]]
** {{spoiler|[[Action Mom]] of Aleph}}.
* [[Combat Stilettos]]: remakeRemake takes the height [[Up to Eleven]].
* [[Expy]]: {{spoiler|theThe Virgin Mary}} . {{spoiler|Satan explicitly lampshades this very fact in the Law ending.}}.
* [[Hilarity Ensues]]: Virtually everything she does to [[Butt Monkey|Daleth]] during the [[Love Potion|Infidelity Sap]] arc.
* {{spoiler|[[Hot Shounen Mom]]: Of the Hero. Albeit in a weird, [[Mind Screw]] way.}}.
* [[Megaton Punch]]: Gets a rather amusing version of this in one Demon Negotiation where a demon gives you the choice of having her sing, dance, or Nudge Nudge them for their cooperation, and if you pick option number three, she gets pissed, punches the demon while [[Calling Your Attacks|using a rather amusingly named punch named after herself]], and the battle will immediately end with the demon running off.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: In universe, demons find her pretty damn hot (and by human standards, she is pretty good looking as well), and this is so pronounced demons of all types want to either kiss or... you get the idea... with her in occasional Demon Negotiations. [[Anything That Moves|Even if the demon(s) in question doesn't/don't have the body parts to perform such acts.]].
* {{spoiler|[[Parental Incest]]: Implied in the Neutral ending, where she tells the Hero they have to rebuild the Earth as they walk off into the sunset, which is very similar to what the Heroine of the first game's purpose was. Also, in game, both she and the Hero are shipped together by various characters, and they even have some commented upon [[Unresolved Sexual Tension]].}}.
* [[Stripperiffic]]: Wears what can be best described as a female templar outfit meets a dominatrix outfit.
* [[Unresolved Sexual Tension]]: TONS of this with Aleph, commented on by many characters.
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* [[Action Girl]]
* [[Bodyguard Crush]]: On Aleph. {{spoiler|[[All Love Is Unrequited|It doesn't end]] [[Heroic Sacrifice|the way she hoped]]}}.
* [[Combat Stilettos]]
* [[Expy]]: Of Yuriko from the first game. {{spoiler|Except she's good.}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Famous Last Words]]: We will never [[Tear Jerker|meet again...]]}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}
* [[Nice Hat]]: Wears a rather fitting cross patterned head wrap.
* [[Shallow Love Interest]]: Intended as such in universe. Subverted by the fact {{spoiler|she does a genuine [[Heroic Sacrifice]] and gives you her soul in death as a powerup.}}.
* [[Suspiciously Similar Substitute]]: ofOf Hiroko, except with slightly better starting stats.
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]
== [[Louis Cypher]]/Lucifer ==
In ''[[Shin Megami Tensei II]]'', Lucifer again takes the form of Louis Cypher, in order to convince you to follow the Chaos path. [[Multiple Endings|If you chose the Law and Neutral Pathspaths, you will face him in battle]], [[Optional Party Member|but in the Chaos path]], he will join your party [[Enemy Mine|in order to stop Satan and YHVH]]. According to dialogue, he was ordered by YHVH to cause [[The End of the World as We Know It|The Great Destruction with Kuzuryu]], [[That's No Moon|the nine-headed dragon that makes up the mountains of Makai]], but [[Turned Against Their Masters|Lucifer plans to use Kuzuryu against YHVH instead]]. If Aleph's alignment is neutralNeutral, and he defeats Lucifer without the aid of Satan, Lucifer will warn Aleph that Kuzuryu must be defeated as well since it will go berserk without him to control it.
* [[Badass]]:
** [[Badass in a Nice Suit]]: His human look.
** [[Four-Star Badass]]: All beings in Makai consider him their archcommander.
* [[Benevolent Boss]]: As opposed to YHVH, who made Astaroth his personal [[Butt Monkey]], Lucifer gave him a job as one of the leading generals of Makai. Further, Lucifer is pretty laid back, letting his subordinates run their little sections of Makai without much interference, and even Crowley, who is rather mad about not being able to host a Walpurgis Night (due to Lucifer's orders), refuses to speaks ill of him.
* [[Blondes Are Evil]]: Or at least have a contested alignment, unless you are in the Law alignment, which plays this straight.
** This trope even lets you tell who is the real [[Louis Cypher]] when {{spoiler|Astaroth}} impersonates him.
* [[The Charmer]]: Very polite, honest, {{spoiler|[[Graceful Loser|accepts his defeat with grace and simply asks Aleph to save his people.]]}}.
* [[Graceful Loser]]
* [[Satan Is Good|Lucifer is Good]]: True, he hates YHVH, but he honestly does want what's left of humanity to survive.
* [[One-Winged Angel|Six Winged Angel]]: Two forms of this, no less.
* [[Took a Level In Kindness]]: In SMT1''Shin Megami Tensei 1'', he was the same as YHVH. In this one, he is very much interested in seeing humanity survive as he is demonkind. {{spoiler|His ending is one of the only times in the series that Chaos actually FEELS like a happy ending, rather than just a world of vice and freedom.}}.
* [[Villains Out Shopping]]: When not actively planning to screw over God, he can usually be found in the bars across the game, knocking back a drink.
== Zayin ==
A devoted member of the Center and its rules, [[Defector From Decadence|he eventually decides that his masters are not what they seem and vows allegiance to the forces of Law themselves]]. And in the name of the people, he fights against the Center, trying to recruit the hero to his side along the way.
{{spoiler|He turns out to be 1/2 of Satan. He [[Fusion Dance|merges with Set]] to become [[Satan]]. In the endings of the Neutral and Chaos alignment paths, Satan decides to use the Megiddo Arc (a [[Kill Sat|powerful laser weapon]] within Eden) to [[Kill'Em All|destroy all life on the planet as his judgment]]. He is killed by Aleph before he can carry out his plans, and his death prompts the appearance of [[Final Boss|YHWH]]. In the [[Multiple Endings|Law alignment ending]], he carries out the plan successfully, but [[Even Evil Has Standards|accuses YHVH for committing the sin of genocide afterward]] [[Enemy Mine|and chose to align with Aleph]],; however, he [[No Ontological Inertia|crumbles to dust after defeating his creator]].}}.
A devoted member of the Center and its rules, [[Defector From Decadence|he eventually decides that his masters are not what they seem and vows allegiance to the forces of Law themselves]]. And in the name of the people he fights against the Center, trying to recruit the hero to his side along the way.
{{spoiler|He turns out to be 1/2 of Satan. He [[Fusion Dance|merges with Set]] to become [[Satan]]. In the endings of the Neutral and Chaos alignment paths, Satan decides to use the Megiddo Arc (a [[Kill Sat|powerful laser weapon]] within Eden) to [[Kill'Em All|destroy all life on the planet as his judgment]]. He is killed by Aleph before he can carry out his plans, and his death prompts the appearance of [[Final Boss|YHWH]]. In the [[Multiple Endings|Law alignment ending]], he carries out the plan successfully, but [[Even Evil Has Standards|accuses YHVH for committing the sin of genocide afterward]] [[Enemy Mine|and chose to align with Aleph]], however, he [[No Ontological Inertia|crumbles to dust after defeating his creator]].}}
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* [[Badass]]: {{spoiler|In his real form.}}.
* [[Bare-Fisted Monk]]: {{spoiler|As a human.}}.
* [[Defector From Decadence]]
* [[The Dragon]]: {{spoiler|ultimatelyUltimately, to YHVH, except on the Law path}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Eldritch Abomination]]: Just... ''look'' at his [[One-Winged Angel]] form.}}.
* {{spoiler|1=[[Even Evil Has Standards]]/[[Enemy Mine]]/[[Satan Is Good]]: [[Multiple Endings|If you pick the Law path]] }}.
* [[Hypocrite]]: {{spoiler|He betrays the Center for their plotting to eliminate the undesireablesundesirables in the construction of the Thousand Year Kingdom, but does (or attempts to do) the same thing with the Meggido Ark.}}.
* [[Knight Templar]]
* {{spoiler|[[Multi-Armed and Dangerous]]: His [[One-Winged Angel]] form.}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Satan]]}}
== Gimmel ==
* {{spoiler|[[Beware the Nice Ones]].}}.
* [[Bishonen]]: {{spoiler|No, in the real world, he looks to be a bald naked skinny guy in a machine.}}.
* [[Crystal Spires and Togas]] -: Where he lives in Arcadia and what the general clothing choice is in his assigned area. {{spoiler|It's all an illusion.}}.
* [[Harp of Femininity]]: Always carrys around one.
* [[Long-Haired Pretty Boy]]: {{spoiler|[[Magical Land|No.]]}}.
== Daleth ==
* [[The Antichrist|The Anti Messiah]]: Was created to specifically oppose Aleph, though he claims itsit's the other ways around.
* [[Jerkass]] -> [[Nice Guy]]: (afterAfter [[Love Redeems]]).
* [[Love Redeems]]
* [[Never My Fault]] He blames you for {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice|Beth's Death]]}}. Claiming you {{spoiler|[[Kick Them While They Are Down|used that young woman as a shield.]]}}.
* [[The Rival]]
* [[Team Rocket]]: A one man version of this, even.
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